Latest Technology News

YooZee Browser - Just Better

At least, that is what the Web site is saying about this alpha product. YooZee is a Web browser based on Internet Explorer, with some really nice added features. Fully skinnable, YooZee also offers netizens advanced search in favorites, and the ability to completely customize and adapt the look and feel according to the user preferences. It utilizes the Internet Explorer 5.5 engine for enhanced speed and Web experience pleasure. The browser is currently registered at 0.1 alpha, and can be downloaded here.

Continue reading - Find Out Before You Shop

A new Web site has hit the net that could potentially make your online shopping experience better and easier. is a site where users can go rate different eCommerce sites and "Leave Your Mark" with reviews and comments. It has a great user interface, and is easy to understand and navigate around the site. Dubbed "The Online Shoppers Best Friend," has potential to be a really great stop on the Web before you buy that item from some place you've never heard of. For more information visit

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Melissa: She's Baaaack!

A new strain of the Melissa macro virus is out there,
making the rounds the same way it did when it clobbered computer
systems worldwide nearly two years ago.

Except this time, the Melissa remake was hatched from a Macintosh,
said Patrick Martin, an anti-virus response manager with Internet security
provider Symantec, warning Mac and PC users to delete questionable
e-mails and maintain an up-to-date anti-virus product.

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Mafiaboy Takes Rap On 55 Counts

What could have been a lengthy trial for a Canadian teen
hacker evaporated today when the youth known as "Mafiaboy" pleaded
guilty to charges that he broke into Internet servers and
used them as launching pads for attacks on high-profile Web sites.

The 16-year-old from Montreal, Quebec, was facing 66 charges of
mischief resulting from the attacks on sites that included,,, and the Web home of computer maker
Dell. The teen, who can't be identified under Canadian law, had
earlier pleaded innocent, but Crown prosecutor Louis Miville-
Deschenes said today that "Mafiaboy" pleaded guilty to 55 of those

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GlobalSCAPE Delivers Beta 1 of CuteFTP Pro

The guys over at GlobalSCAPE sent word that they have officially released the first beta of CuteFTP Pro. As many of you may have read back from November, the product was shown to BetaNews at Fall Internet World, and it looked to be very promising. Right now the feature-list for the program is quite impressive, giving users abilities not seen in CuteFTP or many other FTP programs out there.

Completely redesigned, CuteFTP Pro gives users multiple concurrent session abilities, multi-part transfers to increase download speed, and SSL or SSH2 secure transfers. Also in the new software comes site-to-site transfer functionality, scheduling, and offline browsing, to name a few more. All of the features of this exciting new product could not be listed in this article.

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Whistler Security Cracked

As many BetaNews readers have said in the past, it seems that extra security thrown into Windows Whistler has been cracked, and easily, you might add. British site The Register is reporting that sources told them the security measures are easy to get around, and should cause no problem for those who would like to have the upcoming OS without actually paying for it.

According to the article Whistler security works as follows. Code on the CD partners with a specific code generator that develops a code specific to the system configuration to create another code which is sent to Microsoft via the phone or the Web. Once MS receives that code, another code is sent back to you as the user, which is entered into the system, and the software is unlocked.

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To .Net or Not To .Net - That is the Question

While Microsoft continues on its warpath to a complete .Net strategy transformation with its upcoming Visual Studio .Net, many developers are not going quietly into the night and raging against the softwares progress. Not even in its second beta release, which is scheduled for this spring, VS.Net seems to be lacking its promised killer abilities thus far.

While it might not be fair to judge the software based on its first beta, many developers are doing just that, according to the report.

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AOL Closing Entertaindom Site

AOL reports today that it will be closing Time Warner's Entertaindom network as of February 1st. Sources close to the news told ZDNet that the operations will relocate into the larger Warner Brothers Online site. The Warner Bros. spokesperson told reporters "We're looking at what makes sense for the long term." Another source told ZDNet the cutback could be signs of future plans for "massive layoffs, cutting really deep through Warner and Time Warner." For more information read over at ZDNet.

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Portable Devices Are Cooling Down - Thanks to IsoSkin

Breakthrough technology in portable device cooling will achieve great things, according to the report on ZDNet. The new "skin" will allow manufacturers to shrink the size of such devices without compromising any battery life. The San Francisco-based company Novel Concepts has developed what it dubs "IsoSkin" wherein two pieces of plastic are separated by just 500 microns, but vaccuum filled with a coolant (most likely water) to relocate heat away from the processor to cooler parts of the device. The patents for the technology were obtained recently, and a prototype is expected within the year, devices hitting retail store shelves in two. For more information read over at ZDNet.

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eBay Upping Seller Prices

Associated Press is reporting today that popular online auction site eBay is upping its prices users will have to pay to post their goods online. Beginning the last day of January (the 31st), users posting items up to $10 will pay a nickel more, or 30 cents; and users selling items between $10 and $20 will pay a nickel more, or 55 cents. The biggest jump comes in the $200+ listing, jumping $1.30 from $2 to cost $3.30 USD. It has been four years since the company raised rates, and with the volume of business eBay does, a nickel or two probably helps more than you think.

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AOL IS Everywhere...Or At Least Working On It

New supercompany AOL-Time Warner today announced a deal with Nokia to edge them yet another step closer to putting its money where its mouth is with the slogan "AOL Everywhere". The new deal marks the beginning of the development of an Internet browser for wireless devices. The browser will be a Netscape-branded version of WAP, Nokia's current browser, according to the Reuters report. President of AOL Wireless Dennis Patrick told the press that the deal "makes sense."

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Windows Media Player "Skins" Security Exploit has uncovered the story surrounding Windows Media Player skins and the potential security risk they pose. According to Georgi Guninski, a well known bug hunter, the exploit could be used by a malicious user to peruse directories and files on a local hard drive and execute programs. CTO Elias Levy added that the bug is "high risk," and that the hole "allows you to take full control of a machine. Someone could do whatever they want to." reports ""The key here is (Guninski's) downloaded Java applets into a known location, which is the directory that holds the skin for Microsoft Media Player," according to Levy.

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Apple MP3 Software Burns Brightly

Apple users have given a big
thumbs-up to MP3 music and increased control over the
technology they use to play the music they've bought - rushing
to download free CD ripping and burning software just released
by Apple.

Apple bills iTunes as free and easy-to-use -
"it lets you do the things your geekier friends are talking about."

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Odigo to Spice Things Up

Odigo, long known for its battles with AOL to provide its userbase with interoperability, has taken the idea of expressions over IM one step further. Acquiring software from Tech Image dubbed Feelingz, users may soon see animated messages floating around in Odigo IM windows. AOL was one of the first to encorporate graphics into IM'ing, with its graphical smiley faces. Odigo aims to blow by that static with Feeligs, which "captures and recreates real facial movements for its 3D animated characters." For more information check out

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pcAnywhere Version 10 Beta Testing Begins

Symantec has announced the public availability of pcAnywhere 10.0, its popular PC remote control software. The latest update offers a host of improvements including security enhancements, increased customization, optimizations, and new file transfer options. Symantec has added 9 new authentication processes for users, and a "Go-To" feature for increasing file transfer ease and speed. For more information about pcAnywhere 10.0 and to download the beta trial version, visit Symantec.

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