The New York Times pulls support for its Windows Phone app

Microsoft's Windows Phone was actually pretty terrible. While it had some redeeming qualities, the now-failed platform was quite deficient compared to iOS and Android. Only the absolute biggest Microsoft loyalists truly embraced it, and even they have mostly moved on. Yeah, other consumers bought Windows Phone devices, but likely just because some of the models were so damn inexpensive -- it was like purchasing a feature-phone. Hell, the NYPD famously regretted choosing Microsoft's mobile OS.
That's why it is surprising that The New York Times -- one of the most important news outlets in history -- is still supporting a Windows Phone app. Well, I should say it was supporting it. You see, in a rather unceremonious announcement, the company says it is ending support for that app.
"Beginning in December 2017, The New York Times will no longer support the NYTimes app for Windows Phone. You can access a more complete New York Times experience through our mobile site ( from your phone's browser," says The New York Times.
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The paper further says, "The mobile website includes all of the same content and sections as the Windows App, plus it has a more interactive and modern home page that is similar to our other digital experiences. All New York Times home delivery and digital subscribers have unlimited access to both our mobile and desktop sites. Nonsubscribers will continue to receive to a number of free articles per month."
To be honest, I am surprised that The New York Times bothered with a Windows Phone app at all. Its readers tend to be sophisticated and in-the-know. It is unlikely that many of them embraced something other than an iPhone, iPad, or to a lesser extent, an Android device. You would have to be rather uninformed to select a phone running Microsoft's mobile operating system.
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If you somehow are a Windows Phone user that subscribes to The New York Times, you can, of course, use your mobile web browser to access the content. I would suggest buying a new smartphone instead, however. Yes... we all know it takes great photos, but it is time to throw that Lumia into a lake and move on.
Image Credit: Fer Gregory/Shutterstock