Latest Technology News

Evaluate SQL Server CE 1.1

Microsoft has posted a 120-day evaluation edition of SQL Server 2000 for Windows CE 1.1 and tools for mobile developers. SQL Server CE is a "capable database that supports reliable data synchronization based on Internet standards and that is optimized for mobile and wireless scenarios." eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0 is also available for download, a small version of Visual Studio containing eMbedded Visual Basic and eMbedded Visual C++ and the SDKs for the Pocket PC, Palm-size PC, and Handheld PC. Interested developers may download the evaluation edition of SQL Server CE and added tools at the MS SQL Server Web site.

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Windows File Extension Bug Poses Threat

Bug hunter Georgi Guninski has uncovered yet another security flaw that a malicious user can take advantage of to do harm to a Microsoft Windows system. This exploit entails the use of a CLSID appended onto an apparently innocuous file, opening the door for an end-user to execute a script or executable unknowingly. The CLSID is not displayed in Windows Explorer or IE, and gives the impression that the file in question is safe to open. The extension would be no cause for alarm unlike '.gif.vbs', for example.

Windows does recognize the file according to the CLSID, and will even display the ID string in more detailed views. However, at first glance the only protection from this exploit is to take notice of the icon associated with the file.

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McVeigh Death Broadcast Still Fighting

As many of you may know, just a short while ago Timothy McVeigh was found guilty for the destruction of the federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. After waiving all appeals in the case his death sentence is quickly approaching, which was set for May 16th. Now an Internet firm is attempting to broadcast the execution over the Web at a cost of $1.95 per person, but is facing a heap of legal troubles to proceed.

Yesterday a judge denied the company's request, which it plans to appeal in coming weeks. Another net firm has stated it plans to attempt a broadcast of the execution should Entertainment Network be allowed to do so.

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Sega Announces Restructuring Plan

Sega, who last month ditched the once popular Dreamcast console, announced an aggressive restructuring plan today to get the company as a whole "back in black". Currently on a four-year profit skid, Sega announced earlier this year they would be leaving the console market in favor of game development. Associated Press reports that after cutting its staff nearly 30%, Sega plans to launch 11 titles for the X-Box console when it debuts later this year. It will also roll out titles for Nintendo's GameCube, as well as a new deal to develop games for mobil phones. Should Sega continue to post massive losses, it could spell the end for the once profitable company.

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Mandrake Linux 8.0 Arrives

The third new Linux distribution release this week, Mandrake Linux 8.0 has begun to appear on FTP mirrors after two months in beta. Mandrake touts itself as "a user-friendly Linux operating system that is easy to manage and use, yet retains all the power and reliability that has made Linux so successful." Version 8.0 updates the graphical environment, adds the Mandrake Control Center to customize computer settings, sports the latest Linux Kernel 2.4.3, and features additional 3D support with an update to XFree86. Mandrake is a great way to get started with Linux and is extremely simple to install and configure. To download, visit or one of the many FTP mirrors.

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Khronos Group Announces New API Standards

3DLabs has sent word about an important call to action on the adoption of a new API standards initiative that will bring dynamic media capabilities to a wide variety of appliances and embedded devices. The Khronos Group is also beginning a new phase of work on OpenML, the API which will allow developers to more easily integrate audio and video in their applications. The Group is looking for those who develop, market, or specify products that use and generate dynamic media to join the initiative.

Founded in early 2000, the Khronos Group is composed of 3Dlabs, ATI, Discreet, Evans & Sutherland, IBM, Intel, SGI and Sun Microsystems, with a goal of creating open standards to enable the delivery of dynamic media. Previous lack of vendor collaboration made it hard to create interoperability with tools for professional content creation.

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Microsoft Updates MSN Messenger

After two and a half months, Microsoft has quietly updated MSN Messenger, the software giant's AIM rival. Although the build number was only increased one notch from 3.6.0025 to 3.6.0026, the setup is almost twice as large as the February release. The update also coincides with the announcement of Explorer 6.1, the software consolidation of MSN services. New features are currently unknown as Microsoft has not yet updated its Messenger Web site. Download the updated build at FileForum and let us know how it performs.

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Beta Software Glitch Causes TiVo Reboots

A particular beta distribution of TiVO software is causing the unit to reboot repeatedly, according to users. Subscribers have been issued a fix by the company, however it has not yet reached everyone. The problem only effects those using DirecTV services. "It seems that there are isolated incidents of people having problems," said a TiVo spokeswoman. "The problems are tied to WishLists and searches for actors with single names..." TiVo recently released the beta of version 2.0, offering added features and speed not found in 1.3.

