PowerToys is making it easier to manage open windows across multiple monitors -- UPDATED

Microsoft has been gradually developing PowerToys for Windows 10, and the collection of tools is growing. While still in its relative infancy -- we're a long way from version 1.0! -- there are already some PowerToys that are proving firm favorites.
One of the most popular is FanzyZones. It offers a great way to quickly organize a large number of open programs and windows into preset layouts... and it's about to get even better.
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Although FancyZones has offered multi-monitor support for a little while, using it is a little bit fiddly. The utility's editor currently has to be launched on the monitor you would like to create custom zones for -- and this is not the most user-friendly experience. But with version 0.27 of PowerToys, this is set to change.
The news was shared on Twitter by Microsoft's Clint Rutkas:
We will, of course, let you know as soon as PowerToys v0.27 is available, but you can keep an eye on the latest releases here.
Update: PowerToys v0.27.0 is available now!