The container market is about more than just Docker

When containers are mentioned, Docker is probably the system that comes to mind. But in fact the container market is much bigger than that with over 100 products that use containers to amplify the benefits of agile development for their users.
Of those, 20 come from public companies and over 70 from private companies, which collectively represent $1.7 billion in venture capital funding. 88 percent of enterprises say they're shifting to a DevOps strategy, and containers are changing the nature of DevOps and transforming infrastructure.
It's an important and complex market then, and developer tools company Codenvy has produced its second annual Market Map, a visualization of the container ecosystem and the products involved.
Writing on the Codenvy blog, Bill Kalogiros, head of marketing for the company says, "In the last year, more than 35 additional products joined the container ecosystem. This year's map includes 104 projects from 67 companies -- 12 public and 55 private, with $1.7 billion in VC funding -- that span continuous development, integration, deployment and infrastructure. They force a rethink of the entire stack, prompting a move toward modular, orchestrated microservices platforms for OS, runtimes, security and more".
You can read more on the blog and see the full market map below.
Image Credit: Oleksiy Mark / Shutterstock