Articles about Cloud

Top 4 cloud trends that will affect your business in 2024

Over recent years, Cloud computing has boomed in popularity, receiving a global spend of $55.9 billion  within the first quarter of 2022, and then by Q3 2023, it had reached $73.5 billion, a 16 percent rise year on year according to research by Canalys. As well as that, Statista had also conducted a survey that investigated the increase use of cloud services and discovered that storing and creating files and office documents was the main reason for implementing cloud technology to their business.

Businesses that utilise cloud services to their full potential can gain a helpful push towards a more digital direction. But like all technology, it will continue to evolve and provide new ways of making your processes more efficient.

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Companies put convenience and speed above security in app deployments


A new report from cloud security company Sysdig reveals that many businesses are indulging in the dangerous practice of putting convenience before preventive security in pursuit of faster application development.

"Attackers are leveraging automation to exploit every point of weakness they can uncover," says Crystal Morin, cybersecurity strategist at Sysdig. "This year's report shows that many companies are chasing faster innovation at the cost of more comprehensive security -- a gamble that poses real business risks."

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Making cybersecurity elementary [Q&A]

There are so many terms and acronyms used in the cybersecurity sector that it can be a little overwhelming at times, even for people who work in the industry.

Paul Baird, director of cyber security operations and engineering at Advanced Software and fellow at the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec) has produced a round up of all the terms that you might ever need to know in the security space in a format based on the periodic table of elements.

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Securing the cloud: Lessons learned from 2023 and what it means for 2024

The global cloud computing market is expanding rapidly and reaching new milestones every year. According to recent data, the market is projected to grow from USD 626.4 billion in 2023 to USD 1,266.4 billion by 2028 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.1 percent during the forecasted period.

The industry's rapid financial growth is also driving new technological advancements. With this, the dynamic and innovative nature of cloud technology brings new security vulnerabilities and risks, thereby every year increasing the number of malicious incidents. According to the 2023 Thales Cloud Security Study, more than a third (39 percent) of businesses experienced a data breach in their cloud environment last year, an increase from the 35 percent reported in 2022. The leading targets for hackers were Software as a Service (SaaS) applications (38 percent) and cloud-based storage (36 percent).

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SecurityScorecard launches industry-specific ratings for the telecoms sector

Some industries make more attractive targets for cybercriminals than others, thanks to the type of data they hold and the services they provide. The telecoms sector is one such. 85 percent of the top telecom companies in the US, UK, France, Italy, Denmark, and Germany experienced a third-party data breach in the past 12 months alone.

Which is why SecurityScorecard is introducing a new set of security ratings developed especially for telecommunications companies, internet service providers, and cloud providers.

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Don't risk falling behind when it comes to cloud security

Cloud investment is central to staying competitive in modern business. Gartner estimated that global end-user cloud investment reached nearly $600 billion this year and forecasts a 20 percent increase in spending in 2024. But as investment in and reliance on the cloud increases, so must investment in cloud security.

Expanding cloud usage means an expanding attack surface for threat actors to target. Research from Vanson Bourne, commissioned by Illumio, found that nearly half (47 percent) of all security breaches now start in the cloud.

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Selecting the right storage for SQL Server high availability in the cloud

When it comes to the type of storage you might use for a cloud-based SQL Server deployment, all the major cloud providers provide a bewildering array of options. Azure offers Standard HDD as well as Standard SSD, Premium SSD as well as Premium SSD v2. Oh, and then there’s Ultra Disk. And AWS? The options are no less eye-glazing: ST1 and Standard, GP2 and GP3, IO1 and IO2.

Even if you could easily differentiate the offerings, what would be your best choice if you plan to configure your infrastructure for high availability (HA) -- by which we mean an infrastructure designed to ensure that your SQL Server database will be available and operating no less than 99.99 percent of the time?

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Get 'Cloud Native Software Security Handbook' (worth $35.99) for FREE

For cloud security engineers, it’s crucial to look beyond the limited managed services provided by cloud vendors and make use of the wide array of cloud native tools available to developers and security professionals, which enable the implementation of security solutions at scale.

Cloud Native Software Security Handbook covers technologies that secure infrastructure, containers, and runtime environments using vendor-agnostic cloud native tools under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

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Consolidation of products, closer attention to security and cost increases -- cloud predictions for 2024

The cloud has become a familiar feature of most computing environments over the last decade, but that doesn't mean that the technology is standing still.

Here are some industry expert views on what we can expect from the cloud scene in 2024.

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Use of distributed cloud expected to rise over the next year


Both developers and decision makers are seeing a shift in the market towards a more decentralized cloud, according to new research.

The study from Akamai, in partnership with ClearPath Strategies and SlashData shows 55 percent of developers already actively work on distributed cloud architectures, 87 percent of ITDMs expect their use of the distributed cloud to increase over the next 12 months.

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How organizations can get a handle on cloud security [Q&A]

Cloud data protection

As cloud-based enterprises continue to grow, the security threats in the cloud grow with them. Organizations operate in complex, multilayered environments that leave security teams scrambling to protect all of their organization's assets and resources. In fact, they may not even be aware of all of them.

What are the biggest risks they face today? And how can organizations mitigate their vulnerabilities?

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Google adds new file recovery option to the new Drive for desktop app

Cloud bursting through laptop screen

Google upset a lot of people recently when synchronization issues caused a "small subset" of Google Drive users to lose months' of data. The number of people affected is not known, but even a small subset of a large userbase is, potentially, a huge number.

Now there is some good news. In releasing an updated version of Drive for desktop, Google is giving users access to file recovery options that should make it possible to regain access to files that were lost.

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84 percent of organizations combine IT and security operations in one analytics tool

A new survey of 500 full-time security decision-makers and practitioners finds that 84 percent indicate their organization combines security and data operations into a single analytics tool.

However, the study from Observe shows more than half of the security relevant data that goes into observability systems needs to be transformed before it can be used.

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Multicloud by design: Making a cloud environment that truly works 

We all know the saying: you can’t have it all. The same applies to the cloud providers -- a single one cannot give and be everything you need. 

Increasingly we are seeing customers demand higher standards from their cloud services in an effort to reduce savings and security risks, as well as enhance their flexibility. In a landscape that is always changing, many sectors are feeling the need to keep up with technology or even try to be one step ahead of it. To meet these complex requirements, companies may want to look a little wider than their single cloud provider set-up and into the world of multicloud. 

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2024 vision: Trends shaping the IT landscape

2024 Cloud

The IT and cloud computing landscape has grown and evolved in 2023, and it’s poised to continue developing in 2024. Companies worldwide are actively adapting to the dynamics of a post-pandemic world. In this pursuit of resilience and innovation, we anticipate the emergence of four key trends that will shape the new year. These trends encompass technological advancements and shifting IT paradigms regarding spending, loyalty and governance.

Here are four trends we will likely see in the new year.

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