Search Results for: gdpr

SailPoint launches updated identity governance platform

identity management

Identity management company SailPoint is announcing enhancements to its open identity platform, designed to enable identity to be woven throughout the IT operations and security fabric of organizations.

IdentityIQ version 7.2 enables a unified approach to identity governance that shares identity information across all IT and security investments.

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Almost half of UK infrastructure will have moved to the cloud in six months

cloud button

A new survey of UK IT decision makers by cloud and network provider Interoute shows the cloud is increasingly seen as the best platform for providing scalable infrastructure.

The results reveal that businesses plan to move on average just under half (46 percent) of their infrastructure to the cloud over the next six months.

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Brexit impact on UK jobs market may be overestimated

New reports are arguing that Brexit may not have such a major effect on the UK's tech sector as previously imagined.

Research released by Tech City UK and Nesta claim that foreign workers are more likely to have come from outside the EU, meaning that losing EU-based workforce may not be as "dangerous" for businesses as previously thought.

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Most organizations aren't sure where their data is stored

Storage puzzle

The modern IT landscape means that information can be stored across a number of platforms and locations. It's perhaps not surprising then that only 47 percent of organizations know where their data is stored at all times according to a new study.

The survey by McAfee of 800 business decision makers looks at how enterprises are looking after their data in the light of legislation including GDPR.

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UK businesses have a culture of secrecy towards data breaches

security breach

At a time when British businesses should be bolstering and updating their data protection policies in preparation for new legislation, it is worrying to report a culture of secrecy and ambivalence towards data breaches across the country.

With the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) due to come into force on May 25 next year, bringing with it huge fines of up to 20m Euros or four percent of turnover, a survey has revealed the real extent of Britain’s data breach problem.

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Two billion data records were stolen or lost in 2017 so far

open digital lock

Almost two billion data records were either lost or stolen in the first half of this year, according to a new report by Gemalto.

The company found that 1.9 billion records were lost or stolen during the first half of 2017 -- more than in the whole of last year, and equivalent to 10,439,560 records per day -- or roughly 3,000 whilst you read these few sentences.

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Public cloud security is a concern for most IT pros in UK

cloud encryption

An overwhelming majority of the UK’s IT professionals (90 percent) have their worries when it comes to securing the public cloud, according to a new study.

Research by Bitdefender found that 90 per cent of British professionals had concerns around the security of public cloud. A fifth (20 per cent) also said that their business doesn’t have security measures set up for sensitive data outside the company infrastructure.

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Intelligent data platform drives digital transformation


Businesses are more keen than ever to unlock the power of their data, but often struggle to come up with a strategic approach.

Cloud data management company Informatica is launching its latest Intelligent Data Platform driven by the CLAIRE engine which uses metadata-driven AI to deliver faster insights.

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VMware shrugs off Brexit concerns

VMware has confirmed it will continue to invest in the UK in spite of the worries surrounding Brexit.

The company’s head of EMEA operations told media today that Britain’s decision to leave the EU was not going to affect VMware’s position surrounding the country -- at least not for the time being.

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Bill Gates says Britain can be a world technology leader after Brexit, but CBI demands certainty on data

Before the UK's referendum on leaving the EU last year, Bill Gates warned that a vote to leave could jeopardize the country’s position in the science and technology sector.

But in an interview with the Daily Telegraph (paywalled) the Microsoft founder says that Britain can remain a world leader if care is taken.

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UK will comply with EU data laws after Brexit

The UK government has confirmed that it plans to comply with existing European laws on data handling and sharing, even after Brexit.

A paper published by the GOV.UK government website said that the EU needs to recognize how the UK is looking for an early agreement in finalizing its plans.

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UK businesses lack necessary security skills and awareness

British firms are putting themselves at risk of being hit by major cyber-attacks such as the WannaCry ransomware due to a lack of proper security skills and awareness, a new government report has warned.

Over two thirds (68 percent) of board members at FTSE 350 businesses have not been trained to deal with major cyber security attacks, according to the latest government cyber health check report, revealed today.

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Is open banking a nightmare waiting to happen?


The world of banking is about to be transformed. In January 2018, the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) will be incorporated into UK law, obliging banks to provide other organizations with access to their customers’ financial information. Known colloquially as the "open banking" directive, the new law is intended to end the monopoly of big banks and to provide consumers with a much wider range of financial services providers to choose from.

There are many technical and cultural difficulties that banks will need to overcome in order to comply with the new directive, but perhaps the most serious challenge is how to implement PSD2 without bringing themselves into conflict with another impending piece of legislation; the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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Google launches privacy website ahead of new European data protection rules

New data protection rules are due to come into effect in Europe next year, and Google is highlighting the rights and obligations that are being introduced. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force in May and Google, like other businesses, will need to comply.

While Google needs to ensure that its own products and services fulfill legal requirements, the company also points out that "customers and partners have significant obligations under these new laws." A new website serves to explain everything that you need to know, including detailing how to control how your data is used and shared.

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Does your IT team fully understand the security pitfalls of SSDs?

Solid state drives (SSDs) are a compelling proposition for IT procurement, as they have several advantages over hard disk drives (HDDs). The lack of moving parts means they generally last longer and are more reliable. Their faster access speed enables programs to run faster. Plus, they use less power, which improves device battery life and generates less noise. Prices are dropping fast, making this less of a factor when evaluating the two technologies side-by-side.

It’s no surprise that Gartner predicts 2017 will be the year revenue from enterprise sales of SSDs surpasses that from the older, more established technology. However, if organizations don’t want to run into substantial problems further down the line, a key question must be asked. Do IT and security teams have a good enough understanding of the technology to manage it appropriately? Take the data sanitization process at the point when an SSD-based device is due to be recommissioned, recycled or resold. Are the correct methods for carrying out and validating the complete sanitization and erasure of data both known and understood? Unfortunately, our research proves they’re not.

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