HTC is (too) confident reviewers like One (M8)

The first ad a company releases for its new product reveals the marketing strategy it pursues. In HTC's case, the first video advert for the new One (M8) tells us nothing concrete about the smartphone.
The ad features actor Gary Oldman, who, while saying "blah" countless times as if he has got nothing interesting to tell us, refers us to the good old Internet to make up our own minds about the One (M8), a smartphone which, per the man's words, "is designed for people who form their own opinions". No wonder the ad is called "Blah Blah Blah - Go Ahead, Ask The Internet".
Of course, we would be forming our own opinions based on reviewers' opinions, because no one can actually experience how good the device actually is just by reading about it online, without experiencing it themselves.
HTC is quite confident people who have tested the smartphone -- and, obviously, agreed to an NDA/embargo to get it ahead of yesterday's official launch -- gave it high marks, otherwise we would have been seeing the company taking a different, less cocky, approach.
It is an interesting take though, that is different from that of its main competitors that either appeal to our emotions or pitch features to get us, consumers, to pull out our credit cards to buy their products. And, yes, the reviews are favorable so far.