Wayne Williams

How tech companies collect data on you, and what they do with it

Big Brother is watching you. Or rather technology giants like Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Yahoo are. The firms track their users relentlessly, and use that information to provide a tailored online experience (and maybe share it with government agencies).

Baynote, which provides personalized customer experience solutions for multi-channel retailers, has put together an interesting visual insight into what data the tech titans gather about you, how it’s collected, and what purposes it’s put to.

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Who will install Windows 8.1?

Microsoft will be releasing the Windows 8.1 Preview this week and we’re excited to finally get our hands on an official build, and try out the new features and improvements which the software giant has implemented in its quest to make its divisive operating system more appealing to the masses.

A week ago we asked you if you intend to install Windows 8.1. To date we’ve had just over 2,800 responses, so it’s a reasonable sample size given the time the poll has been up, and the results are interesting. The actual percentage between answers hasn’t changed much since around the 1,000 responses mark.

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Google rolls out revamped Groups

Google announces it is giving Google Groups an overhaul, retiring the old version and replacing it with a modern update with improved options for managing your groups as well as new moderation tools, and a mobile site.

Groups also now lets you create an inbox for collaboratively sharing, distributing, and tracking responsibilities with others.

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AOL takes the wraps off its own Google Reader replacement -- launches Monday

For years technology blogs have trumpeted the death of RSS, but it took Google shutting down Reader to reveal just how alive and well the platform truly is.

When my colleague Alan Buckingham expressed his dislike of Feedly, Google Reader’s heir apparent, he was bombarded with emails from other feed reading services requesting he give them a shot. Other firms, like Digg, are rolling out new services, and now AOL has announced its own Reader replacement.

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Samsung Premiere 2013 -- Watch the event here

Samsung is set to launch some new products at its Samsung Premiere 2013 event at London’s Earl's Court tonight.

While we’re not sure exactly what to expect, we do know the South Korean tech giant will be unveiling new Galaxy and ATIV devices, and is promising a "glimpse into the future", whatever that cryptic hint may mean.

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Critics may have won the DRM battle, but Microsoft will win the Xbox One war

Yesterday, when I first heard the rumors that Microsoft was going to be dumping the Xbox One’s DRM restrictions -- dropping the regular internet checks and making it easier to share and trade games -- I was skeptical. But then news sites began reporting the story, citing reliable sources, and Microsoft removed the Xbox One Q&A page from its website -- clear confirmation big changes were afoot.

Faced with a tide of anger from gamers, and overwhelming negativity towards certain aspects of its forthcoming entertainment console, Microsoft did something no one expected -- it reversed its stance on DRM and went back to the old ways. It was a surprising decision.

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The Post-PC world is too slow for me

I use AVG AntiVirus Free to keep my PC clear of infections. Every so often the software pops up a little message warning me when one of my browsers is consuming too much memory, giving me the chance to restart the greedy program and free up resources. Just now it popped up a message telling me Firefox is using 1GB of RAM. Five minutes before that it notified me that Chrome, which I'm also running, was using 1GB as well.

If I fire up Task Manager and take a peek I see both of those memory hogs have nothing on Photoshop which is also running and has 30 x 12MB photos open, requiring it to use 2.6GB of RAM. I have 20 other programs on the go at the same time.

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Canonical assembles a team of experts to help Ubuntu crack the mobile market

Although Ubuntu for phones looks great, it’s going to be very tricky for Canonical to get any real foothold in a mobile market utterly dominated by iOS and Android devices. Even coming close to competing with BlackBerry and Windows Phone seems like a pipe dream at this point.

To help realize its ambitions, Canonical has put together a Carrier Advisory Group (CAG) to guide and shape the Ubuntu operating system for mobile devices.

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Freemium developers are doing it all wrong

Am I naive in thinking that Freemium-based games should blow your socks off with an amazing gameplay experience during your first taste of the free game period?

This certainly doesn’t seem to be the case given nearly all the titles I'm seeing so far. What I’m invariably experiencing is a title that’s unremarkable, often tedious and bland by all measures, with the expectation for you to pay money to make it slightly more bearable.

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Will you be installing Windows 8.1? [Poll]

On June 26 Microsoft will release a preview of Windows 8.1. The OS refresh is designed to make the operating system easier to use, address some of the concerns that users have, and persuade doubters to finally make the switch.

Windows 8.1 fixes issues and introduces some welcome new features, including the return of the Start button, boot to desktop, the option to have multiple apps on screen at once, Internet Explorer 11, the ability to turn the lockscreen into a photoframe, as well as various Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and security enhancements.

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Take a look at the revamped Store in Windows 8.1

If you downloaded a leaked build of Windows 8.1 you’ll have noticed quite a few changes to Microsoft's new operating system, but there are still a lot more tweaks and features to come in the official preview build which will be released on June 26.

One of the new features is a revamped Windows Store, but unfortunately this wasn’t available to explore on the leaked builds. I say "wasn’t" because as of today you can now access and browse the store, and even download apps.

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Vodafone UK’s new Smart Mini gives you the power of Jelly Bean for just £50 -- contract free

Great news for British Android lovers. If you’re in the market for a new mobile phone, but money’s a little tight right now, Vodafone’s new own-brand Smart Mini could be just what you’re looking for.

One of the cheapest Android smartphones around, the device is understandably pretty low spec with a 3.5-inch 480 by 320 display, 2-Megapixel camera, 1GHz processor and 4GB of internal storage.

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Hey Microsoft, here’s another ball! Try not to drop this... oh

If I worked for Microsoft, and my sole job was to come up with products that divided opinion and alienated many previously loyal users, I reckon I would be due a promotion about now.

While some divisions within Microsoft are doing a great job (Bing and Outlook.com spring to mind), you have to wonder what the bloody hell is going on when the tech giant is able to so badly foul up not only Windows but Xbox too.

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Google wants you to know it has nothing to hide

Google was one of numerous tech companies implicated in last week’s PRISM scandal, and despite issuing a carefully worded denial, many people still believe the search giant provides the NSA with unfettered access to its servers.

Unhappy with the situation, Google has written a letter to the offices of the Attorney General and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, asking them to give the company permission to publish in its transparency reports at least some information about the FISA national security requests it receives. This will prove, Google hopes, that it complies with legal requests, but no more.

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You won’t be going through THAT windshield! Gorilla Glass coming to cars?

If you’re the sort of person who views a seatbelt as an inconvenience, you might soon have to reconsider your stance as according to Jeffery Evenson, senior vice president of Corning, the firm’s durable Gorilla Glass could start appearing in vehicles within the next 12 months.

Corning’s scratch resistant Gorilla Glass can already be found in 1.5 billion electronic devices, including the Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One, but it’s not just the strength of the glass that might appeal to automobile makers.

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