People just aren't switching to Windows 11

When Microsoft announced Windows 11 a year ago, it also said it would continue to support Windows 10 until (at least) 2025.
Knowing this, users have largely opted to stay with Windows 10 -- better the devil you know, right? -- and that’s a trend that doesn’t look set to change any time soon.
StatCounter today issues its latest monthly report on the state of the desktop operating system market and it doesn’t make great reading for fans of Windows 11.
According to the company's latest figures, Windows 10 continues to dominate with a 71.88 percent usage share. That's down from 71.91 percent the previous month, which is a tiny fall of just 0.03 percentage points.
Windows 11 grew by just over half a percentage point in the same time frame, for a not-so grand total of 13.61 percent.
That places it above Windows 7, which still has a share of 10.63 percent, despite Microsoft having stopped supporting it ages ago.

Still, this is all slightly better news for Microsoft than a recent report from Lansweeper which found that considerably more businesses were running Windows 7 than Windows 11.
To put all of this usage share into context, a year after being released, Windows 10 was on 22.53 percent, compared to Windows 7 which was then on 48.27 percent.
Photo credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock