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Embracing AI -- safely

AI Safety

Any CTO or CIO who has been working for even a short period of time likely has had experience with some novel technology phenomenon that seemed to completely revolutionize the industry overnight. In my 25+ years of experience -- most of which have been at technology companies aimed at simplifying financial transactions -- I’ve witnessed several of these disruptive software shifts. Each was discussed upon its debut as though it had world-changing implications… and then pretty quickly became the norm.

AI’s trajectory from esoteric industry chatter to dominant mainstream conversation has been stratospheric. Cloud software, in contrast, was the topic of industry buzz for years before it became nearly ubiquitous (and it still doesn’t have 100 percent adoption among all enterprise technology systems). It seems to me that AI has secured a foothold -- especially in pop culture -- while still in relatively early development.

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Google Drive security flaw allows data to be stolen without trace

Cloud incident response company Mitiga has released research on a significant forensic security deficiency in Google Workspace that enables threat actors to exfiltrate data in Google Drive without any trace.

Data theft is one of the most common motives for attack, and with more than six million businesses using Google Workspace -- including Google Drive -- the cloud-based repository has been a prime target for data exfiltration.

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Between a rock and a hard place: Privacy vs Personalization


A survey by Deloitte reveals that as many as 79 percent of people are ready to share their data if they see obvious value in doing so. However, people also need to know that their data privacy is taken seriously. For companies at the cutting edge of personalization in technology and marketing, this means reassuring customers that their data will be kept safe and used transparently and for their own benefit.

While personalization and privacy may seem diametrically opposed, it is possible for businesses to achieve both and prosper. We can compare the privacy versus personalization dilemma with the legendary myth from Homer’s Odyssey, Scylla and Charybdis. These two sea monsters presented a perilous choice to our hero Odysseus, who needed to creatively navigate a route between the two. In the same way, businesses must carefully maneuver between the need for privacy and an ever-deeper demand for customized services.

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77 percent of UK citizens are concerned about online privacy

A new survey shows that 77 percent of people in the UK are concerned about the privacy of their data online, but 15 percent don't do anything at all to protect themselves online.

The study, carried out for Proton by YouGov, reveals concern is even greater among those who have been a victim of a hack, or know someone who has.

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New Microsoft Mac Admins community now available for IT pros using Microsoft products on Apple devices in the enterprise

Microsoft 365 on a Mac

Acknowledging that not everyone in the world uses a PC, Microsoft has launched a new tech community for people using its products in conjunction with Apple hardware. Called Microsoft Mac Admins, it is described as an "online community for IT professionals who are passionate and knowledgeable about using Microsoft products on Apple Mac devices in the enterprise."

The launch comes as growing numbers of organizations use Microsoft Intune and other products from the company to manage Macs in the enterprise. Microsoft says that the aim of the community is to give Mac admins a way to "connect with other users, share experiences and best practices, learn from experts and peers, get help with common issues, and be inspired by the latest innovations."

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Get 'Windows Server Automation with PowerShell Cookbook -- Fifth Edition' (worth $37.99) for FREE

The Windows Server Automation with PowerShell Cookbook is back with a new edition, featuring over 100 PowerShell recipes that will make your day-to-day work easier.

This book is designed to help you learn how to install, configure and use PowerShell 7.2 effectively. To start with, the book will explain how to install and configure PowerShell 7.2, along with useful new features and optimizations, and show you how the PowerShell compatibility solution bridges the gap to older versions of PowerShell.

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MSPs and AI: Understanding the perks, risks and responsibilities of AI platforms


Over the past few years, the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly grown, impacting virtually every industry. In fact, 91 percent of leading businesses are now investing in AI tools regularly. With the mainstream success of second-generation AI platforms like ChatGPT, AI is available at your fingertips, offering numerous benefits that can help streamline daily tasks.

For managed services providers (MSPs), these tools provide an opportunity to enhance workplace efficiency, reduce operational costs and increase business opportunities. However, with every perk comes a responsibility that must be taken into consideration.

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Surfshark VPN comes to the Microsoft Store

Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your keyboards, because Surfshark is making waves in the world of online security. The highly acclaimed VPN app has officially landed on the Microsoft Store for Windows, and the internet community is buzzing with excitement.

