Hey Google! This is the Android 12 we need

Later on in the year Google will be taking the wraps off the next version of its mobile operating system -- Android 12.
Exactly what new features and innovations will be introduced remains to be seen, but typically the search giant focuses on evolution rather than revolution.
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Addy Visuals has created a number of excellent concepts in recent months, including ones for Windows Vista Remastered, Windows 8 Remastered and Windows 21.
For this year, he’s kicking things off with his vision for Android 12, and it’s excellent.
Highlights of the reimagined OS include an all-new, and very attractive design, the ability to offload apps to save battery life, and the option to restrict and share Wi-Fi networks.
Quick Settings has been redesigned, and scrolling screenshots are a thing too.
App Pairs make multitasking easier, and you can quickly lock apps to prevent their usage.
And finally, who needs Dark Mode when you can have Blackout Mode!
Personally, I really like the look of this concept, and you can check it out in the video below.
Serial concept creator Kamer Kaan Avdan, who has previously released videos for updated versions of Windows 95, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 11, Apple’s version of Windows 10, and Windows 20, recently created his own Android 12 concept and you can see how his vision compares here.