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New Mozilla Build Rolls Out is pleased to announce that yesterday version 0.7 of its open-source browser software was released to the net. This release brings the Personal Security Manager to the Win32, Mac, and Linux versions, along with SSL support for the Mozilla Mac version. Other improvements include drag and drop support for file attachment in mail and the addition of context menus for the sidebar. For more information about this release read Whats New and download it now.

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SHOUTcast Seen at Macworld

During Steve Jobs keynote address at the currently ongoing Macworld expo, attendees got a look at SHOUTcast in the form of Apple's new iTunes software. The software, included on every Macintosh, is a radio tuner with SHOUTcast built in to connect users to the SHOUTcast network of streaming music. iTunes is the Apple answer to the Windows Media Player. Tom Pepper, SHOUTcast developer at Nullsoft, also added this "Lots of developments coming to SHOUTcast in the next few weeks. Keep tuned!"

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AOL/Time Warner - FCC Approval Close

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the Federal Communications Commission is close to its approval of the multibillion dollar merger between AOL and Time Warner, all without restrictions that are currently being debated. People close to the process told the journal it could come as early as Wednesday, over one year after the $94 billion merger was announced. One condition of the deal that is expected is for AOL to open its instant messaging for its competitors as features and improvements are added. For more information visit the Wall Street Journal.

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OS X Launch Date Set

Steve Jobs, speaking at the Macworld expo, told attendees that March 24th will be the official release of the next-generation operating system Mac OS X by Apple. The new OS is completely redesigned from its predecessor, and features a vast array of improvements to the user interface, and other operating system capabilities. He also told visitors that while a large number of applications for the system will be available in the spring, the vast majority would come in the summer. Reuters quotes Jobs as saying "We think we've got something really, really good here."

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Microsoft's Tahoe Hits RC1

In other Microsoft news, release candidate 1 of its upcoming SharePoint Portal Server has been announced along with branding and other such details. Previously codenamed "Tahoe" this new package allows corporations to find and share information quickly and easily. According to the press release SharePoint Portal Server "provides seamless knowledge portal integration with the Microsoft Office and Windows® operating system productivity desktop environment, allowing enterprise customers to integrate robust document management, search, subscriptions and inline discussions into their document collaboration process." For more information read the press release.

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More Details on Whistler 2410

As reported last week, Microsoft sent out build 2410 of its next operating system, Windows Whistler, to testers last Thursday. The operating system is set to debut with several versions, including personal versions and a 64-bit datacenter model.

In addition to the advanced security and copy protection features, Mary Jo Foley reports Microsoft is also dabbling in alpha-blending for its icons. Build 2410 features an early version of Internet Explorer 6.0 (Build 2411), which will be entering its beta phase in coming months.

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Aiming to ensure that the powerful Recording Industry of America (RIAA)
is not the only voice considered in the upcoming regulatory debate over
digital music copying, has filed its own comments with the US
Copyright Office, piggybacking on an earlier RIAA filing. officials want the US Copyright Office to draw a distinction -
for the purposes of royalty payments - between electronic copies of
previously purchased music and copies of music not paid for in advance.

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Macromedia Denies Flash Bug

BetaNews reported last week that a security problem in Macromedia's Flash software could enable a malicious user to execute code on a machine via the "buffer overrun" exploit. Macromedia today denied any problems with the software, siting its own tests as proof that the bug could not allow a virus or other executable code to exploit a computer. For more information check out the Reuters posting.

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IBM Intros Babbelfish-like Software

Altavista has long been a favorite for students struggling through a foreign language for its ever popular Babbelfish translation software. Big Blue today introduced a similar software package to accomplish the same task. According to the Reuters report, the WebSphere Translation Server is aimed at corporations and other similar industries to provide realtime translation of English into Spanish, German, French and vice versa. The software can translate at a rate of 500 words per second and features subject-specific vocabulary sets to increase efficiency. The new Server will cost in the neighborhood of $10,000 per processor. For more information check out the Reuters story.

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AMD Passes the Baton

AMD has passed the baton today to its next processor, the 850MHz Duron, as the company tries to continue to outrun and outperform its rival Intel. Intel earlier this month debuted an 800MHz Celeron in keeping with its promise to deliver a whole slew of new processors this year. AMD and Intel have fought a heated battle in the processor market, as each tries to leapfrog the other to a neverending finish line.

Consumers are the real winner in the race, as this intense competition continues to deliver better and faster processors and dropping prices for older, but still competitive processor speeds. The new Duron, which features a 200MHz bus will cost $149 USD in 1,000 unit quantities.

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Harman Kardon DMC 100 Brings Entertainment Options Together

Home entertainment systems maker Harman Kardon and ZapMedia Inc., a convergence technology company, are showing off a new interactive device that enables consumers to watch video, listen to music access the Internet using one box. The Harman Kardon DMC 100 Digital Media Center is one of a new class of home entertainment convergence devices visible at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Convergence is a popular buzzword that describes creating a new product that combines the functions of two or more previously separate devices.

The DMC 100 has a built-in DVD player that shows prerecorded video from
DVD and CD, plus it has a 30-gigabyte hard drive that can store up 10,000
songs or 30 hours of video in MP3 or Windows Mediaformat. The DMC 100
connects to home entertainment systems and television sets.

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Giant Security Hole Found in Macromedia Flash Player

Fox News has the story concerning an independent computer expert reporting he has found a gaping security hole in your browser's Macromedia Flash Player plug-in. Being that particular plug-in, it puts a massive number of computers at risk, since most computers these days do in fact have the plug-in installed.

The plug-in is apparently susceptible to "buffer overruns", a problem Microsoft has had with its software in the past. When the software is sent too large a chunk of data, it could crash the program, unless a malicious user has other plans. A potential hacker could send a flash file that could execute a program when the overrun occurs, potentially causing serious damage to the computer in question.

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New Whistler Build Sent Out

Microsoft has also sent out a new build of Windows Whistler to beta testers. Paul Thurrott's WinInformant reports build 2410 was sent out late last night, and there is no word yet on the new features and improvements in the latest build. Earlier information received by Thurrott indicates that Whistler will have some serious anti-piracy mechanisms in place, as well as several enhancements in the security arena to, as Paul reports "finally follow through on its long-time threat to enforce its licensing policies." Check WinInformant for more information.

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X-Box at CES Tomorrow

Microsoft President Bill Gates will give consumers a first look at the X-Box gaming console tomorrow at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Attendees will also get a glimpse at the technology behind the powerful gaming console during a live demonstration. The X-Box is the first gaming console to use PC processors and a hard drive to create graphics Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition reporter Don Clark says are comparable to Disney's "Toy Story" animated graphics. Stay tuned as the X-Box continues development.

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First PHP Virus Hits Web

Central Command sent word today concerning the discovery of the first PHP-based virus hitting the Internet. PHP.NewWorld "is currently not a major threat, it marks a new step toward new virus generation," according to Product Manager Steven Sundermeier at Central Command. The company's anti-viral software has been updated to detect and eliminate the virus, who's payload infects php, .hm, .html or .htt files in the Windows directory. For more information visit

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