Mac Office, Messenger Get Updates

Microsoft on Tuesday updated both its Office and Messenger applications for the Mac platform, adding tighter integration with Apple's Tiger OS and improved functionality with Live Communications Server. The enhancements are being provided as a free update and are available immediately.
The updates for Office 2004 for Mac are focused around Microsoft's Mac OS X version of Outlook, called Entourage. The update will now allow for users to sync their information with handheld devices and other applications that use Apple iSync.
Spotlight support has now been added, which would allow the user to search through e-mails and information stored in Entourage -- such as events, contacts and tasks -- from within other areas of the operating system.
Enhanced Smart Card technology within the Entourage client has also been updated to take advantage of Apple's Keychain feature so e-mail can be digitally signed and encrypted, Microsoft said.
Version 5.1 of Messenger for Mac, meanwhile, will provide new features for customers of Live Communications Server. File transfers are now encrypted for security outside of a firewall, and the client will now ensure messages are delievered to the proper location if a user is logged into LCS from more than one machine.
Additionally, for security purposes, Messenger for Mac 5.1 would allow more control over saving chats at an organizational level, Microsoft said.
While Messenger 5.1 still does not address the multitude of consumer features still absent in the Mac version of the client, Microsoft has maintained that those features are on their way.
A goal for the Mac BU in coming months is to put the Messenger client on more even footing by adding features that have so far been exclusive to the Windows version, Mac BU product manager Scott Erickson told BetaNews in January. The top two requests from users are for video and audio functionality.
"Were halfway there," Erickson said, referring to the fact that the software now equals the Windows client in terms of corporate functionality.