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A close look at the Windows Phone landscape in November 2015

Windows 10 Mobile is already running on seven percent of compatible Windows Phone devices, according to a new report from ad network AdDuplex, ahead of the official roll-out. The new smartphone operating system from Microsoft has reached this distribution level thanks to pre-release builds installed by enthusiasts who joined the Windows Insider program.

Windows 10 Mobile is currently the third most popular release of Windows on smartphones, after Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Phone 8. But there's a long way to the top for the new kid on the block as the current leader, Windows Phone 8.1, powers 78.9 percent of all Windows smartphones.

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NirSoft releases MMCSnapInsView 1.0

NirSoft has released MMCSnapInsView, a free portable tool which provides details on all the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins installed on your PC.

Snap-ins are the Windows components behind many system administration tools -- Event Viewer, Device Manager, Task Scheduler and more -- although they’re also included with some third-party applications.

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Best Windows apps this week

One-hundred and fifty-six in a series. Welcome to this week's overview of the best apps and games released for Windows 8.x and Windows 10 in the past seven days.

No application of the week award this time unfortunately. Some good apps and games were released this week nevertheless. Check out Monster Buster: World Invasion, or Board Defender if you like strategy and puzzle games, or 22Tracks, Moodflow or Cast for some unique music apps and a great podcast manager.

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Combating insider threats: The pillars of an effective program

insider threat

Insider threats can be the most dangerous threats to an organization -- and they’re difficult to detect through standard information security methods. That’s partially because the majority of employees unknowingly pose a risk while performing their regular business activities.

According to data we collected from analyzing the behaviors of more than a million insiders across organizations, in approximately 90 percent of data loss prevention incidents, the employees are legitimate users who innocently send out data for business purposes. They are exhibiting normal behavior to their peers and department, even though it might be in violation of the established business policy and a significant risk to their employer.

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Dell announces Datacenter Scalable Solutions server line

In an effort to expand its share of the server market, Dell has announced today that it will be launching a new line of servers targeting companies that do not require the server volume of a hyperscale data center.

Instead, Dell will be catering to companies involved in web technology, telecommunications, hosting, utilities such as oil and gas, and research institutions. Dell hopes to meet the unique needs of companies in these fields with its Datacenter Scalable Solutions (DDS) units.

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ImBatch 4.4.0 adds PDF processing support

High Motion Software has shipped ImBatch 4.4.0, a major update to its free-for-personal-use image batch processing tool.

New PDF input support means the program can now process multi-page PDFs just as easily as image files.

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Post Deletion Stress Disorder: Is it real?

Delete button

A recent study, which asked 1,000 UK consumers about their digital device habits, has revealed that more than half of them (56 percent) delete things from their devices to make room for something else, and then regret doing so.

The move is called Post Deletion Stress Disorder and, according to a press release from the study’s maker WD, is only set to continue.

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5 things for which Google can give thanks

Another Thanksgiving is upon us, as Americans stuff their bellies with turkey and vittles, before falling asleep during the afternoon football game. It's the day of family feuds, too much food, and setting the mood for the holiday season ahead.

We also count our blessings and give thanks for the year behind. I got to wondering what Google can be grateful for and compiled a short list for you. Perhaps you would like to add to it in comments or lash out at my lack of sensitivity on this special day. Please do. With that brief introduction, I present 5 things for which Google can give thanks, served in no particular order of importance.

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The tech item I'm most thankful for in 2015 [Brian]

Ahh, Thanksgiving. One of the few days of the year that we fat people get to shine. Many Americans are over-eaters on this gluttonous day. Actually, I am only half-joking about the gluttony; in reality, obesity is no laughing matter. Sadly, the true meaning of the holiday is getting lost more and more each year.

Holiday shopping, fueled largely by technology items, often takes precedence to the more important things in life. I'm most thankful for friends, family, my health and my home. Oh, and of course, the awesome BetaNews readers! With that said, I do love technology too. This year, there is a clear-cut favorite tech item, that has changed my life for the better. It is the...

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The tech item I'm most thankful for in 2015 [Wayne]

I’m lucky I get to try out a lot of tech and, like my colleagues here at BetaNews, I buy a fair amount of shiny new products too. 2015 has been a good year for new hardware and I have a long list of items that have become essential to my daily life.

I picked up a trio of new Apple products this year -- an iPhone 6s, an iPad Air 2, and an Apple Watch -- but as much as I love them all, not one of those is the product I’m most thankful for in 2015.

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Do dropped phones really always land screen side down?

It always seems to be the case that if you drop your phone it lands screen side down and gets cracked.

A survey by Motorola suggests that one in three of us in the UK is using a smartphone with a cracked screen so this would seem to be true, but can it be proved scientifically?

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UK banking customers believe PIN will soon be obsolete

ATM keypad

A grim future awaits the PIN code, if Brits are to be believed. According to a recent survey, a majority of Brits believe PIN will be a thing of the past, and soon.

In a survey of 2,000 UK banking customers, financial technology company Intelligent Environments has found that two thirds of Brits (67 percent) believe the PIN will soon be obsolete. When those respondents were asked to predict how quickly this might happen, the average response was just under five years.

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The tech item I'm most thankful for in 2015 [Alan]

The year is winding down, but the tech world is winding up with Black Friday deals already appearing and CES heading our way in early January. As always a lot came out this year, and most people will have differing opinions on their favorite product, which is fine. To each his own. I'm just throwing in my two cents.

While I tested and reviewed many products during the course of this year, there was one that stood out. One that I use every single day. What is it?

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Security tips for Black Friday shoppers

More than a quarter of UK and US-based online shoppers would proceed with a bargain purchase without first checking if the website is secure, a new survey has shown.

Moreover, shoppers in the US are more likely to put themselves at risk than those in the UK, with more than a third of US-based respondents admitting that they wouldn’t check the website’s security before purchasing. This is particularly worrying given that more than half of shoppers are expecting to use their credit or debit card to purchase goods this Black Friday weekend.

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Fake Amazon app targets Black Friday shoppers


Hoards of shoppers hunting for the best Black Friday deals and perhaps not paying full attention to online safety makes this a time of year when cyber criminals are also keen to cash in on moneymaking opportunities.

Internet security company Zscaler has uncovered a widespread malware campaign whose authors are scamming large numbers of people by creating fake Android apps offering early access to Amazon's Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.

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