Articles about Cloud

AOMEI makes its cloud management tool free for three months


We've seen lots of companies making their products available free during the current crisis. AOMEI has already made its backup tool available free for a year.

It's now added to that by making the full version of its cloud management tool MultCloud available free for three months.

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ESET improves security management for Azure users

cloud padlock

As organizations move more of their systems to the cloud, they need security solutions that maintain visibility while keeping them safe.

Cybersecurity company ESET is releasing an upgraded version of its Security Management Center for Microsoft Azure, aimed at providing complete, real-time network visibility.

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'SideScanning' technology offers deeper multi-cloud visibility

Cloud visibilty

While network scanners and agent-based security tools are commonplace, they come with significant operational costs, but still offer only partial visibility, leaving the organization vulnerable to breaches.

Orca Security has produced a patent pending SideScanning technology, which is based on reading the workloads' run time block storage out of band, and cross-referencing this with cloud context pulled directly from the cloud vendors' APIs.

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Clumio adds Microsoft 365 protection to its SaaS enterprise backup solution

Backup key

Enterprises and their data are vulnerable, perhaps more so than ever right now, with COVID related phishing scams booming.

Backup specialist Clumio is adding Microsoft 365 to its secure backup as a service offering, providing organizations running Microsoft 365 with a globally consolidated data protection service.

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Cloud spend soars as organizations adapt to COVID-19

Cloud money

The latest State of the Cloud report from Flexera reveals that 59 percent of enterprises expect their cloud usage to exceed prior plans due to COVID-19.

Organizations are over budget for cloud spending by an average of 23 percent, and expect cloud spend to increase by 47 percent next year. However, respondents estimate that 30 percent of their cloud spend gets wasted.

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IBM Cloud boosts security and productivity with Red Hat OpenShift enhancements

IBM logo clouds

As businesses move to the cloud, they want choice, flexibility, and the ability to easily manage and migrate their critical workloads securely across public clouds, private clouds, and on-premise environments.

To help them achieve this IBM is enhancing the Red Hat OpenShift container platform on IBM Cloud by making OpenShift 4.3 generally available as part of its fully managed service.

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Free security analytics helps fight remote worker threats

remote work

We've seen many companies offering free software during the current crisis. Now security and risk analytics company Gurucul is launching two free services to help organizations protect themselves against cyberattacks that target their remote workers and third-party identities.

These deliver the Gurucul Unified Security and Risk Analytics platform as a cloud service with pre-configured and tuned algorithms that can detect unusual and high risk behavior patterns exhibited by remote workers as well as third party identities and devices.

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The Raspberry Pi-based server that could transform edge computing

Turing Pi

Cloud servers, you might think, are big expensive pieces of kit. But you’d be wrong, at least where the Turing Pi project is concerned.

This mini ITX format board costing under $200 allows seven Raspberry Pi systems to be combined into a desktop Kubernetes cluster that's smaller than a sheet of A4 paper.

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Fewer than half of companies operate securely in the cloud

Cloud data security

A new survey finds that 85 percent of companies believe embracing the public cloud is critical to fuel innovation. But of those who have already adopted public cloud, only 40 percent have in place an approach to managing cloud and container security.

The study by DivvyCloud finds only 58 percent say their organization has clear guidelines and policies in place for developers building applications and operating in the public cloud. Of those, 25 percent say these policies are not enforced, while 17 percent confirm their organization lacks clear guidelines entirely.

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Ubuntu Linux publisher Canonical launches Managed Apps for enterprise DevOps teams


Ubuntu creator Canonical is launching a new Managed Apps platform, allowing enterprises to have their apps deployed and operated by Canonical as a fully managed service.

At launch the service will cover ten widely used cloud-native database and LMA (logging, monitoring and alerting) apps on multi-cloud Kubernetes but also on virtual machines across bare-metal, public and private cloud.

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Employees reluctant to adopt data-driven working methods

reluctance dislike

New research commissioned by analytics database Exasol finds that 63 percent of UK data decision makers experience resistance from employees in adopting data-driven methods.

Key drivers of this resistance are anxiety over job redundancy if all decisions are based on data (39 percent), a lack of understanding (39 percent), and a lack of education on the positive impact data can have (36 percent).

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Microsoft clarifies a slightly misleading claim about a leap in cloud service usage during coronavirus pandemic

Colorful Microsoft logo

Over the weekend, Microsoft post an article on its Azure blog announcing that there had been an astronomical 775 percent surge in the use of its cloud services. Despite the massive increase in traffic, the company added, uptime was good. But the blog post wasn't entirely correct.

Since we published a story about the claims, Microsoft has contacted us to say that it had not been "was not as clear as they intended to be with the previous statement". The company has provided updated stats explaining what it meant to say -- and it's rather different.

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Coronavirus has led to a 775 percent increase in usage of Microsoft Azure cloud services

Microsoft Azure

This weekend, Microsoft has given an insight into the impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on its services. The company says that there has been a huge increase in Teams usage, and there are not over 44 million daily users.

In regions where there are isolation and home sheltering orders in place, Microsoft says that there has been a colossal 775 percent increase in usage of its cloud services. Despite the surge in demand, there have not been any significant service disruptions.

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Get AOMEI Backupper Professional free for a year

Backup key

Next Tuesday is World Backup Day and to mark the event AOMEI is offering a 12 month free subscription to its Backupper Professional product. The offer is available from now until April 2nd.

With more people working at home on their own machines due to the Coronavirus, security and protection of data is more important than ever.

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New decentralized cloud storage service set to take on AWS

cloud network

Cloud storage company Storj Labs is launching a new decentralized service aimed at storing data more efficiently and providing additional revenue-generating opportunities for storage node operators.

Called Tardigrade -- in case you were wondering a tardigrade is an eight-legged water dwelling micro animal (or if you've watched 'Star Trek: Discovery' a sort of massive space-travelling flea) -- it offers cloud object storage that's S3 compatible, high performing, easily implemented, exceptionally durable, and with high availability.

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