Search Results for: gdpr

Android Messages and Dialer apps sent data to Google without consent

Google building logo

In a paper published by Douglas J Leith of Trinity College Dublin, it is claimed that the Messages and Dialer apps found in Android have been sending data back to Google. The paper, entitled "What Data Do The Google Dialer and Messages Apps On Android Send to Google?" says that data is sent without user knowledge or consent.

In what could be a breach of GDPR legislation, it is claimed that there is also no way to opt out of the data sharing. Among the data said to be shared with Google are phone numbers, call duration, hashes of messages and more.

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Standard virtual workspace security is improving but still not enough

The COVID-19 pandemic sparked a shift towards work-from-home or telecommuting arrangements, which many companies are saying they are likely to retain even after the pandemic. This new way of working or doing business has raised the demand for collaboration platforms and virtual rooms, which in turn create new cyber security challenges.

One recent flaw is referred to as a cross-site leak or XS-Leak and is linked to Slack's file-sharing feature. If exploited, malicious actors can potentially identify users outside of the workforce messaging platform. It allows cybercriminals to circumvent the web browser security feature called "same-origin policy," which stops browser tabs and frames of different domains from accessing each other’s data.

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How to keep customers safe with the correct print security strategy

Today’s Wi-Fi printers possess an array of features that make printing easy, which are especially useful in a world where remote working is commonplace and employees use a range of different devices for producing documents. Despite their advantages, there remain some serious security gaps that hackers can easily exploit if an organization doesn’t have a robust print security strategy in place.

While most businesses do well when it comes to protecting core IT infrastructure including computers, servers and applications, they do often fall short when it comes to secondary assets such as multifunction printers (MFPs). With cybercriminals constantly circling and searching for different ways to infiltrate a company’s network, unsecured connected printers can be a key point of weakness leading to a major breach.

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The impact of Brexit on the data center industry

Brexit has had an immeasurable impact on all aspects of UK society, and data centers are no exception. Supply chain continuity has already been damaged, and there is a growing demand for data sovereignty.  

Much of the uncertainty over what Britain’s withdrawal from the EU means for UK data centers still remains, which makes it likely the impact of Brexit will continue to be felt by many in the industry for years to come. Ongoing negotiations and concerns over data relocation leaves open the possibility for new data regulation. This will lead to many data center providers having to take proactive steps to ensure their centers can still transfer data from the EU.

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The impact of supply chain data breaches [Q&A]

Digital supply chain breaches are becoming more common, as supply chains increase in complexity so the attack surface grows and even smaller businesses can have complex webs of connections.

But how do supply chain breaches impact businesses? And what can they do to cut the risk? We spoke to Jeremy Hendy, CEO of digital risk protection specialist Skurio, to find out.

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Data Privacy Day aims to raise awareness of how we collect and use data

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Today is Data Privacy Day -- or Data Protection Day, depending on who you talk to -- a day dedicated to an international effort to raise awareness about how data is collected, used and stored.

So, what do the luminaries of the IT world have to say about the day and about data privacy/protection in general? We've rounded up some of their thoughts.

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Transparency, regulation and convergence with 5G -- AI predictions for 2022

robot hands crystal ball

Artificial intelligence is making its presence felt in more and more areas of our lives. But what impact is it going to have on digital transformation projects, legislation and more?

Industry experts gave us their views.

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Chat Commerce, machine learning and a stronger privacy focus -- eCommerce predictions for 2022


One of the side effects of the pandemic over the last two years has been a boom in online shopping. But is this something that's here to stay? And what are we likely to see happening in the eCommerce field in 2022?

Here is what some of the industry’s experts think will be next year's trends.

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Meet the three amigos of data: Governance, privacy and security

The three slices of the data pie -- data governance, data privacy and data security -- are often lumped together -- but although they naturally overlap, there are crucial differences that are important to understand.

Let’s slice up the pie. First, there’s data governance. You can think of it as the cornerstone; the thing that holds everything together. If you have the right data governance in place for all your data assets then it's much easier to apply the right privacy and security controls.

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More than a third of consumers don't trust brands with their data

New research from digital experience company Acquia shows that 39 percent of UK consumers don't trust all brands to handle their data correctly.

The study also suggests wide scale breaches of GDPR rules, with a huge 87 percent of UK consumers receiving marketing communications from brands which they don't recall opting in for.

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The increasingly critical role of data in the enterprise [Q&A]

Laptop collecting data

The importance of data has increased exponentially in recent years, for businesses of all sizes. But there are increasing challenges too, posed by privacy regulation, alternative data and more.

We spoke to Or Lenchner, CEO of Bright Data to find out more about the key role of data in the enterprise and how businesses can use it effectively.

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The changing face of digital identity verification [Q&A]

As we've grown more and more reliant on the internet to carry out everyday transactions, proving who we are has become a major issue.

We are still heavily dependent on IDs, passwords and supplementary security questions, but all of these are open to abuse leading to the risk of identity theft.

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$12 million lawsuit -- when digital consent management goes wrong

A  $12 million lawsuit against video game developer, Capcom  was launched by US photographer, Judy Juracek earlier this year for allegedly using  80 of her images without her consent. Last year, another US photographer, Mathilde Gattoni’s $2.25 million lawsuit against Microsoft claimed that it used 15 of her images for an MSN article without a license or her permission. Lawsuits for copyright infringement against corporations are showing no signs of abating.

It's not only photographers asserting their intellectual property rights, it’s amateur photographers who have taken photographs that have been lifted such as the case of storm chaser Sean Heavey, who spotted his image used by Netflix to promote its series, Stranger Things. The photographer, who was initially dismissed by the streaming giant allegedly, saw his case later settled out of court.

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Why changing legislation means companies need to rethink their data protection [Q&A]

Businesses have embraced the use of data to drive decisions and digital transformation. In many cases consumers are happy to have their details captured too, as long as they benefit from it.

But as more and more countries introduce privacy and data protection legislation, and as California clarifies some of its cookie-based tracking definitions, and increases enforcement of both intentional and unintentional violations under CCPA, enterprises need to tighten up their data handling.

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UK unveils post-Brexit data plans to boost digital trade and end annoying cookie confirmation pop-ups

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In the first signs of UK data policy starting to diverge from the EU, the government has today announced a package of measures to help it seize the opportunities of data to boost growth, trade and improve public services.

Plans include 'data adequacy' partnerships with 10 countries including the US, Australia and Republic of Korea, and the appointment of a new Information Commissioner to oversee the changes.

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