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The rise of the digital coworker [Q&A]

Artificial intelligence

Talent shortages are affecting many industries at the moment and increasingly enterprises are turning to technologies like robotic process automation (RPA) to fill the gaps.

Now there's a new alternative in the form of the 'digital coworker', designed to work seamlessly alongside a company's human workforce. We spoke to Chaz Perera, CEO and co-founder of Roots Automation, to discover more about this latest innovation.

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While piracy remains rife, leaked movie screeners are all but dead

Movie piracy

This time of year is significant for various reasons, not least of which is that it is the start of a new year for those who follow the Gregorian calendar. In the world of technology, we're moving towards CES, but December/January has also been the period during which movie piracy has tended to peak.

In previous years, because of screeners being sent out for viewing by critics and judges ahead of the Oscars in a few months, this is when there has traditionally been a glut of big-name movies leaking before their official released dates. This year, there have been none.

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Microsoft is going to let you get rid of the ridiculous Windows 11 context menu

Windows 11 2022 Update

There are many reasons for the slow uptake of Windows 11, but fairly high on the list of what puts off many potential users is the number of frankly bizarre design changes Microsoft decided to make. A good example is the context menu that appears when right clicking on files and folder which the company saw fit to tweak the menu so there are far fewer options available.

It is possible to access the old style, classic context menu by Shift-right-clicking, but in a future update to Windows 11 Microsoft is planning to introduce a way to make this the default.

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Kubernetes as-a-service, security issues and skills shortages -- container predictions for 2023

cloud containers

Containers have become increasingly popular in recent years, they can be spun up quickly and offer developers the opportunity to deliver projects faster as well as gains in agility, portability and improved lifecycle management.

Here are what some industry experts think we'll see happening in the container market in 2023.

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Best Windows apps this week

Five-hundred-and-twenty-three in a series. Welcome to this week's overview of the best apps, games and extensions released for Windows 10 and 11 on the Microsoft Store and elsewhere in the past seven days.

A leaked screenshot on Twitter suggests that Microsoft is working on bringing tabs to more Windows applications. The screenshot shows the classic text editor Notepad with tabs.

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If you don't know what you're exposing, how can you protect it? [Q&A]


The move to the cloud has meant the days of external exposure being defined by the set of IP ranges in your firewall are gone. Today's attack surface is made up of many internet-facing assets with exposure being controlled at the domain level.

This means web applications have fast become an attractive target for attackers, particularly unknown and forgotten assets -- which are plentiful in modern environments. So how can businesses defend themselves?

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LastPass accused of lying in security breach announcements

LastPass lies

The reputation of LastPass has taken quite a battering over the past year, with the handling of security incidents doing nothing to improve things. Just last week the company gave an update about a security breach that took place back in August, revealing that it had been more serious than first suggested.

But now the updated announcement from LastPass has been ripped to shreds by security experts with one denouncing it as being "full of omissions, half-truths and outright lies".

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More complexity, more automation and data sovereignty concerns -- cloud predictions for 2023

No longer the new 'big thing', the cloud has matured into something that almost all organizations rely on daily. But it's still evolving and its importance has grown over the last two years as we've switched to remote and hybrid working.

Here are some expert views on what lies ahead for the cloud in 2023.

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More machine IDs, attacks on providers and AI verification -- identity management predictions for 2023

Although the death of the password has been predicted for many years, older technology still clings on when it comes to verifying identities.

But that's changing, particularly with the massive growth in the numbers of machine IDs. Here is what some industry experts think we'll see from the identity world in 2023.

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Are vendors taking the initiative in vulnerability disclosure?

Data breach

Vulnerability disclosure is an important process for improving security and is especially crucial when it comes to the Extended Internet of Things (XIoT). Today’s cyber-physical systems have a direct connection to the real world and hence a vulnerability in these systems can immediately impact the lives of humans.

XIoT is an umbrella term that consists of all cyber-physical devices that are connected to the internet. The XIoT of an enterprise can include cyber-physical systems like operational technology (OT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS), building management systems and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) devices.

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Adaptive wallpapers could bring the Windows 12 desktop to life

Although Windows 10 is the leading desktop operating system by some way, Microsoft will be praying that Windows 11 starts to gain more users throughout 2023.

While the new OS does have some features that set it apart from its predecessor, most notably a centered taskbar, for many users the differences don’t go for enough, and they’ll be hoping that Windows 12 will step things up significantly.

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Platform engineering, SBOMs and off-the-shelf solutions -- development predictions for 2023

Developer at work

Developers are under more pressure than ever to deliver projects quickly, but at the same time applications and the supply chain need to be kept secure.

So, what things can we expect to see for development in 2023? Here are some expert views on the key trends.

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Geopolitical threats, supply chain issues and phishing scams -- cybersecurity predictions for 2023

Cyber disruption

The cybersecurity world never stands still, with threats and the technology to combat them constantly evolving.

That makes predicting what might happen difficult, but we can still extrapolate current trends to get an indication of where things might be headed. Here are some expert predictions for cybersecurity in 2023.

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Rebuilding trust between developers and security [Q&A]

The demands of modern business IT environments can often lead to friction between developers and security teams which can hamper the successful rollout of cloud security.

Developers want to deliver features as fast as possible and security teams want things to be as secure as possible, so there is constant conflict of interest. We spoke to David Hendri, CTO and co-founder of cloud security startup Solvo, to discover how to rebuild the trust between developers and security by creating a common language.

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The missing piece in the MSP data security puzzle

risk jigsaw piece

In the dynamic world of Managed Service Providers (MSPs), it has become quite evident that the time has come for next generation Data Security Solutions, and that such a solution should be added to your technology stack.

For some time and becoming ever more frequent today, organizations and MSPs are facing major data security challenges that are likely to increase exponentially over the coming decade.

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