Articles about Cloud

New platform integrates Windows file servers with the cloud

Cloud server

Although businesses are keen to move to the cloud and IaaS solutions, most still have files stored on in-house servers.

Enterprise file sharing and sync platform FileCloud is launching a new product called ServerSync that integrates Microsoft Windows file servers with any IaaS cloud.

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New study shows wide gaps in attitudes to cloud security

cloud key

While a majority of businesses around the world have adopted cloud services, a study released today reveals a wide gap in the level of security precautions applied by companies in different markets.

The study from digital security company Gemalto finds that German businesses are more cautious when it comes to sharing sensitive information in the cloud (61 percent) than British (35 percent), Brazilian (34 percent) and Japanese (31 percent) organizations.

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New platform improves visibility of online services


As enterprises move more data to the cloud one of the problems they have is understanding where everything is and how it integrates with existing workflows.

Cyber security and breach analytics specialist Eastwind Networks is launching a new Eastwind for SaaS platform that offers complete visibility for companies using online services, such as G Suite, Office 365, Dropbox, Box and Salesforce.

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Cloud workloads at risk from compliance, security and management failings

Cloud risk

Security, management and compliance challenges are hitting the benefits businesses are getting from using the cloud as their infrastructures become more complex, according to new research.

The study from security and compliance specialist WinMagic reveals that 39 percent of respondents report their infrastructure is more complex since using the cloud, and 53 percent spend more time on management tasks than they have done previously.

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7 things you could do instead of CES

The annual scourge is upon us, as tens of thousands of attention seekers descend on Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show. Nowhere else can you watch bloggers and journalists in a constant chase of their public relations foibles, who desperately hunt for all the attention they can get their clients. Think a thousand kids in a small room, calling for mommy and groping her dress. Then multiply ten times.

My last CES pilgrimage was 2008. That's right, I haven't gone in 10 years. No-o-o-o regrets. Nothing important ever comes out of the show, even though each year the hype suggests otherwise. Most new unveiled products won't ship until second half of the year. If ever. There's more vaporware at CES than hot air—and that's no easy feat. Surely the Las Vegas Convention Center installs extra carbon dioxide scrubbers so that participants don't asphyxiate. If there was an alarm for toxic babble, it would sound incessantly.

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Google answers your questions about Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities

Google logo

The revelations about the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities affecting millions of processors around the world has raised a huge number of questions for many people. While businesses and large organizations are rushing to ensure that their systems -- and their data -- are protected, the average computer user has been left wondering what on Earth is going on.

While there are a lot of very technical write-ups about the implications of the Spectre and Meltdown bugs, as well as explanations of just how the exploit works, the average Joe has been left somewhat in the dark. To try to remedy this, Google has answered a series of questions relating to the security issues.

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Microsoft acquires storage vendor Avere Systems to boost its hybrid cloud offerings

Avere Systems and Microsoft

Microsoft has bought file systems company Avere Systems for an undisclosed sum. The acquisition is part of Microsoft's continuing shift to the cloud, and sees the company improving its enterprise products.

Avere's technology will be integrated into Microsoft Azure, continuing the company's provision of "high-performance NFS and SMB file-based storage for Linux and Windows clients running in cloud, hybrid and on-premises environments."

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McAfee grabs Skyhigh to boost cloud security

Cloud data security

With more and more businesses storing data in the cloud, protecting and controlling it as it travels back and forth has become a major concern.

To address this McAfee is acquiring Skyhigh Networks, one of the pioneers of the cloud access security broker (CASB) model of protection.

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Challenging costs and greater portability -- 2018 cloud predictions

Cloud access

The shift of systems towards the cloud has showed no signs of slowing down this year, and industry experts still see a bright future for the technology in 2018, although not without challenges along the way.

Hybrid systems could see the fastest growth. "I expect hybrid to experience the largest growth spurt, because most companies have a legacy IT department and they can’t just change the business and systems to operate only on public cloud services. On the other hand, I believe net new companies will operation mostly in the public domain with only private/hybrid systems based on security and compliance," says Paul Stephenson, field evangelist and principal systems engineer at OVH US.

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Why moving to the cloud can help boost security and compliance [Q&A]

Secure cloud

Although the adoption of cloud services has increased over the past few years, many organizations are still unwilling to make the move to the cloud due to security and compliance concerns.

But Jim Hansen, VP of product marketing at security management firm AlienVault argues that companies with limited resources and budget should actually consider moving to the cloud in order to benefit from stronger security and compliance, in addition to other business benefits. We spoke to him to find out more.

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Using AWS for data protection -- where barriers can also be benefits

Cloud data security

Cloud data protection and management specialist Druva has released the results of its 2017 AWS Cloud Data Protection Survey, which shows that the three biggest barriers for moving data to AWS for cloud storage are cost, security and lack of control.

But for respondents already in the cloud those same barriers are identified as the top benefits. One of the biggest benefits seen from those who have already moved their data to the cloud is cost savings (59 percent). Yet 49 percent of respondents who are considering a move cite cost as the number one barrier.

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FileCloud launches GDPR support for private clouds

Private cloud

With GDPR coming into effect in may 2018, the complex requirements of the legislation may leave many companies struggling to comply.

Enterprise file service platform FileCloud is adding new features to its platform to deliver compliance support for organizations using private cloud enterprise file sharing.

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New platform streamlines data flow management across the hybrid architectures

data bucket

As organizations become more reliant on data, its time-sensitive nature means analytics need to be performed at multiple points.

However, traditional coding and data management techniques can lead to bottlenecks and slow delivery. Data platform specialist StreamSets is addressing this problem with the launch of StreamSets Control Hub (SCH), designed to streamline the delivery and operational management of dataflows.

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Organizations not in control of their public cloud spending

Cloud money

Companies don't have an understanding of their public cloud spend, with 75 percent either overspending relative to their budget, or simply not knowing how much they are spending.

A study by cloud optimization service Densify shows while the majority of organizations have budgeted spend for public cloud, most don't know how much their company spends monthly on these services.

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Amazon is becoming the new Microsoft

My last column was about the recent tipping point signifying that cloud computing is guaranteed to replace personal computing over the next three years. This column is about the slugfest to determine what company’s public cloud is most likely to prevail. I reckon it is Amazon’s and I’ll go further to claim that Amazon will shortly be the new Microsoft.

What I mean by The New Microsoft is that Amazon is starting to act a lot like the old Microsoft of the 1990s. You remember -- the Bad Microsoft.

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