We want your iCloud and iOS 5 stories
Today, Apple releases iCloud and iOS 5, two days before iPhone 4S launches in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom and United States. The new operating system is a significant upgrade that can be installed on iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. iOS 5 works in tandem with iCloud, which is Apple's Internet-enabled synchronization service; it replaces iTunes as the company's major sync hub.
We're crowdsoucing our initial reviews, and I ask for your first take ahead of anything that we might do. If you've got something to say about either iCloud or iOS 5 -- or both -- we'd like to get it right away. If you've tested either or both before their release, we request your full or mini-review even sooner.
Many people are debating whether or not iPhone 4S is a worthy upgrade. I expect little debate about iOS 5, which borrows (okay copies) some of Android's best features, or iCloud, which adopts a push rather than pull model for your digital content and even applications. iCloud is an online sync service rather than storage one.
I'll collect your reviews into one post, but also welcome -- actually encourage -- longer first takes that can run with your name, bio and photo. We love user submissions! Either comment your first-impression reviews here or send them to joe at betanews dot com.