Articles about Cloud

Microsoft adds guest access to Office 365

Office 365

Microsoft keeps adding new features to its Office 365 suite, and now it has made easier for people outside a group to collaborate on files. A new feature, for Office 365 groups, allows people who aren't staff members, or members of a particular group, to join in and collaborate.

Group owners can now use the web version of Outlook to invite non-staff members in.

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New solution prevents loss and corruption in big data environments

Big data magnifier

The pressure to move towards using big data can often lead to management practices lagging behind. While storage is managed often data flows aren't, which leads to breakdowns and corruption of the data.

The bigger and more complex the data, the greater the problem becomes. To address this, San Francisco-based StreamSets is launching its Dataflow Performance Manager (DPM), a solution that makes it possible to manage the operations of a company's end-to-end dataflows within a single pane.

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Google wants to buy cloud software company Apigee

Google has announced that it will acquire the cloud software company Apigee Corp in a move that will likely help boost its own cloud offerings.

The deal is valued at around $625 million and Google has agreed to pay Apigee shareholders $17.40 for each share of the company's stock which amounts to a 6.5 percent premium on its closing price the day before the announcement.

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Box users will soon be able to edit Google documents

During BoxWorks 2016, the annual Box conference taking place in San Francisco, the enterprise content platform announced it is teaming up with Google to make working and collaborating in the cloud simpler and easier.

Box will become third-party content repository for Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides, it was unveiled during the conference. Once the new offering is available, it will enable Box users to create and edit Google documents directly from its cloud services.

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Box and IBM team up to increase productivity in cloud workflows

Thanks to a new partnership between Box and IBM, Box users will be getting a new workflow solution which will allow any business users to build, manage and track custom and pre-built workflows.

The new solution, called Box Relay, will be a part of the "all new Box", to be presented during BoxWorks 2016, Box's annual San Francisco conference.

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Oracle buys LogFire to boost supply chain management tools

In order to boost the features of its supply chain management cloud offering, Oracle will be acquiring the Atlanta-based LogFire that provides cloud-based warehouse management applications.

Oracle believes that LogFire's applications will really help complement the logistics functionality of its own Oracle Supply Chain Management (SCM), through the addition of the ability to manage warehouses. The financial terms of the company's proposed acquisition have yet to be disclosed, but both LogFire's employees and management will be joining the Oracle SCM Cloud Team.

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New cloud suite aims to eliminate passwords

cloud padlock

Passwords are old technology and were never really designed to protect public access to sensitive information like bank and healthcare details. Yet despite the introduction of new technologies like two-factor authentication, biometric recognition and others, the password continues to cling on.

Identity and authentication platform Trusona wants to hasten the death of the password with the introduction of its Cloud Identity Suite, offering three tiers of identity-proofing and authentication, and making the basic level available for free.

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More than half of malware infected files in cloud apps are shared with others

Cloud fail

The latest report on enterprise cloud usage and trends from cloud security specialist Netskope reveals that 55.9 percent of malware-infected files found in cloud apps are shared publicly.

It also finds that ransomware is now one of the most common threats, with 43.7 percent of malware infections found in enterprise cloud apps having delivered ransomware. These include Javascript exploits and droppers, Microsoft Office macros and PDF exploits.

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GoDaddy acquires ManageWP for its WordPress management tool

Internet domain registrar, and web hosting company GoDaddy, has announced that it has acquired ManageWP. ManageWP is a WordPress dashboard, allowing webmasters to manage multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard.

"GoDaddy is serious about investing in WordPress and ManageWP is by far the leading tool for managing WordPress sites", says Jeff King, SVP of Hosting at GoDaddy. "Together, we’ll bring ManageWP to the scale of GoDaddy, helping web designers and developers save thousands of work hours and touch millions of websites globally, no matter where they are hosted".

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Pilot-as-a-Service platform connects enterprises to software vendors


While companies are often keen to have their own custom built applications, the process of coming up with a proof of concept and selecting a developer can be complex and time consuming.

Israel-based prooV wants to make the process easier with the world's first Pilot-as-a-Service platform that seamlessly connects enterprises to independent software vendors.

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Dropbox and BitTitan team up to ease cloud migration

cloud migration

Migrating to the cloud can be a complex and time consuming process. In order to help things go more smoothly, services automation provider BitTitan has formed an alliance with Dropbox to simplify and accelerate the process of data migration into Dropbox Business.

The link up provides BitTitan partners to create new services revenue around another leading cloud product. In turn, Dropbox resellers have free access to all of the tools and resources in BitTitan MSPComplete, a comprehensive cloud services enabling platform, including its sales automation capabilities.

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What enterprise workloads are right for the cloud? [Q&A]

Cloud management

The question many businesses are asking themselves is, 'should we be moving to the cloud?' The public cloud is clearly a success, as shown by the significant adoption of Amazon Web Services (AWS). Companies are benefiting from the pay-as-go nature of the cloud, as well as from the ability to turn up services as needed without the traditional hardware spend. Gartner recently reported that cloud computing will affect more than $1 trillion in IT spending by 2020.

But even with this growing popularity, corporate IT departments are still struggling with how to integrate public clouds into their data center initiatives. One of the main reasons for this hesitation is the uncertainty around maintaining workload performance once the data gets to the cloud. This is a valid concern, but one that can be overcome. We spoke to Len Rosenthal, chief marketing officer for infrastructure performance specialist Virtual Instruments, to discuss how workload analysis and modeling is the first step for any cloud migration initiative.

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Microsoft opens UK datacenters for Office 365 and Azure

Microsoft has announced that local datacenters are now available in the UK to Office 365 and Azure customers. This enables companies dealing with UK-only customers to ensure that data remains within the country and fully complies with data protection and privacy laws.

Describing itself as the "first global cloud productivity provider" to offer UK residency for data, Microsoft says Azure and Office 365 are now generally available from multiple data center locations in the UK. It has already attracted the custom of the Ministry of Defence.

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Enterprises moving to hybrid cloud

Cloud computing seems to be a feature of successful businesses, but still a lot of workloads remain on premises, a new study by IBM suggests. More than 1,000 C-suite executives from 18 industries were interviewed, face-to-face, to come to this conclusion.

In 78 percent of cases, cloud initiatives are either "coordinated" or "fully integrated", which is a significant jump, compared to 34 percent we had in 2012. More successful the company is the higher the percentage too. On the other hand, 45 percent of workloads remain, and are expected to remain, on premises.

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Icertis partners with Box to offer smoother enterprise contract management

Contracts are among the most sensitive documents that many enterprises handle. When storing them in the cloud therefore firms need to be sure that they’re secure and properly managed.

Contract lifecycle specialist Icertis is partnering with cloud storage supplier Box to integrate with the latter's enterprise content management platform, empowering users to collaborate with internal stakeholders and seamlessly share documents and contract drafts during negotiation.

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