An estimated 153,000 customers were using DirecTV services at the end of January. Many users have been posting complaints for several months, yet the issue has only been brought up to TiVo executives rather recently.

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Microsoft to Demo XP at eXtreme

Microsoft has opened registration for their upcoming eXtreme event on Saturday, June 2. Microsoft eXtreme is your chance to see Office XP and Windows XP close up, as well as take home copies of Visio 2002 and SharePoint Portal Server (formerly 'Tahoe'). The event is completely free to those who register, however seating is limited. Microsoft will also be demonstrating the Xbox, MS Reader, and Windows Media Player 8. T-shirts will be handed out to attendees in addition to a coupon book for Office XP. It only takes a few minutes to sign up and eXtreme is definitely worth checking out, even just for the free software. For more information, visit Microsoft Events.

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Red Hat Linux 7.1 Ships

Red Hat, Inc. this week announced the release of Red Hat Linux 7.1, the latest update to the ever popular Linux distribution featuring Kernel version 2.4. Release 7.1 includes the Network Software Manager, a tool that notifies users of important package updates and errata. A firewall setup now allows users to secure their systems with greater ease, and configuration tools make Apache and BIND setup a breeze. This new release will begin shipping April 23 at a price of $39.95 USD, and arrives with the release of the free Debian 2.2r3. Red Hat Linux basic includes 30 days of Web-based installation support. For a full list of new features, visit

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Microsoft Tweaks IE6

UPDATE: Build 2465.3 has been released to testers, with a new 'Media Bar' replacing the highly criticized Personal Bar.

Microsoft has been working hard to tweak its next-generation Web browser, Internet Explorer 6.0, set to debut with Windows XP later this year. The company recently released a new beta build, 2463.52, which contains additional privacy features and a revamped Personal Bar. Still not meeting tester standards, Microsoft will end up removing the Personal Bar from the browser. The Contacts feature will also get the axe according to Microsoft guru Paul Thurrott. Both features can be seen in the IE6 Public Preview released last month.

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We're Back!

After a short hiatus due to recent discord, BetaNews is alive and kicking once again. The BetaNews team is working hard to get everything back on track and have a few important announcements coming up in the near future. We would like to thank everyone for their patience these last three weeks and will be holding a giveaway shortly to show how grateful we are. With that said, let's get to some beta news. Those interested in the recent split may read on, as we do not wish to leave anyone in the dark.

As many of you know, BetaNews launched eFront, Inc. in November of 1999. This was a creation of our own, intended to bring together highly-specialized technology-oriented Web sites into a single network. We were not purchased by eFront. A few sites that BetaNews was in talks with regarding joining the eFront Network happened to be picked up by a small start-up by the name of Netwhirl Communication.

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Commentary: Privacy, A Vending Machine Novelty

These days it seems like everyone is trying to sell you something, whether it be online, over the phone, or directly to your face. We as consumers cannot go a week without at least ten telemarketer calls at 9 AM while on our way to work, or school, whichever it may be. It is mind-boggling how many companies exist solely for the purpose of making your mornings hell, or as Brad Pitt put it in Fight Club, how you go to work just to go home and buy "crap we don’t need."

American consumerism is at its best these days, purchasing a book from Amazon or having people deliver your groceries to your doorstep without you leaving the house. I've always said before that laziness, not necessity, is the mother of all invention. But with this invention of e-commerce and the Internet comes a price, a pretty high price if you consider the implications of what information about you is floating around on the Net.

Continue reading Debuts Listen Seeker Beta

The crew over at have released the first beta of Listen Seeker, a tool to access content while downloading music from services such as Napster. Similar to the more established, Listen Seeker gives a user the ability to get song recommendations, sample and download songs or videos, read the latest reviews, and discover new music. The application can also open Napster when the user requests to download music, a feature which will undoubtedly stir controversy. While Listen Seeker is still in an early beta phase, it is definitely worth trying out as a companion to your downloading. Additionally, the company promises Listen Seeker will be "working with all types of online music applications like streaming radio and subscription services." Download Listen Seeker at FileForum and visit for more information.

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Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3 Released

The third revision of Debian GNU/Linux 2.2, one of the most popular and arguably easiest to use Linux distribtuions, was released Tuesday. Debian 2.2r3 contains several security and bug updates in many
popular Linux packages. Amongst the list are mysql, openssh, bind, wu-ftpd, squid and
the Linux kernel itself. So, fire up your old PC sitting in your store room and give Linux a try.

For detailed instructions on installing Debian GNU/Linux read the release notes.

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