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Workflow everything with ServiceNow and AIOps

Companies of all sizes are continually seeking technologies to increase productivity, improve customer and employee experience, and ultimately drive business growth. This desire applies across functions of customer service, IT support, employee service as well as business-specific processes. Today, leading companies are turning to their vast data stores, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and process automation to achieve these outcomes. 

ServiceNow, once solely focused on IT service management (ITSM) and workflows, is increasingly enabling digital workflows across the enterprise. And, many organizations are expanding their initial ITSM investment to leverage ServiceNow as the platform where work gets done. Today, almost half of ServiceNow’s growth goes beyond IT to customer service, employee service, industry-specific processes, and 'bring your own workflow' low-code development. 

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Is pet tech the future?

According to Globe News Wire, the pet tech market is expected to reach £14.39 billion ($20 billion) worldwide by 2027. With more and more of us choosing to adopt a new furry friend into the family, the opportunities in developing pet tech are undeniable. As with any other sector that flourishes, supporting technology can become a goldmine for businesses and consumers alike, paving the way to more efficient processes.

From self-cleaning litter trays to tracker apps, the pet tech industry is set to shape the future of pets for owners and businesses alike. Let’s take a closer look.

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Best Windows 10 apps this week

Four-hundred-forty-five in a series. Welcome to this week's overview of the best apps, games and extensions released for Windows 10 on the Microsoft Store in the past seven days.

Many PCs have failed the Windows 11 system compatibility check. Check out Nick's guide on making your PC compatible.

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Microsoft suggests workarounds for critical, unpatched PrintNightmare exploit

Red and blue security padlock

When security researchers inadvertently published technical details of a remote execution vulnerability in Windows Print Spooler thinking (wrongly) that it had been patched, there was concern about the implications.

And rightly so. Microsoft has confirmed people's worst fears, saying that the PrintNightmare security flaw is already being exploited. There is a little good news, however. The company also suggests some workarounds that can be used to protect systems until a patch is produced.

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The keys to executing an employee-centric return to the office [Q&A]

Office entrance

As businesses begin to announce their intentions to bring employees back into the office, many employees have publicly pushed back. People don't want to go back into work and incur all of the stresses that come with it, including lengthy commutes, parking fees, and a loss of work-life balance.

Zach Dunn co-founder and VP of customer experience at Robin has helped hundreds of companies, including Twitter, Peloton, and Toyota, to execute comprehensive return to office (RTO) strategies that have run smoothly and paved the path towards an effective hybrid workplace model.

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Microsoft pushes out yet another PowerToys update with important fixes and changes


As if the arrival of an entirely new utility was not enough, Microsoft developers have now released yet another build of PowerToys.

In addition to making important changes to the new Awake tool, PowerToys v0.41.4 is the third release from the PowerToys team in less than a week. It also addresses a number of other key problems and includes a handful of changes.

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Windows 11 could spell the end of the Blue Screen of Death

Windows 11 Black Screen of Death

The Blue Screen of Death is iconic among Windows users -- although not necessarily in a good way. Indicative of something having gone terribly wrong, a BSoD (as it is often called) is not something you particularly want to see when you're using your computer.

And with the arrival of Windows 11, the Blue Screen of Death may indeed be no more. But before you get too excited, this is not quite the good news you're hoping for. Sadly, Microsoft has not found a way to stop Windows crashing.

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Forget Windows 11 -- deepin Linux 20.2.2 doesn't require your PC to have a TPM

Windows 11 looks quite beautiful, but let's be honest... it is pretty much just Windows 10 with a fresh coat of paint. Sadly, Microsoft is requiring some pretty strict hardware requirements for the upcoming operating system, meaning many people could find themselves unable to upgrade. Even worse, the company has provided confusing communications regarding TPM requirements.

