Articles about Cloud

The top four places your data is at risk

We all worry about protecting our information, but how do we know which activities or locations are most likely to put it in jeopardy?

Digital rights management company Seclore has produced an infographic showing the four places where your data is most at risk. Unsurprisingly perhaps some of these are areas where you have the least control.

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New cloud framework addresses data privacy concerns

cloud security

Data privacy is a growing concern and a number of countries including Germany, France and Russia have recently adopted new data protection regulations to protect their citizens' information.

Add in regulations like HIPAA and FINRA in the US and it's clear that businesses need to have an infrastructure to meet the various requirements or face possible legal consequences.

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Machine learning speeds up web application load times

The increase in web application use means that we're loading more code than ever into our browsers. According to httparchive, the amount of JavaScript used by the top 100 websites has almost tripled in the last three years whilst HTML has almost doubled. This has performance implications because larger page-sizes mean end users have to wait significantly longer for web pages to load.

California-based cloud delivery service Instart Logic is hoping to improve things with the launch of SmartSequence, a new technology that employs machine learning to optimize how HTML and JavaScript code is loaded in browsers.

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UK businesses don't all have their heads in the cloud

Cloud fail

Although as we reported last week more businesses are turning to the cloud it seems that some UK companies are lagging behind the trend.

According to a new Service Provider and Performance Satisfaction survey by audit and accounting specialist KPMG 71 percent of UK organizations are spending 10 percent, or less, of their IT budget on cloud services.

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Apple's new €1.7 billion European data centers will power cloud services

Colder regions make great places for building data centers. Operators can leverage the colder air outside to cool those hot servers, without relying much on costly tools like air conditioners and the like. When we're talking about thousands of servers all running in the same place, the savings are substantial. And so is the positive impact on the environment, thanks to a healthy decrease in energy requirements and emissions.

It should come as no surprise that Apple has announced Denmark and Ireland as the locations of choice for its two new European data centers. The two countries are also favored by other players in the tech industry, like Google and Microsoft. Apple's new data centers will power online services for European customers.

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IT departments take the lead in bringing cloud services to the enterprise

It’s no surprise that more and more organizations are using the cloud, but the latest State of the Cloud report from RightScale throws up some interesting trends.

The company surveyed 930 technical professionals across a broad cross-section of organizations about their adoption of cloud computing.

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How to get 100GB of free OneDrive storage worldwide

You can easily increase the amount of storage that's available with your OneDrive for free. Bonus space can be unlocked by referring the service to your friends and enabling the auto camera upload feature in the mobile apps. The most that you can get though is 20 GB. Those of us who have been using the service from the early days also get a loyalty bonus of 10 GB. But maybe that's still not enough.

As you may know, Microsoft has recently started to give Bing Rewards users the option to unlock a further 100 GB of free OneDrive storage. The catch? Only folks using the service in US have been welcome. However, now you can get the same treatment worldwide. Here's how.

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New cloud platform helps promote employee engagement

If a workforce is engaged people will be happy and more productive in their jobs, so it's something that businesses are keen to promote. But a Gallup survey last year found that 87 percent of workers worldwide and 70 percent of employees in the US are either not engaged or are actively disengaged in their jobs.

In order to try to put this right Californian company Glint is launching a real-time cloud solution to help people succeed at work. It's based on attractive and user-friendly pulse surveys that take only two or three minutes to complete.

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Everything-as-a-service: The benefits for businesses and customers [Q&A]


It feels as if everything is turning to a subscription or "... as-a-service" business model. Just last week I was told about an app that offers (and I kid you not) "Laundry-as-a-Service". To help you and I understand the trend and figure out how your business can take advantage of it I got in contact with Louis Hall, CEO of Cerillion.

In this interview Louis and I get to the bottom of how and why businesses can and should take advantage of the subscription model and exactly why it’s become so popular.

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Datameer brings big data analytics to the cloud

Big data cloud

As more businesses want to take advantage of the insights that analysis of big data can offer there's greater demand for the cloud to allow direct access to stored data.

San Francisco-based big data platform specialist Datameer was the first big data analytics platform purpose built for Hadoop. Now the company is first to market with a big data analytics platform designed specifically for the cloud.

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How the cloud boosts business security

Cloud security

One of the most interesting aspects of the "Cloud Computing in 2015" infographic produced by QuoteColo is this: 94 percent of business managers state that security has improved after adopting cloud applications.

While reading this stat on an infographic is comforting, we want to explore the statistic more to discover why and how cloud applications have made businesses more secure. But before we can get into why cloud applications have made businesses more secure, we need to talk about the false illusion of porous cloud security.

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IBM announces new cloud-based identity protection

cloud lock

Many of the things we do online require an ID and password, but typically whilst this makes things easier for the site it doesn't always do a lot to protect the user, who may be revealing more information than they need.

For example you may have to reveal your full date of birth and address to a video streaming service in order to verify your age and region, running a risk that the information may fall into the wrong hands.

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Is it cord-cutting, or just cheating?

Anywhere from two to three times a week, Cox sends offers to join Flex Watch, which would add $19.99 to my $59.99 Internet service. The cable company guarantees the price for 12 months—no contract—and would provide HD set-top box with access to local networks and some premium, subscription channels. Last year's offer: HBO and Starz. Last month's adds Encore. This week, Cox sweetens by tempting with Cinemax and Flix for just $5 more.

The HD box and local channel access doesn't tempt the slightest. Cox would have to rewire our setup to enable access from the living room, but I'm a believer in the "If it ain't broke don't fix it" approach to networking. I've got 120Mbps Internet pumping down to the bedroom, where there is no TV, and don't want to risk mucking up what we've got. But I am tempted to pay $19.99, or $24.99, for the subscription channels and stream to the tellie content in their apps—which I find offer better benefits. But does that cross the line? Is it still cord-cutting?

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The EU's awful cloud adoption rates revealed

The growth in high-speed internet connectivity across Europe, the increasing adoption of cloud services, the consumerization of IT and the move towards mobile working are all trends that, in theory, play to the strengths of SMBs -- allowing them to compete more effectively.

The proliferation towards cloud-based services such as Skype, Google Drive and Salesforce is also making life easier for employees -- allowing staff to access content from anywhere and work collaboratively. However, research of 2,500 European office-based workers recently conducted by ZyXEL, has found that while SMBs are starting to make the most of new technologies and services, there are inconsistencies with the progress being made in each country.

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New business collaboration platform secures data with personalized cryptography


Data security is a big concern for both individuals and businesses. This doesn't only apply to the public face of a business, but to exchange of information and collaboration between employees too.

Canadian company Witkit is launching a new platform that allows the creation of teams and groups within industries, companies, and departments to tackle projects and solve problems collectively, with the safety and security of knowing their data cannot be breached.

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