Why did the folks at Surfshark decide to make this move? Well, it's all about accessibility, my friends. Surfshark is on a mission to make their product available to everyone, and what better way to achieve that than by offering their app on the Microsoft Store? Windows users can now easily experience the full power and potential of Surfshark's VPN services right at their fingertips.

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The future of intellectual property

Over recent years, various emerging technologies have presented complex issues for intellectual property (IP) laws. The pace at which these technologies are advancing is only accelerating, and it seems fated that many recent innovations are on the verge of significantly impacting our lives.

The ramifications for IP could be substantial, and already, discussions are taking place regarding how novel technologies will influence the IP landscape. In some instances, the emergence of new media necessitates a response from IP laws to ascertain which existing rules remain relevant and ensure that current assets continue to receive effective protection. In other cases, the evolving ways assets are utilized demonstrate that some IP regulations are no longer appropriate, indicating a need for reform.

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Logitech unveils MX Keys S Combo, MX Keys S, and MX Anywhere 3S for advanced users

Today, Logitech unveils its latest additions to the premium Master Series line -- MX Keys S Combo, MX Keys S, and MX Anywhere 3S. These products are designed for advanced users, including software developers and creative professionals. With the introduction of a new feature called Smart Actions in Logi Options+, Logitech aims to enhance users' productivity and help them achieve their "flow state," a period of optimal performance and heightened focus.

One of the notable features of these new Logitech products is the Smart Actions capability within the Logi Options+ App. This feature empowers users to automate repetitive tasks and streamline their workflow with macros, enabling them to accomplish more in less time. Predefined customizable Smart Actions are included to assist users in automating common tasks effectively.

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Point solutions: The good, the bad and the ugly

Point solutions

Organizations in the digital age live and die by their ability to provide customers with 24/7 access to revenue-generating services, including -- but not limited to -- online checkout and reservation portals. If a consumer were to pull back the curtain in front of these daily activities, they would find a dedicated team of site reliability engineers (SREs) and DevOps engineers working in tandem to improve system performance and maintain availability. But why all the fuss about availability?

The answer to that question is hopefully apparent if you are an IT leader. The number of digital buyers in the U.S. has skyrocketed in the past five years. Companies without the digital infrastructure to support this influx of traffic will inevitably lose out to the tune of millions of dollars in revenue per year. Simply put: maintaining availability is mission-critical.

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Sticking with Windows 7? Mozilla says it will continue to support Firefox for more than a year

Firefox on old laptop

There are still a lot of people running Windows 10 rather than upgrading to Windows 11. This is perhaps not astonishing, but there are still a surprising number of users with even older versions of Windows.

With Microsoft no longer supporting Windows 7 or Windows 8.x, sticking with these editions of the operating system is clearly an inadvisable security risk. But for anyone who has no choice, or who simply refuses to move on, Mozilla will continue to offer security updates for Firefox under these versions of Windows until well into 2024, so at least your browser will be safe.

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Think you can spot a deepfake? Think again

A new study from Jumio reveals that 52 percent of global respondents believe they could successfully detect a deepfake video.

However, the report's authors believe this reflects over-confidence on the part of consumers, given the reality that deepfakes have reached a level of sophistication that prevents detection by the naked eye.

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The evolution of AI in the enterprise [Q&A]

Artificial intelligence

In the last year or so, AI has suddenly been the thing that everyone's talking about, thanks largely to ChatGPT. There's a good deal of discussion around where AI is headed in the future and the opportunities and threats it presents.

We spoke to Josh Tobin, CEO of Gantry, an AI observability tool for platform models, about the evolution of AI in the enterprise and how businesses can make sure they don't get left behind.

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Microsoft's fix for camera issues on Surface Pro X and ARM-based PCs is a bodge

Plaster with I'm Fine printed on it

Users of ARM-based devices running Windows 10 or Windows 11 -- including Microsoft's own Surface Pro X -- have been experiencing problems with their built-in cameras for about a week. There have been increasing numbers of complaints about non-functioning cameras and the error message "0xA00F4271<MediaCaptureFailedEvent> (0x80004005)".

Microsoft has provided a workaround to mitigate the issue, but the consequences of implementing it are less than ideal.

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