Go retro with this Nintendo SNES-styled USB gamepad for Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is great for all sorts of projects, including retro gaming. The Linux-based Lakka OS is perfect for this as it transforms the Pi into a full-blown games console that can run all manner of emulators.
You really need a gamepad to play most classic games -- especially Nintendo and Sega ones -- and The Pi Hut has come up with a Super Nintendo/Famicom inspired USB controller for the Pi that really looks the part.
"It feels like finding the perfect USB controller for the Raspberry Pi has taken us forever. We tested a dozen samples from an array of manufacturers before finding a model we were confident enough to put our name on. With nice snappy, clicky buttons, and the traditional blue, red, green & yellow layout -- we're sure you'll agree", the company says.
Features include:
- USB Connector
- D-Pad
- Buttons: Start, Select, X, Y, A, B, R, L
- Cable Length: 1.4m
- Compatible with Raspberry Pi, Windows, Linux, macOS & Android
It’s priced perfectly for the Pi, and will set you back just £5 (approx $6.23). It is currently sold out, but more stock is expected shortly. Keep an eye on it here.