Election year gives rise to global supply chain cyberthreats

This year sees elections around the world, affecting around half the global population, with voters in the US, Mexico, India, Taiwan, Indonesia, the UK and other places all heading to the polls.

A new report from Everstream Analytics looks at how these elections will create new supply chain risks associated with global trade, commodity supplies and cyberattacks.

"This year, regional economic powerhouses and some of the world's largest economies will cast ballots that could significantly impact global populations; as such, organizations must operate with heightened awareness around resulting supply chain impacts," says David Northington, CEO of Everstream Analytics. "Our proprietary findings demonstrate the need for supply chain resiliency, proactivity, and prioritization. Global decision-makers must prepare for potential risk scenarios ahead of time to reduce disruption and ensure business continuity."

National elections present a prime opportunity for cybercriminals and foreign nation-state attackers to wield influence across borders and destabilize societies.


The report reveals that both the United States and Taiwan are at high risk of attempted cyberattacks amid national elections. The number of attempted cyberattacks on Taiwanese government institutions, technology and critical infrastructure targets doubled from 1,700 to more than 4,300 incidents in the 24-hour period before the country's national election on January 13, 2024. Another 1,000 cyber incidents were recorded on the actual election day.

The growing likelihood and resulting severity of a nation-targeted attack in the United States has led the current administration to issue an executive order to address port interference attempts. Port operators are required to report all cyberattacks to the Coast Guard Cyber Command. The Port of Los Angeles alone, the country's busiest seaport, faces an average of 54 million cyber-related intrusion attempts per month.

You can get the full report from the Everstream site.

Image credit: Syda Productions/Dreamstime.com

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