Search Results for: gdpr

65 percent of organizations unable to comply with GDPR 'right to be forgotten'

gdpr prepared

One of the key planks of the upcoming GDPR legislation is the right to removal of personal data, the so-called, 'right to be forgotten'.

But a new study from big data application provider Solix Technologies reveals that 65 percent of organizations are unsure if an individual's personal information can be purged from all their systems.

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GDPR and the challenge of personal data discovery

GDPR touchscreen

For enterprises to comply with GDPR it's vital that they have an understanding of where personal data is located in each of their systems.

Metadata discovery specialist Silwood Technology is releasing research into five of the largest and most widely used application packages to understand the scale of the challenge encountered by their customers when locating personal data.

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The preparations you need to make ahead of GDPR

Keyboard with GDPR date

GDPR is only a few months away, and a lot of the coverage has focused on the impact the regulation will have on the IT and finance departments in businesses. Whilst it’s true that GDPR compliance should be driven largely by finance and IT departments, there’s more to it than that.

One area where there’s little clarity is whether businesses are required to hire more staff. The Data Protection Officer (DPO) role is covered in the regulation document, but many argue it’s unclear whether this is necessary for their business; Privacy International comments that the bill is "unnecessarily complex".

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GDPR and disclosing data breaches [Q&A]

data breach

With GDPR coming into force in May this year, companies are preparing themselves to comply with the new legislation, in particular putting in place procedures to deal with data breaches.

But some, like Uber -- who have suffered a breach in the past and covered it up -- may well be wondering whether it’s better to disclose these events now rather than risk them leaking out once GDPR is in force.

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Ahead of GDPR laws, Facebook publishes privacy principles and promises to educate users

Facebook like icons

Facebook has published its privacy principles for the first time, ahead of the European Union's general data protection regulation (GDPR) which comes into force on May 25 -- although the company is pitching it as being part of Data Privacy Day.

On top of this, the social network has also detailed plans to use videos to educate its users about privacy. The videos will explain how to control who has access to personal data, as well as how to manage the data Facebook uses to control the ads it shows users.

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How GDPR will affect your email archiving [Q&A]


The arrival of GDPR is set to impact on many aspects of commercial operation, not least email. But what about old emails that are stored or archived?

We spoke to Marc French, chief trust officer at cloud email specialist Mimecast to find out more about GDPR and an aspect that organizations may have overlooked.

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Facebook to roll out new privacy tools ahead of European GDPR laws

Facebook icon on iPhone 8

Facebook has faced numerous complaints and accusations when it comes to privacy, and nowhere has this been more obvious than in Europe. In response to European Union plans to change the laws concerning the privacy of personal data, the social network is on the verge of rolling out a new privacy center to users.

The upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is designed to give people more control over their personal data, and it is due to come into force in May. Facebook's response means that its millions of global users will all benefit from additional privacy controls.

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New AI platform helps companies with GDPR compliance

GDPR touchscreen

At the heart of the forthcoming GDPR legislation is the protection of personal data. For businesses this means being able to identify data that’s covered, including where it’s held and how it’s processed.

California-based Algorithmic IT Operations (AIOps) specialist Loom Systems is launching a new platform and virtual IT data analyst that helps users maintain GDPR compliance with just a click of a button.

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More than half of UK businesses still unaware of GDPR

Keyboard with GDPR date

With GDPR implementation only a few months away, a worrying new survey shows that 55 percent of UK businesses are still unaware of the GDPR regulations.

The study by compliance solution also reveals that only 27 percent of businesses believe GDPR applies to them, despite 73 percent saying that they collect personal data on their customers -- a strong indication that GDPR does apply.

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FileCloud launches GDPR support for private clouds

Private cloud

With GDPR coming into effect in may 2018, the complex requirements of the legislation may leave many companies struggling to comply.

Enterprise file service platform FileCloud is adding new features to its platform to deliver compliance support for organizations using private cloud enterprise file sharing.

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70 percent of UK consumers have not heard of GDPR

Confused woman

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is set to extensively change data privacy rules in the EU in May, yet a new survey from compliance solution shows 70 percent of consumers are completely unaware of their new rights and haven't even heard of the legislation.

The study also finds that 78 percent of consumers have recently had unsolicited contact from UK-based businesses.

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60 percent of organizations aren't ready for GDPR

gdpr prepared

With the deadline of May 2018 looming closer, a new survey shows 60 percent of respondents in the EU and 50 percent in the US say they face some serious challenges in being GDPR compliant.

The study by data protection specialist Varonis polled 500 cyber security professionals in organizations with over 1000 employees in the UK, Germany, France and the US and finds more than half (57 percent) of professionals are concerned about compliance with the standard.

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Solix launches free GDPR readiness tool

gdpr prepared

With the GDPR implementation date of May 18th 2018 drawing ever nearer, organizations are looking to review their data management processes in order to avoid being hit with fines.

Big data application provider Solix Technologies is launching a range of new data governance capabilities and assessment services to address GDPR readiness and compliance, in addition to a free online GDPR readiness grading tool.

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Top American banks have significant gaps in GDPR website compliance

personal data

GDPR affects all companies that engage with EU citizens, even if they have no physical presence in the EU, but a new study reveals that some major US firms still have websites that don’t comply.

The research by digital threat management company RiskIQ looks at 25 of the 50 largest banks in the US (as of 2017) and finds significant security gaps in personally identifiable information (PII) collection.

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UK hosting firm launches free GDPR guide

UKFast GDPR guide

With GDPR coming into force in May next year, worrying numbers of businesses are still unprepared for the impact of the new legislation which represents a major shake up in data protection. 

UK hosting firm UKFast wants to help get businesses on the right track and is launching a free pocket guide to GDPR along with a downloadable toolkit.

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