Windows 11's share continues its slow rise

Although Windows 10 is comfortably the most popular desktop operating system out there, its successor, Windows 11, is slowly gaining on it.
And 'slowly' is definitely the word to use here -- a situation not helped by the new operating system's stricter system requirements which mean it's much harder for users to upgrade older systems to it.
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StatCounter today issues its latest monthly report on the state of the desktop operating system market and once again this shows Windows 11's share growing glacially.
According to the company's figures for December, Windows 10 continues to dominate with a 67.95 percent usage share, but that’s a drop of 1.8 percentage points from where it stood in November.
Windows 11 grew by 0.84 percentage points in the same time frame, for a not-so amazing total share of 16.97 percent.
That places it well above Windows 7, which still has a reasonable share of 11.27 percent, despite Microsoft having stopped supporting it ages ago. Having said that, Windows 7 grew by 0.95 percentage points in December, so there’s clearly still life in the old dog yet.

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