Articles about Cloud

The encryption technology that's revolutionizing secure data usage [Q&A]

Data encryption

Conventional encryption methods rely on the exchange of keys. This can leave them vulnerable, particularly when they're used on public cloud services.

One way around this is to use homomorphic encryption, this permits third party service providers to perform some types of operations on a user's data without needing to decrypt it.

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Cloud misconfigurations make 90 percent of companies vulnerable

Broken umbrella in storm

A large majority of companies that move to multi-cloud environments are not properly configuring their cloud-based services according to a new report from Aqua Security.

Over 12 months, Aqua's research team analysed anonymised cloud infrastructure data from hundreds of organizations. These were divided into SMBs and enterprises based on the volume of cloud resources they scanned.

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Five compelling reasons to migrate to Atlassian Cloud

Last October, Atlassian’s CEO Scott Farquhar announced that Atlassian Server was reaching end-of-life (EOL) and customers have two options: either migrate to Atlassian’s own public cloud solution or move to Atlassian Data Center.

To ensure customers have plenty of time to consider these options, Atlassian is taking a phased approach. Since February 2021, organizations are no longer able to buy new Server licenses. However, they can still upgrade or downgrade their Server products until February 2022, and they can renew and receive maintenance and support for their licenses until February 2024. In practical terms this means that most customers with large data migrations will need to migrate to either Atlassian Cloud or Atlassian Data Center by Summer 2023.

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Less cloudy outlook -- demand for on-premises software isn't going away


Despite the rise in cloud-based applications, on-premises software continues to show significant growth and demand from enterprise customers.

A new report from Dimensional Research sponsored by Replicated shows customer demand for on-premises software is equal to that for public cloud, and more than 90 percent of software companies surveyed say their on-premises sales continue to rise.

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Third-party marketplaces are driving hyperscale cloud adoption


Although many cloud providers offer a marketplace for additional products and services, it's the marketplaces of the big three 'hyperscale' clouds --Azure, AWS and Google Cloud -- that are by far the largest.

New research from enterprise search company Sinequa finds that these marketplaces are a big draw, with 93 percent of respondents reporting the marketplaces make the big three clouds more attractive as a platform.

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Enterprises turn to Kubernetes to handle big data

Kubernetes is rapidly becoming the standard for cloud and on-premises data workloads according to a new study from big data performance management company Pepperadata.

The study of 800 participants shows the motivations for adopting the container platform include improving resource utilization for reduced cloud costs (30 percent). While 23 percent want to enable their migration to the cloud; 18 percent to shorten deployment cycles; 15 percent to make their platforms and applications cloud-agnostic; and 14 percent to containerize monolithic apps.

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Reimagining the network for the cloud

cloud data cable

In every IT era we overestimate our ability to put new technology to work. The cloud is no different -- it still takes too long to build even rudimentary networks in the cloud environment. Think about all those VPNs that were built in 2020. You need to buy a box, certify, test, deploy, sort out licensing. It’s weeks or months for a solution that provides a level of security (up to a point) but little flexibility or performance. When the business needs changes, you need to do it all again.

What you want is a holistic environment with all the advantages of a data center but none of the drawbacks of centralization. You need something that connects you not just to, but through the cloud, out to the edge and to wherever your people and partners are. You want to be able to manage this as effectively as an on-prem system even though it’s massively distributed. You need to know what’s going on everywhere, so you need complete security, visibility and management controls that treat the entire cloud as a single entity even if it encompasses multiple public and private clouds. You also need to be able to secure it and apply all the governance and controls needed to satisfy regulators and your auditors.

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Security is the top risk to enterprise multi-cloud adoption

cloud key

New research from IT services provider Ensono finds that security is the biggest concern for IT professionals considering, or already using, multi-cloud strategies.

UK IT professionals rate security, governance and cost optimization as their top three concerns for multi-cloud strategies, while security, cost optimization and maintaining a positive end user experience are the top concerns in the US.

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IBM simplifies development for the hybrid cloud


As more and more businesses move to a hybrid cloud model it poses a challenge for developers who need to manage the complexities of the infrastructure alongside coding.

IBM is giving developers new ways to quickly get cloud-native apps up and running with its Cloud Code Engine. This allows the deployment of an application running on a developer's laptop to the cloud in seconds, without additional work required at the developer's end.

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Lack of asset visibility leads to more security incidents

Widening visibility gaps in cloud infrastructure, end-user devices and Internet of Things (IoT) device initiatives are leading to increased risk and security incidents according to a study carried out by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) for Axonius.

More than 70 percent of respondents report that additional complexity in their environments has contributed to increasing visibility gaps. More than half cite the rapid shift to remote work and changes to technology infrastructure necessitated by security and privacy regulations as key reasons for this increased complexity.

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Why senior management needs to make cloud backup a priority

At work and at home, backup is critical. From making photocopies of significant documents to digitizing old family photos, relying on hard drives to replicating servers, we all know that it’s important to have multiple copies of the information that matters to our families and our businesses. Knowing we should do something, however, isn’t the same as doing it consistently and well -- which is why backup often fails.   

Many organizations still rely on outdated backup strategies that put the company at risk from cybercrime, human error, physical disasters and more. But because the business "already has a backup plan", or because backup isn’t a shiny new object, it can be difficult to convince senior management to make it a priority. 

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Businesses turn to alternative cloud providers

cloud link

Over half of organizations are considering adding one or more cloud infrastructure providers in 2021, and the extra supplier will be drawn from an alternative cloud vendor.

A new report by Accelerated Strategies and Linode shows that for small and midsized companies usage of alternative providers -- such as OVH, Linode, DigitalOcean, Hetzner, UpCloud and Equinix -- is on par with Google Cloud.

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Microsoft could launch its Cloud PC service this summer

Microsoft has been rumored to be working on an Azure-powered Cloud PC service for a while now, but it seems that we might be seeing the results of its labor as soon as June or early July this year.

The Cloud PC service, codenamed Project Deschutes, will let users access a Windows desktop remotely and run software such as Microsoft Office. This could be useful if you want to access the same desktop from multiple locations, and it would also allow Windows 10X users to run Win32 apps.

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How improving security management can help protect the cloud [Q&A]

Private secure cloud

Cloud misconfigurations are one of the major causes of data breaches and the problem has become worse thanks to the dash for remote working.

While cloud is undoubtedly the right choice for businesses looking to expand their infrastructure to keep pace with DevOps demands and embrace support for remote working, many enterprises are falling short of providing adequate Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM).

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Enterprises under-resource cloud security despite increasing risks

Cloud data security

While spending on cloud services is high with over half of respondents to a new survey spending $10 million or more, 32 percent say they are doing less than they need to, or nothing at all, to ensure the security of their cloud resources.

The study carried out by Osterman Research for Sonrai Security finds respondents have an average of 7,750 identities with access to sensitive cloud data. Overpriviledged identities are ranked a high risk by 41 percent of respondents, just below bad actors/cybercriminals at 46 percent.

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