Data breaches are top privacy concern for consumers

Fears of a data breach dominate consumer concerns, with 64 percent naming breaches as their top privacy worry.
A new report, based on responses from almost 2,500 people around the world, released by Acronis to mark this year's Data Privacy Day, shows that in spite of heightened awareness 25 percent of respondents have experienced data theft or loss and 12 percent remain unsure if they've been breached, underlining the hidden nature of many cyberattacks.
This isn't too surprising when you see that many are still not taking basic security measures. Only 66 percent back up their data regularly, while nine percent don't back up their data at all and a concerning four percent don't know what backup means.
Password protection is another area where there's room for improvement. While more than two-thirds (68 percent) use strong, unique passwords, fewer than half (46 percent) employ two-factor authentication (2FA).
Mobile security adoption is lagging too, although 43 percent of respondents report using mobile security apps, 35 percent are unfamiliar with these tools, even as smartphones have become essential to modern digital life.
"At Acronis, we've seen how both corporate practices and individual behaviors shape the landscape of data privacy and cyber protection," says Gaidar Magdanurov, president at Acronis. "We launched this survey around Data Privacy Day to better understand how home users think about data protection and the steps they are taking to safeguard their information. While many people are rightly concerned about how organizations handle their data, this survey highlights that individuals also play a crucial role in protecting themselves."
While over 60 percent rate data security as being very important, only 40 percent say they frequently update their passwords, and nearly 70 percent continue to use public Wi-Fi for sensitive activities.
Nearly 30 percent of respondents say they find security tools too complex to use, and 25 percent cite high costs as a barrier to adoption. Younger consumers (under 35) report significantly more breach incidents than older demographics (55–64), potentially reflecting riskier digital habits.
On an encouraging note video-based cybersecurity education is gaining traction with 44 percent of respondents turning to online videos to learn about safety best practices.
You can get the full report from the Acronis site.
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