Suffering from slower internet? IObit makes Internet Booster PRO free

Last week, software publisher IObit launched a giveaway site, making 50,000 licenses of its paid PRO products -- including Advanced SystemCare Ultimate and Malware Fighter -- available for free.
It did this in response to the coronavirus pandemic and to improve people's PC experience. Today it takes another step in helping those suffering from slower internet as a result of ever greater numbers working from home, by making Internet Booster PRO free for a limited time.
Internet Booster is a PRO function in Advanced SystemCare that promises to boost internet speeds by up to 300 percent (your mileage will vary, of course).
IObit explains that "More and more people are staying at home working and learning. According to Broadbandnow report, eighty eight (44 percent) of the 200 cities they analyzed have experienced some degree of network degradation over the past week compared to the 10 weeks prior."
So, from today, anyone using the free edition of Advanced SystemCare will find that Internet Booster is now available, and enabled by default.
If you don’t have Advanced SystemCare installed, you can get the latest version from here.
Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock