Grocery Shopping With the Touch of a Finger

A supermarket chain in North Carolina has introduced a new way to pay for your groceries - with only the touch of a finger. Lowes Foods is the first retail store in the country to offer a biometric payment system, which will match the fingerprint of a customer to a linked checking account.
Lowes contracted BioPay, a company specializing in biometric payment systems, to set up the service.
"In addition to being the most secure payment method available, QuikTouch can help us provide even faster checkout for our customers," said Lowes Foods President Curtis Oldenkamp.
Customers wishing to enroll in the service will have their index finger scanned, as well as pick a 10-digit number to act as their account number with the service.
After enrollment, the customer will be able to use the service anywhere it is accepted. Lowes Foods operates 109 stores across the Southeast United States, and expects all stores to have the fingerprint payment service by early next year.