Response to Jobs' remarks about Android porn: iPad 3G porn

Apple CEO Steve Jobs has made numerous disparaging remarks about Google's Android platform because of the availability of X-rated material on it, statements that obviously downplayed the ubiquity of pornography.
"You know, there's a porn store for Android," Jobs said. "You can download nothing but porn. You can download porn, your kids can download porn. That's a place we don't want to go -- so we're not going to go there."
Later, in one of Jobs' many emails to consumer media following the April 3 launch of the iPad, he repeated the sentiment, saying, "...we do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone...Folks who want porn can buy and [sic] Android phone."
Today, as the 3G-equipped iPads have begun arriving, a press release hit the wires from an adult entertainment company by the name of Pink Visual, which said it was doing a "3G" iPad promotional photo campaign.
"The photo shoot was done as a lark, ['3G' in this case means 'three girls'] but it's also a way to draw attention the serious upgrades we've made to our iPad-related services since the iPad was first released earlier this month," a statement from Pink Visual Brand and Product Manager Kim Kysar said. "It's also in keeping with our overall corporate culture, which is equal parts goofball pornographer and serious tech geek."
The company has two sites optimized for iPad consumption, utilizing HTML 5, which Kysar says was done to "have the videos play in an overlay instead of opening in a separate player."
Let's consider the playing field even.