Windows 10 gets enterprise services courtesy of HP

Windows 10 has been officially out for less than a week and the news it has generated doesn't seem to stop. From download numbers to new devices, things keep pouring in. Now HP is heading in a different direction, one aimed at businesses.
HP is announcing a full suite of products geared towards the enterprise market. "HP, a Preferred Provider of Microsoft cloud productivity and mobility solutions, now offers the most comprehensive portfolio of services available for the Microsoft enterprise ecosystem which includes Enterprise Services for Office 365, Readiness Workshop for Office 365, Enterprise Mobility Suite, Skype for Business and the new Windows 10 enterprise suite of services", the company states in the announcement.
Included in this release are HP Test Drive services for Windows 10, HP Transformation Services for Windows 10, HP Roadmap Service and HP WebApp Accelerator for Internet Explorer 11.
"HP’s unique relationship with Microsoft allows us to offer Windows 10 in a controlled manner integrated into the client’s world -- giving both IT and the User the chance to experience the new operating system", says Eric Harmon, Senior Vice President of Global Practices and Transformation at HP Enterprise Services. "IT & developers get to validate the application portfolio in advance – lowering the cost & risk of a large scale migration, and the user sees innovation and a more personal computing experience".
As for HP Test Drive Services for Windows 10, HP Roadmap Service for Windows 10 and HP WebApp Accelerator Service for IE11 they are all available now. If you want HP Transformation Services for Windows 10 then you will have a wait, as it launches October 1st. You can find out more here.
Photo credit: Anton Watman / Shutterstock