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[Giveaway] VisionTek USB 3.0 512GB Pocket SSD -- enter to win! [Update]

Nowadays, everyone seems to be obsessed with cloud storage. While there is nothing wrong with utilizing the aforementioned storage option, it should never be your only method. In other words, redundancy is key -- a local backup of your files in addition is very wise.

When it comes to local backups, there are many directions to take, such as a mechanical hard drive. Unfortunately, hard drives have moving parts, are audible, and can be fairly large. Solid state drives are a great choice for storage, and today, we are giving away a USB 3.0 variant.

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Employees put corporate networks at risk

Digital device practices among US employees are exposing their employers to increased security risks according to a new study.

Identity management company OneLogin along with Arlington Research surveyed 1022 respondents in the US and found that 13 percent let their colleagues use a device that can access their employer's network. In addition nine percent allow their partners to access such a device, and one percent even permit their children to use it.

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O&O DiskImage Professional 11 unveils complete redesign, new command-line tool

O&O Software GMBH has unveiled O&O DiskImage Professional 11 64-bit, major new version of its disk-imaging tool for Windows PCs. Also available for 32-bit versions of Windows, the new release unveils a major facelift, giving the program a more modern look and feel.

There’s also a new command-line tool, as well as display improvements (including support for 4K displays), and the promise of faster performance.

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Cut your browser's RAM usage with All Browsers Memory Zip

All Browsers Memory Zip is a free memory optimizer designed to cut your browser’s RAM usage. The program doesn’t just work with Chrome, IE or Firefox -- it recognizes and supports almost 40 browsers, out of the box.

Once installed, All Browsers Memory Zip monitors your running processes, looking out for supported browsers and checking their RAM usage.

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New partnership delivers cloud solution for the insurance industry

Insurance companies have slightly different software needs from other businesses. They need to expand accounts, drive renewals, streamline the new policy acquisition process and manage claims.

Now cloud specialist Vlocity and insurance solution provider Insurity are announcing a partnership that will deliver a cloud solution for insurance businesses.

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Workers at fault for most cyber attacks

employee snoop

Here’s another solid proof of what security experts have been buzzing about in the past few years -- that people are the single greatest cyber-security threat to businesses.

This time, proof comes from Transputec and Business Continuity Institute, which have polled 369 business continuity professionals from all over the world into enterprise cyber-security.

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Thinking about Big Data -- Part one

Big Data is Big News, a Big Deal, and Big Business, but what is it, really? What does Big Data even mean? To those in the thick of it, Big Data is obvious and I’m stupid for even asking the question. But those in the thick of Big Data find most people stupid, don’t you? So just for a moment I’ll speak to those readers who are, like me, not in the thick of Big Data.

What does it mean? That’s what I am going to explore this week in what I am guessing will be three long columns.

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LightZone: still a great image editor

If you’re looking for a free image editor then you’ll probably start with the big names, the latest updates, whatever’s made the headlines recently. But there’s also a whole world of mature software out there which doesn’t make the news, and isn’t updated often, yet could still deliver everything you need.

LightZone started life more than 10 years ago as a commercial RAW and JPEG processor, for example, but since going open source in 2013 the project has very quiet. There is some activity, though -- the last release was at the end of June, more on the way -- and there’s plenty of functionality to explore.

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Academics create algorithm that can detect if you're lying in emails

A lie has no legs, the saying goes, but when you’re online, you don’t need legs. You can cruise through the Internet, lying to people free of the little signals which could give you away, such as body language.

This is a topic academics from the Cass Business School tackled, ultimately creating an algorithm that can detect lies in an email. I’m totally serious.

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Businesses lack confidence in their ability to adapt to change

The information age means that things change fast and the ability to make quick decisions is an important factor of business success.

But a new survey of over 1200 project management executives by Changepoint finds that just 10 percent of organizations are confident that they can quickly adapt to change, with 36 percent responding that they can't.

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BMW, Intel and Mobileye team up to make self-driving vehicles

It seems that the recent tragedy in which a person was killed while riding an automated Tesla vehicle isn’t discouraging car makers from pursuing their dream of fully autonomous vehicles on our roads.

BMW Group, Intel and Mobileye have teamed up to bring fully autonomous vehicles to mass production within the next five years. That’s quite the triumvirate.

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Bitcoin is a 'safe haven' in a period of economical and political instability

Bitcoin’s transaction value has increased drastically over the past year, mostly because of both political and economic instability we’ve been witnessing in the past few years, according to a new Juniper Research report.

Total value of the cryptocurrency’s transactions is expected to hit $92 billion (£69.3bn) this year, up from less than $27 billion in 2015.

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OnePlus 3 update to fix RAM problems and sRGB mode is pulled after brief rollout

OnePlus 3 users have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of OxygenOS 3.2.0 via an OTA update since the Chinese company announced the rollout. The update was supposed to address not only issues with memory management, but also introduce sRGB mode for the Optic AMOLED screen.

But a little over a day after saying the update would have hit every handset within 48 hours, it has been pulled.

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FBI says 'careless' Clinton shouldn't face email charges despite sharing top secret information

To the amazement of some, and the disappointment of others, the FBI today recommended that no charges be brought against Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server. The presidential hopeful was roundly criticized, however, with James Comey describing her actions as "extremely careless".

The FBI director's remarks came after Clinton took part in a voluntary interview over the weekend, and after the bureau's investigation found that her private email account had indeed been used to send classified and even secret information -- officially a misdemeanour. The FBI's line is that "no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case".

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Brexit pounds UK Android fans like a hammer as OnePlus 3 price soars

Brexit flags

The OnePlus 3 is reportedly a great smartphone -- reviews have been glowing. The big selling point, however, is the low price. The company's smartphones are viewed by many to be the antithesis of the high-priced offerings of the big-names; a revolution, if you will.

Unfortunately for those in the UK, the price won't be as low for very long. Due to the infamous Brexit -- the state's decision to leave the European Union -- the British pound has lost a lot of value. As a result of the currency's decline, OnePlus is raising the price of its latest smartphone in the UK.

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