Thankfully, even if Microsoft thinks your perfectly fine computer is obsolete, the Linux community doesn't think that. In other words, if your computer is incompatible with Windows 11 due to a lack of a TPM chip or other hardware issue, it can still run a modern Linux distro just fine. Case in point, one of the prettiest Linux distributions, deepin, just reached version 20.2.2 and it is the perfect option for those that are unable to upgrade to Microsoft's next desktop OS. It even supports Android apps like Windows 11!

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Get 'The Blueprint: 6 Practical Steps to Lift Your Leadership to New Heights' ($17.00 value) FREE for a limited time

In 1984, Doug Conant was fired without warning and with barely an explanation. He felt hopeless and stuck but, surprisingly, this defeating turn of events turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. Doug began to consider what might be holding him back from realizing his potential, fulfilling his dreams, and making a bigger impact on the world around him.

Embarking on a journey of self-reflection and discovery, he forged a path to revolutionize his leadership and transform his career trajectory. Ultimately, Doug was able to condense his remarkable leadership story into six practical steps. It wasn't until Doug worked through these six steps that he was able to lift his leadership to heights that ultimately brought him career success, joy, and fulfillment.

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Tracing the ransomware family tree


Ransomware is behind many of the latest cyber attacks and it can be hard for defenders to track the ever-growing number of variants and the botnets behind them.

Threat intelligence company DomainTools has been taking a look at the booming underground economy surrounding ransomware with a focus on the most prolific ransomware families.

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Windows 11 Home will need a Microsoft account, but Pro won't

Windows 11

The release of Windows 11 is still a number of months away, and we're still learning a lot about Microsoft's latest operating system update. In addition to the confusion about hardware requirements, there have been questions about other necessities.

According to sources close to Microsoft, anyone opting for Windows 11 Home will be required to have a Microsoft account. The same is not true for Windows 11 Pro; users will be able to use local accounts if they want.

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Parallels will do 'everything that's possible' to bring Windows 11 to macOS

Woman using MacBook Pro

There are many people who prefer to use a Mac, but need to use Windows. Thankfully, to eliminate the need for two systems, there are ways to run Windows in macOS, including using virtualization software.

Following Apple's shift to using its own silicon in Macs and Microsoft's announcement about the upcoming launch of Windows 10's successor -- complete with complex hardware requirements -- there have been questions about whether it will be possible to run Windows 11 on macOS. If Parallels has anything to do with it, Mac users will indeed be able to enjoy Microsoft's newest operating system, including in macOS Monterey.

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Windows 11 is making important changes to the way system updates work

Windows 11 update time estimate

When Microsoft announced Windows 11, the company made a few references to the process of updating the operating system. Windows Updates will work in much the same way as for Windows 10, but steps have been taken to not only reduce the size of downloads to helps speed things up, but also to ensure they will cause less disruption thanks to background installation.

But this does not mean that you'll never need to restart Windows 11 after downloading an update, but Microsoft has made an important change that will help you to decide whether to restart immediately or save the reboot for later.

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Security researchers accidentally leak PrintNightmare remote execution vulnerability in Windows print spooler


Security researchers have inadvertently leaked details of a critical Windows print spooler vulnerability, dubbed PrintNightmare, along with a proof-of-concept. The flaw -- said be a Stuxnet-style zero-day -- can be exploited to completely compromise a Windows system.

Microsoft issued a patch for CVE-2021-1675, described as a "Windows Print Spooler Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability" last Patch Tuesday, and this is when things went wrong. Having seen that this patch had been published, security researchers then released technical details of what they thought was the same vulnerability, along with a proof-of-concept. But they had in fact released information about a different -- albeit similar -- vulnerability.

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Surprise, surprise! Microsoft exec says the government is spying on you

Intelligence agencies may have begun life as a good idea -- a way to keep their respective countries safe -- and in the beginning we mostly trusted them. But their overt secrecy soon became apparent with things like the famous Roswell incident and the best known "secret" location in the world -- Area 51. 

But there’s much more to the secretiveness than just speculation of little green men. If we didn’t already suspect as much, Edward Snowden showed us a lot of what went on behind-the-scenes in these clandestine agencies. 

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