Articles about Cloud

The top five cloud security myths debunked

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Increasingly businesses are moving their data and applications to the cloud. But there are always concerns about how secure the information is.

Network security company Portnox has put together an infographic looking at some of the myths surrounding cloud security and explaining why they're ill-founded.

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One in five people put corporate data at risk via unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots

Public wi-fi

Employees are putting corporate data at risk by using unsecured hotspots and over sharing on cloud services, according to a new report.

The study from cloud security specialist Bitglass set up Wi-Fi hotspots in random public spaces for two hour time slots, and captured and analyzed traffic, finding that of the 834 people in the public spaces, 187 unique devices (around 20 percent) connected.

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Addressing five common myths about cloud security

There is a lot of nasty talk about cloud security solutions on the web. From calling them "inherently insecure" to branding them a as a source of imminent risk, the "folding arms gang," or CISOs/CSOs in favor of maintaining legacy solutions and the on-premise model, have surely gone to town to cast a cloud over cloud security solutions.

As a result, a number of myths about cloud security are spreading though the information security industry. Now’s the time to set the story straight and debunk the top cloud security myths once and for all.

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How to reduce public sector IT spend

In 2015, UK cancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, set out the government’s spending plans by asking public sector workers to make significant savings in a bid to reduce the deficit by 2020. Osborne stated that budgets would need to be reduced by one-fifth at the very minimum. There were also predictions that one hundred thousand public sector jobs would be shed.

With this announcement came the realization that IT departments within public sector bodies such as local councils, police forces and central government are most likely to be hit the hardest as the pressure to do more with less intensifies.

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New solution helps secure privileged accounts

Admin login

Privileged accounts allow access to all aspects of a company's IT infrastructure, so if they fall into the wrong hands the consequences can be disastrous.

A new hardware appliance solution from identity management specialist One Identity aims to make it easy for businesses to deploy, operate and maintain their privileged password systems.

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Oracle upgrades its most-popular cloud services

Oracle has announced several new upgrades to some of its most popular cloud applications.

The company says that the releases will help organizations everywhere "grow faster, differentiate from competitors and better serve their customers."

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What you need to know about the shared services strategy


Functional shared services can bring so many benefits to all sorts of organizations. Whether it’s cutting labour costs thanks to location-driven arbitrage, making services like HR and finance standardized and streamlined, or giving all internal customers the same high-quality experience, there’s a lot that shared services can bring to your company.

Most importantly of all, though, they can help to both cut down on unnecessary expenditure and increase company growth- making them the smart choice for any organization that wants to get ahead of the competition. However, have you ever thought about the extra benefits that you could reap by taking things one step further?

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What you need to know about the shared services delivery model


Shared services delivery models are becoming increasingly popular in the business world, as a way of driving growth and increasing profit margins. However, not all of these models are up to the same standard. While some of the basic approaches might be suitable for smaller businesses, your best bet is to opt for one that allows the flexibility you need to grow successfully. To help you make the right choice for your business’s future, read on to discover just why flexibility is key in today’s highly competitive economy,

Inflexible shared services models essentially mean you are putting a cap on how much you can expand your business and keep up with customer and marketplace demands. Instead, you should look at crafting an advanced shared services organization, which can quickly react to marketplace and competitive changes to stay one step ahead of the game.

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Rackspace teams up with AWS to make cloud migration easier


Moving your workload to the cloud has been made simpler thanks to a new partnership between two of the industry's biggest names.

Rackspace has today revealed a new partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) that will see the companies work closer together than ever before, and help streamline the process for customers making the move to AWS.

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Samsung launches new platform to monetize IoT data

The IoT can represent a cultural shift for hardware makers as they move from just selling hardware to providing a connected digital experience.

But supplying applications and supporting an ecosystem of third-party devices, apps and services has a cost which either needs to be absorbed or factored into the price of the product. Samsung is addressing this problem with the launch of its ARTIK Cloud Monetization, a new service to monetize the data shared by IoT devices and enable an IoT data economy.

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Evolving Application Performance Management (APM) to Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM)

Application Performance Management (APM) tools have traditionally provided organizations with key performance metrics, including the speed, reliability, and capacity utilization of datacenter systems. But without clear visibility into the actual experience of users, these metrics mean very little. Just because your servers measure as 100 percent available, doesn’t mean users in all geographies are having a fast, reliable experience.

That’s because there are many other performance-impacting elements standing between your datacenter and your users. If an IT organization can’t effectively monitor the true user experience -- including customers, employees, partners, and suppliers -- it is impossible to know if their applications are delivering sufficient performance. The damaging results include frustrated customers which can lead to churn, decreased revenue and market share, and diminished brand perception.

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Challenges faced in cloud technology adoption

The move to the cloud is something that has been high on the business agenda in recent years, but the complexity involved in moving has created significant stumbling blocks for organizations.

According to the CIF, 63 percent of businesses aim to move their entire IT infrastructure into the cloud eventually. Whilst RightScale says 95 percent of businesses use the cloud in some capacity, it’s proving difficult for organizations to move all of their applications and data into the cloud. In fact, Fuze revealed that only 10 percent of UK companies have moved entirely off site.

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Alphabet Q2 2017 by the numbers: $26 bn revenue, $3.5 bn profit

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There are four key areas where digital businesses can make a significant profit, and Google's parent company Alphabet appears to be gaining in all four of them according to its latest earnings report.

In a recent call to reveal its results, Alphabet said revenue rose 21 percent to $26 billion, in the second quarter of 2017. Net income was $3.5 billion.

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New enterprise file platform helps overcome storage limitations

cloud network

With the rise of public and private clouds, enterprise file storage has become much more complex in recent years.

Aimed at simplifying storage and removing capacity limitations, the latest Enterprise File Services Platform from CTERA Networks allows users to securely access, share and protect an unlimited number of files in the cloud as if they were stored locally on their desktop or on shared network drives.

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Zoho launches one-stop cloud business suite for SMBs

Zoho One

Productivity software company Zoho has long offered packages for CRM, business email and more.

It's now going after the SMB market with the launch of Zoho One, an all-in-one cloud business suite offering straightforward pricing and centralized control.

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