Unroll.Me rids your inbox of unwanted subscriptions
I'll admit, I'm a sucker for subscriptions. I subscribe to receive periodic emails with the latest discounts for tech gear, car news or any other bits of useful information (well, at least to me). Maybe there's something nice out there that I want to know about. But because the emails keep coming in at different times of the day, going through each and every one would be a waste of time.
Cloud service Unroll.Me promises to solve the problem of subscription overload by allowing its users to wrap those emails into one big daily digest. Although the unsubscribe option is also available, the idea is to give folks the ability to actually make the best of the stuff that keeps coming in without, likely, losing track of vacation deals or the latest social updates.
At the moment, Unroll.Me is only compatible with Gmail including Google Apps for Business (uses Oauth) and Yahoo! (uses IMAP). The team behind the project, however, says that AOL and other email service integration is coming, although there is no clear ETA as to when that will happen. So how does it work?
After the user logs in, Unroll.Me goes through the inbox looking for subscriptions. Once the cloud service finds the corresponding emails, it presents the user with two options: Add to rollup (combine subscriptions into one daily digest) and Unsubscribe.
Users can choose when and how to receive the bulk emails -- in the morning, afternoon or evening and in grid or list view -- as well as manage the rollup and re-subscribe in case of a change of heart -- still want that vacation deal? Unroll.Me can also automatically add new emails to the rollup, an option that should be enabled by default.
The cloud service will create an email folder once the first rollup arrives and allows the users to view the batch of subscriptions by category (like everything, entertainment or social).
Unroll.me is quite easy to use even for inexperienced users and features a pretty slick design. The only thing that I miss right now is email service integration with Outlook.com.