Articles about Security

Privacy and security still major concerns for consumers

privacy key

Although 59 percent of consumers have accessed more online services than usual this year, they still have worries about the security and privacy of their data.

A new report from identity verification and authentication provider Onfido shows the top concerns are that data will be passed on to third parties (53 percent), the security of the information (50 percent), and asking for too much information (37 percent).

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Vectra improves cloud services to protect complex hybrid networks


With more people working remotely, plus high numbers of IoT devices accessing corporate and cloud networks, traditional network security solutions struggle to cope and are blind to activity and data in cloud applications.

Network threat detection and response company Vectra has launched a new range of cloud services with broader and deeper cloud capabilities to track and link accounts and data in hybrid environments.

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Record web traffic and cyber threats set to disrupt holiday shopping

holiday shopping

A new threat intelligence report from Imperva Research Labs looks at the varying cybersecurity attack risks facing the retail industry.

The findings suggest peak levels of traffic will be seen throughout the holiday shopping season as large numbers of consumers turn to online channels to purchase goods. Shortly after stay-at-home orders were issued, web traffic to retail sites spiked by as much as 28 percent over the weekly average.

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Is it time to rethink legacy firewalls? [Q&A]


A new report from Guardicore and the Ponemon Institute reveals that more than 60 percent of organizations believe that legacy firewalls are ineffective in preventing damaging cyberattacks against applications, data centers, and data in the cloud.

We spoke to Dave Burton, VP marketing at Guardicore to find out more.

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UK security pros worry about breaking the law when defending against attacks

business fear

A new report released today by the CyberUp Campaign and techUK has found that 80 percent of UK security professionals worry about breaking the law in the process of defending against cyberattacks.

The Computer Misuse Act (1990) is the law that governs the activities of cyber security professionals in the UK and the survey finds a near-unanimous (93 percent) belief that the Act -- written before the advent of modern cyber security -- does not represent a piece of legislation fit for this century.

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Less than a third of organizations use cloud data leakage protection

Broken umbrella in storm

Only 31 percent of organizations use cloud DLP, despite 66 percent citing data leakage as their top cloud security concern, according to a new report from Bitglass.

In addition organizations say they are unable to maintain visibility into file downloads (45 percent), file uploads (50 percent), DLP policy violations (50 percent), and external sharing (55 percent) in the cloud.

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Palo Alto Networks launches 5G-native security

5g smartphone

The roll out of 5G will open up fast connections to millions of devices, bringing with it opportunities to transform industries and allowing for massive adoption of the IoT. But with this connectivity also comes extra risk.

To address this Palo Alto Networks is launching the industry's first 5G-native security offering combining mobile expertise with its experience in securing highly-distributed cloud architectures and software-defined networks.

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Failure to keep up with complexity leaves businesses at ransomware risk

Ransomware skull

Increasingly businesses have data stored in hybrid- and multi-cloud environments, but a new report shows that this extra complexity could also be putting data at risk.

The report out today from Veritas Technologies found that only 36 percent of respondents say their security has kept pace with their IT complexity, underscoring the need for greater use of data protection solutions that can protect against ransomware across increasingly varied environments.

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IT leaders and front line staff disagree on cloud priorities

While 47 percent of IT decision-makers strongly agree that COVID-19 has accelerated their cloud maturity, only 29 percent of line-of-business IT employees feel the same.

A new report from technology modernization firm SPR surveyed 400 IT decision-makers and the same number of workers to look at how IT teams see their businesses’ cloud resiliency strategy for 2020 and beyond.

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Average financial services employees have access to over 10 million files

data retention

A new Data Risk Report from Varonis reveals that an average financial services employee has access to nearly 11 million files and for larger companies the number is 20 million.

This level of exposure means that if just one employee clicks on a phishing email there is potentially a huge amount of sensitive information at the hacker's fingertips.

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Pandemic leads to increased focus on e-waste

old scrap computers

The shift in working patterns prompted by COVID-19 has caused unnecessary short-term investment in technology, which will leave companies at risk with data being stored on a wide range of devices.

This is according to 78 percent of respondents to a new survey from data erasure specialist Blancco Technology Group, which also reveals 47 percent of large global enterprises have created roles responsible for implementing and ensuring compliance with e-waste policies specifically to deal with issues generated from the pandemic.

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Security: Animal Jam warns of hack affecting 46 million accounts

Animal Jam

The popular game Animal Jam, enjoyed by millions of children around the world, has advised parents of a hack which has exposed the personal details of 46 million account records.

The company behind Animal Jam, WildWorks, has issued a warning that details revealed in the attack include 7 million email addresses used to create accounts, and 32 million player usernames. A proportion of the 46 million accounts affected have had full name and billing address details exposed.

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Enterprises accelerate cloud transformation but struggle with security

digital transformation

Enterprises have embraced the moving of multiple applications to the cloud using containers and are utilizing Kubernetes for orchestration. But the findings of a new report also confirm that many are inadequately securing the data stored in these new cloud-native environments.

The report from cloud-native data protection specialist Zettaset shows businesses are continuing to leverage existing legacy security technology as a solution.

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Malware activity spikes as attackers become more ruthless

malware alert

The latest threat quarterly landscape report from managed security service provider Nuspire shows a 128 percent increase in Q3 over the previous quarter, representing more than 43,000 malware variants detected a day.

The report also shows threat actors developing a more ruthless streak in selecting their targets. Throughout Q3, hackers shifted focus from home networks to overburdened public entities, including the education sector and the Election Assistance Commission (EAC).

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Dealing with the security risks of unstructured data [Q&A]

Unstructured data

Businesses are increasingly reliant on data. In the past that's generally been in a structured form but, thanks to increasing amounts of customer information gleaned via the IoT and channels like social media, unstructured data has taken on a new importance.

Yet unstructured data also introduces new risks. AI-based solutions specialist Concentric is launching a new data access governance solution that addresses the challenge of unstructured data security. We spoke to Karthik Krishnan, CEO at Concentric, to find out more.

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