Articles about Cloud

How enterprises can benefit from archiving in the cloud

Most businesses have information they need to keep for compliance and other reasons. Traditionally this has been in the form of paper archives, but the availability of low-cost cloud storage offers an attractive alternative.

Data management company Solix Technologies has produced an infographic looking at the advantages of cloud archiving.

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The benefits and challenges of building a hybrid cloud

The growth of cloud computing over the last decade has been unprecedented. From a relatively unheard-of concept, the cloud has become a key part of the boardroom conversation amongst CIOs and IT directors at companies across industries, sizes, and revenues for its promise of organizational transformation.

A large amount of enterprises have already built their own private cloud networks, hosting essential applications and providing anywhere, anytime access to mission critical data for employees scattered across the world. In many cases, the effort pays off, resulting in increased productivity, reduced costs and ease of access.

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New research helps isolate real threats from suspicious activity

insider threat

Security teams often spend a lot of their time investigating anomalies and suspicious behavior, leaving them less time to focus on true threats.

Cloud security specialist CloudLock is tackling this problem with research into what it calls a Cloud Threat Funnel. Based on analysis of user behavior patterns it can isolate truly malicious threats from the noise of other potentially suspicious or unusual behaviors.

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PETYA ransomware targets enterprise users via the cloud and overwrites MBRs

Crypto-ransomware is the malware du jour, and the likes of TelsaCrypt 4 and KeRanger are just some of the names to hit the headlines recently. One of the latest examples of ransomware, PETYA, is taking a slightly different and more worrying approach -- it not only targets enterprise users, but also encrypts entire hard drives rather than just a selection of files.

PETYA -- also known as RANSOM_PETYA.A -- goes to some lengths to make sure that victims know that their computers are infected, overwriting the MBR (Master Boot Record) to display a ransom note during the boot process. The malware uses a "military grade encryption algorithm" to lock users out of their files, and victims are directed to venture onto the dark web using the Tor browser to make a Bitcoin ransom payment.

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User error is the leading cause of data loss in SaaS applications

Accidental deletion of information is the leading cause of data loss from SaaS applications, responsible for 43 percent in the US and 41 percent in the UK, ahead of data loss caused by malicious insiders and hackers.

This is among the findings of a new survey of IT professionals in the US and UK from cloud backup specialist Spanning which also has insights into who is responsible for SaaS data protection, organizational confidence in SaaS data protection, and the top concerns surrounding moving data to the cloud.

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New platform aims to break down barriers to big data adoption

Big data deployments are increasingly shifting from lab settings to full production environments. But there are a number of security and QoS (quality of service) challenges that can slow this process.

Big data company BlueData is launching the latest release of its EPIC software platform, introducing several security and other upgrades to provide a smoother Big-Data-as-a-Service experience as well as support for new applications and frameworks.

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Kyvos brings big data to Microsoft Azure

Big data cloud

Many organizations are looking at the benefits they can gain from big data but are put off by the infrastructure costs involved.

Analytics company Kyvos Insights is aiming to make big data more accessible by making its scalable, self-service online analytical processing (OLAP) solution available to users of Microsoft Azure HDInsight.

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Webscale offers a fast track to delivering web applications

Cloud access

Running an application or server in the cloud has many advantages, but it doesn't guarantee scalability. It can be hard to predict demand, leading to infrastructure having to play catch up at peak periods.

Application delivery specialist Webscale Networks is aiming to improve things with the launch of its new platform offering mid-market e-commerce and enterprise companies a fast track to the cloud.

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Druva extends data protection to popular enterprise cloud apps

cloud security

The increasingly decentralized world of work means that data can be in many different places, on desktops, mobile devices, or in the cloud.

This creates challenges for security and governance, especially if there's a need to adhere to legal and compliance rules. Data protection company Druva wants to guard information wherever it's stored and is extending its inSync offering to cover Box, Google Apps for Work and Exchange Online.

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Dropbox moves away from AWS, now stores 90 percent of user data

Look at Dropbox, all grown up and moving away from home. The company has announced that it is now using, almost entirely, its own custom-built infrastructure to hold data.

Dropbox says this is an important milestone, as it moves away from Amazon Web Services it relied on before. Still, it will continue to partner with Amazon, when "it makes sense for our users", Dropbox says.

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The Linux Foundation announces free 'Intro to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies' edX course

One of the most important things any human can do is learn. Keeping your mind sharp and active is very healthy. While formal education, such as college, is a great investment in yourself, it is understandably too expensive for many. While I cherish my degree, I don't love my monthly student loan payment.

Luckily for current learners, massive open online courses are becoming increasingly popular. While these MOOCs may not carry the same panache as a university diploma, they can enable you to learn new things for free. Today, the Linux Foundation announces the totally free 'Intro to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies' course. This will be offered through the reputable

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Google's Single Sign On adds support for Microsoft Office 365, Facebook at Work, Slack and more

Besides being the super poplar search engine, email provider, work and collaboration services provider, Google is also used, by a number of different services, as an identity provider.

It allows people to register and log into different online services using their Google account. Now, the company announced it’s expanding the feature to add a number of new services, some of which are direct competitors.

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New cloud tool links big data to business intelligence

Big data magnifier

Big data can provide a useful source of insights for business analysis. But providing access to it can mean significant IT effort and the use of expensive, off-the-shelf solutions.

Altiscale the big data as a service specialist is launching a new Insight Cloud self-service analytics solution to provide a bridge between big data and business users.

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SIOS updates its machine learning solution for virtual environments

SIOS iQ screengrab

Since the launch of its machine learning tool for IT analytics last year, SIOS Technology Corp has released regular updates to help maximize the availability and efficiency of virtualized environments.

New features in SIOS iQ 3.5 deliver greater accuracy and precision in capacity utilization and performance analysis for VMware environments. It also includes dashboard enhancements for improved usability and a 'graphical topological impact' view to enable faster identification and resolution of issues.

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Why cloud security should be a part of software development

cloud padlock

The slogan "there is no cloud, it’s just someone else’s computer", accompanied by an image of a worried looking cloud, has been doing the rounds for some time now. It’s overly simplistic but it neatly sums up the mistrust that some computer users have about cloud technology.

The inference being that people who trust the cloud and believe the hype are in some way naïve. The extension of which is that, if you’re giving your data to someone else, how can you be sure it’s safe? This is why cloud security needs to be part of the software development lifecycle.

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