BeOS Shifting to Internet Appliances

Earlier today, a German website posted an article which stated that Be was planning on halting the development of BeOS after several updates. This however, was a mistaken interpretation on the subject. Be is continuing to design and release new versions of BeOS, which is the development environment for BeIA, Be's software platform for Internet applicances.
BeIA builts are ultimately paired down versions of the BeOS operating system designed for dedicated devices. Each internet appliance will run on its own build, and use only drivers that are required. "Our goal is to have one source tree for both BeOS and BeIA, so that we can pull BeIA builds out of the BeOS source tree whenever necessary. This way, as drivers and other improvements are added because of a particular BeIA project, BeOS as a whole will improve," stated a Be representative.
BeIA runs compiled on C/C++ code using Be APIs. BeOS developers may begin coding appliances for BeIA, because the same code applies to both.