Articles about Cloud

How to finally meet your cost objectives in the cloud

Cloud dollars

Migrating to the cloud offers many benefits for an organization, including  increased efficiency, security and stability for many technology functions. But once an organization has made the move to the cloud, it’s critical to keep a close eye on ongoing costs. According to a recent Pulse/InterVision study, 92 percent of technology leaders and executives say their organizations expect technology teams to operate with a cloud-first approach, but 45 percent were either unsure about or not meeting their cost objectives in the cloud.

Skepticism towards the cloud will only continue to increase if costs cannot be controlled. To avoid this unfortunate trend, businesses should have certain tools in their arsenals like AWS and a trusted strategic service provider.

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SMB developers trust big cloud providers -- but not completely

A new survey for cloud computing company Linode, carried out by ClearPath Strategies, looks at how much developers trust their third-party cloud providers.

Based on responses from 800 developers at small and mid-sized businesses, it finds that while developers generally say they trust their provider of choice in general, deeper examination uncovers some issues when it comes to major cloud providers.

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Get 'Cloud Computing For Dummies, 2nd Edition' (worth $21.00) FREE for a limited time

Cloud computing is no longer just a clever new toy in the world of IT infrastructure. Despite the nebulous name, it’s become a real and important part of our information architecture -- and tech professionals who ignore it or try to skim their way through risk falling behind rapidly. The new edition of Cloud Computing For Dummies gets you up to speed fast, clarifying your Cloud options, showing you where can save you time and money, giving you ways to frame your decisions, and helping you avoid weeks of research.

In a friendly, easy-to-follow style, Cloud Computing For Dummies, 2nd Edition demystifies the Cloud’s virtual landscape, breaking up a complex and multi-layered topic into simple explanations that will make the various benefits clear and ultimately guide you toward making the most appropriate choices for your organization. 

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100 percent of companies experience public cloud security incidents

Secure cloud

A new study from threat detection and response specialist Vectra AI finds that all respondents have experienced at least one security incident in their public cloud environment in the last 12 months.

The study of over 300 IT executives, with 70 percent coming from enterprises with more than 1,000 employees, shows a rapid expansion and reliance on AWS services while simultaneously pointing up security blind spots within many organizations.

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Linspire-based Linux distro Freespire embraces cloud apps with 'an entirely new direction'


Freespire is a Linux distro with an interesting history. It draws heavily on Linspire, the distro that started life as Lindows until Microsoft took exception to the name, unsuccessfully tried to sue, and then came to a licensing arrangement and acquired the moniker for itself.

Nearly two decades later, Linspire is still going strong and the development team behind it --PC/OpenSystems LLC Open Source Development team -- has announced a move in "an entirely new direction". This sounds like a bold statement. In practice this will involve "incorporating a cloud app approach" and coincides with the launch of Freespire 7.7.

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43 percent of cloud identities are abandoned and unused

A new analysis of platforms including AWS, Google and Salesforce, involving 200,000 identities and hundreds of millions of cloud assets reveals that 43 percent of all cloud identities sit abandoned and unused.

The report from Varonis points out that this also means they are exposed and vulnerable, making an organization a target for account takeovers.

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Cloud migration shows no signs of slowing down

cloud migration

According to a new study 31 percent of companies have moved workloads to the cloud within the last six months compared to only 18 percent six months ago.

Based on a survey of almost 1,000 IT decision makers, the report from cloud migration specialist Next Pathway shows 36 percent are migrating to the cloud to prevent customers from leaving for more personalized solutions offered by competitors that are using the cloud to enable a superior digital experience.

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Now you can block spam file sharing on Google Drive

Google Drive spam blocking

Google has a spam problem -- and we're not talking about Gmail, but Google Drive. Having discovered that the file sharing functionality of the cloud storage platform could be used to harass people, spammers have been doing exactly that.

Having announced plans to do something about the problem back in May, Google has finally started the process of roiling out anti-spam measures, giving users the ability to block spammers. While many Google Drive users will be pleased at the introduction of new controls, is it enough?

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36 percent of organizations have suffered a serious cloud breach in the last year

cloud lock

A new survey of 300 cloud professionals finds that 36 percent of organizations have suffered a serious cloud security data leak or a breach in the past 12 months.

The study conducted by security and compliance automation firm Fugue and developer tools company Sonatype finds eight out of ten are worried that they're vulnerable to a major data breach related to cloud misconfiguration.

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Critical vulnerabilities found in cloud-based ICS management systems

refinery industry

There are lots of good reasons for moving industrial control systems to the cloud including better telemetry and analysis of device performance, management of logic and remote device configuration, improved diagnostics and troubleshooting, a centralized view of processes.

But as more operational technology and lCS make the move, they become increasingly vulnerable to threats. ICS security specialist Claroty has unveiled its new Team82 research arm along with a report on critical vulnerabilities found in cloud-based management platforms for ICS.

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Understanding the economics of cloud: Four guiding principles for evaluating your cloud investment

Cloud dollars

COVID-19 has not only accelerated the move to cloud and the digital transformation journey, but it has also put cost reduction initiatives squarely in the limelight. Reducing costs has always been a top priority for IT departments but the pandemic has accelerated its importance over the past 12 months. In fact, according to Deloitte cost reduction initiatives have increased 74 percent since pre-COVID, with 40 percent of organizations planning to grow their cost reduction strategies in the next 12 months. However, undertaking a large-scale digital transformation with either a flat or declining budget is no mean feat. 

To achieve this, organizations often look to the cloud, and it has become a common assumption that migration to the cloud translates to reduced costs. The reality though can be a very different story. In fact, without the right cloud provider, the true costs of cloud computing can add up fast. So how do organizations choose the best cloud provider for their business, and are hyperscalers like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure good investments?

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Windows 365 lets you stream Windows 10 and Windows 11 from the cloud to any device -- including Mac, iPad, Android and Linux

When Windows 10 was announced back in 2014, Microsoft caused alarm bells to ring when it said the new operating system would be free "for the first year", and referring to it "as a service". That led to speculation that the software giant would start charging a monthly fee for Windows 10, much as it does for Office with Microsoft 365.

That never came to pass, but today at its Inspire 2021 conference Microsoft takes the wraps off Windows 365, a cloud-based Windows subscription service.

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New solution helps manage identities and entitlements

identity management

Businesses are increasingly adopting the public cloud, but this brings with it a number of security challenges that traditional tools struggle to handle.

Identity specialist Attivo Networks is launching a new Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) solution designed to improve visibility and reduce the attack surface for identities and entitlements in the cloud.

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New free tool helps map legacy identity systems


A number of on-premise identity systems from major suppliers including CA, Oracle and IBM are coming to the end of their lives and many businesses are looking to migrate to cloud alternatives.

But before migration can begin it's necessary to discover and catalog legacy identity systems. This is a largely manual process because there is no unified view of older environments that span multiple stakeholders, have evolved over a number of years, and can contain hidden complexities.

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IBM CodeFlare simplifies the move to hybrid cloud

Cloud growth arrow

Enterprises are relying on data more than ever before, but that can come at a cost in terms of the time spent on building and managing the infrastructure to handle it.

In order to streamline the integration and efficient scaling of these big data and AI workflows into hybrid cloud environments, IBM Research is launching CodeFlare.

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