Celebrate 25 years of Microsoft Windows 95 by running it on Windows 10, macOS or Linux -- here's how

Windows 95

If you’re looking for a way to feel particularly old, the news that Windows 95 was released a quarter of a century ago today should do it. You can read my recollections of its launch here.

If that’s not enough nostalgia for you, why not experience Microsoft’s game changing OS for yourself, by running Slack developer Felix Rieseberg’s app version.

SEE ALSO: Would you swap Windows 10 for Windows 95 -- 2018 Edition?

The Electron app comes with everything you’d expect, including WordPad, FreeCell, Calculator and Media Player. It can even run gaming classics like Doom and Wolfenstein 3D. Rieseberg has been tinkering with his creation on and off in the two years since he first launched it, with the most recent release coming earlier this month.

It’s a 288MB download and you can get it for Windows, macOS, or Linux from here now.

You can lock or unlock your mouse inside the virtual OS by tapping Esc.

If you were more of an Apple fan, you can take Rieseberg’s latest creation -- Mac OS 8 -- for a spin instead.

Image credit: Roland Magnusson / Shutterstock

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