You can watch today’s big PlayStation 5 reveal live here!

Between the pandemic and widespread police brutality, America is in deep trouble. As usual, however, the USA will ultimately survive and come out stronger as a result. Wisely, Sony decided to delay its big PlayStation 5 game-play reveal during the peak of protesting George Floyd's murder. Obviously, it would have been tone-deaf to discuss video games in the middle of a worldwide movement to fight against racial inequality and police brutality.

While the protests are still happening (racial inequality is arguably a forever-battle), Sony has decided enough time has passed, and it is time to reschedule the big PS5 event. Yes, we will finally get to witness some significant PlayStation 5 game footage later today at 4:00 PM Eastern Time. While not guaranteed to happen, many people are hoping Sony will also reveal the design of the PS5 console. Hey, we have already seen the revolutionary controller.

"Hi all -- thanks for being patient and understanding while we rescheduled this PS5 event for Thursday, June 11 at 1pm Pacific Time / 9pm BST. We needed to step aside so key voices could be heard during this historic and important time. Now that the event is confirmed for June 11, I wanted to add that this pre-taped program will be broadcast at 1080p and 30 frames per second. This eased the show’s production process during a time when many of our team and developers are working from home," says Sid Shuman, Senior Director, Sony Interactive Entertainment Content Communications.

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Shuman further says, "The games you'll see on Thursday will look even better when you play them on PS5 with a 4K TV, as you'd expect. It's also best if you watch while wearing headphones, if you can -- there's some cool audio work in the show, and it might be harder to appreciate if it's pumped through your phone or laptop speakers."

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Obviously, Sony is a bit worried about the perceptions of both the game visuals and audio during the virtual event. The company wants consumers to be blown away, but that may be hard when it is being broadcast in 1080p30. Not to mention, laptops and other mobile devices often have low-quality tinny speakers -- that is why Sony is urging viewers to use headphones. Hopefully gamers are understanding that the limitations of this virtual event will prevent them from truly experiencing the potential of the PlayStation 5's power.

You can watch the big PS5 gameplay reveal below.

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