MSN Direct to connect Web sites with GPS devices over the air

Microsoft is releasing an API that allows third-party Web sites to send location information to MSN Direct-enabled GPS devices wirelessly, a first for such services that previously required a USB sync to work.
One difficulty of using GPS devices is the hassle of typing in a location, or selecting one while driving. Microsoft says the API would make entering destinations easier, as the process could be done on the computer and automatically then transferred to the device.
The functionality, called "Send to GPS," is an extension of a feature first demoed at CES in January. It originally only let Microsoft's own Live Search Maps send information to a GPS device. With the API, now any Web site could use that functionality in their own applications.
Several devices already support MSN Direct wirelessly, including Garmin's nuvi 750, 760 780, 880, 5000, and 2x5 models. Older models of Garmin navigators can support USB transfer of MSN Direct information.
With Microsoft recently phasing out its watch products that long were a signature of the MSN Direct service, it now has focused on other products. A technology preview for Windows Mobile cell phones have been released, as well as two weather stations from Oregon Scientific and a smart coffee maker from Melitta.
Launching an API could spur other GPS makers to give MSN Direct a shot, possibly breathing new life into a technology that some may have left for dead after its signature product was discontinued.
Google offers a similar feature to Windows users with a TomTom GPS device. When using Google Maps, the "send" link can be clicked to save it to the device, but the unit must be synced via USB.
AOL's MapQuest also offers the feature for select Garmin devices. As with Google, information must be synced to the device via USB through the Garmin desktop software.