QPlay is closing -- good riddance

In February, I foolishly spent 50-odd bucks for QPlay, the streaming TV player for iPad, which I used with the Air. The user experience was terrible from the start and never got better over the miserable months that followed. Slow. Stuttering. Stopped.
Today, the startup sent me email that the service bustup. Doors close July 25, so lend your QPlay to your worst enemy while you still can for some streaming mayhem and frustration.
It is with heavy hearts that we announce Qplay will be closing.
Our last day of service is next Friday, July 25.
We truly enjoyed bringing you the best videos from around the Internet. We had fun building and using Qplay and hope that you did too. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to keep developing and running the service.
We want to thank our investors and partners for giving us this chance, and we especially want to thank you, our users, for giving us a try. It was a pleasure.If you purchased a TV Adapter from us and would like a refund, we will give you your money back (learn how to request a refund). Refund requests will be accepted until next Friday July 25, 2014 at 5 PM Pacific. All TV Adapters will stop functioning when the service shuts down, so please responsibly recycle your TV Adapter. Click here to find a local electronics recycling center. If you have any questions, send us an email to [email protected].
The app, website, service, and TV Adapters will all stop working at
5 PM Pacific on Friday July 25, 2014.We did our best, and we’re sorry this is the end for Qplay. Farewell.
Thank you again,The Qplay Team
The bit of good news here is the refund.
Photo Credit: Joe Wilcox