Articles about Cloud

Cloudflare adds free DDoS protection tool

DDoS attacks

In an effort to protect its users from the effects of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, Cloudflare has announced that its customers will receive a new protection tool for free.

The Unmetered Mitigation feature, which will be available for both paying and non-paying users, will receive the new feature intended to protect against all DDoS attacks regardless of their scale. Company CEO Matthew Prince believes that is time for security firms to change the way they treat customers affected by an attack.

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Google introduces per-second billing for Compute Engine

Google Cloud Storage Nearline offers cloud backup for just $0.01 per gigabyte

Google Cloud Platform has introduced per-second billing for App Engine, Cloud Dataproc, Compute Engine and Container Engine users, following a similar announcement made by rival AWS last week.

However, while Amazon's cloud arm announced that the new pricing scheme, which involves a one-minute minimum, will apply to EC2 customers starting October 2, the per-second billing on Google Cloud Platform's aforementioned cloud services is live now. Previously, customers were billed by the minute.

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New platform adds self-managing storage to Azure and AWS

cloud network

It's important for enterprises to correctly size their public clouds in order to control costs and optimize performance.

Cloud management company Turbonomic is using this week's Microsoft Ignite conference to announce a new version of its platform that delivers dynamic optimization and allocation of storage and relational database services.

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Microsoft says Office 2019 previews are coming mid-2018

At Microsoft Ignite in Orlando, Microsoft today announced Office 2019. The next version of the office suite is scheduled for release sometime in the second half of 2018, with preview builds being made available in the middle of the year.

Despite Microsoft's love of the cloud, the company recognizes that not all customers are quite ready to go all-in. With this in mind, Office 2019 includes numerous new features that are not cloud-specific, and the suite is described as "a valuable upgrade for customers who feel that they need to keep some or all of their apps and servers on-premises."

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Microsoft mixes AI and cloud to drive business transformation

Microsoft is using its annual Ignite event this week to show how technology can be used to help customers innovate and transform their business processes.

Announcements have covered Office 365, Windows 10, Microsoft Azure, Dynamics 365 and Microsoft AI as well as a look at how quantum computing may help solve some major challenges.

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Moving IT operations to the cloud is good for the bottom line


UK’s businesses are earning less because they lack cloud skills, a new report by Rackspace and the London School of Economics claims. The report also says that the lack of these skills is also hindering creativity.

The report, called The Cost of Cloud Expertise, is based on a poll of 950 IT professionals. Two thirds (64 percent) said they’re losing out on revenue due to the lack of required cloud expertise. The same amount said they need to invest more in the workforce. Even more, 67 percent, said their organizations could bring more innovation if they knew how to use cloud to the fullest.

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Cloud migration is more difficult than cloud adoption

cloud migration

Adopting the cloud is one thing, but migrating to it is a much harder task according to a new report.

The study by cloud company Virtustream and research firm Forrester reveals that moving to the cloud is often an application-by-application process, and only 32 percent of those surveyed rely on a single cloud vendor for migration, signaling a preference for multi-cloud.

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New tool offers developers cross-platform cloud access


As businesses turn to the cloud they often find themselves adopting multiple different platforms to solve specific problems.

This creates a problem for developers who need to deal with multiple tools and systems. Developer services start-up Manifold is aiming to ease this issue with the launch of a new cross-platform tool.

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AWS will charge EC2 customers by the second

Amazon Web Services (AWS) will soon be raising its prices to better compete against its rivals Microsoft and Google in the public cloud market.

The company announced on Monday that as of October 2, it will begin charging customers by the second to use its EC2 virtual slices in its data centers. This is a big change in AWS' pricing model, as it has charged by the hour since its release in 2006.

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DigitalOcean launches developer-friendly object storage

Businesses are dealing with larger quantities of data than ever before, and this means an increase in the scale and complexity of storage required.

Developer cloud company DigitalOcean is launching a new storage product called Spaces which provides a scalable and cost-effective way to address complex storage needs within a developer-friendly and easy-to-use UI.

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Microsoft adds Confidential Compute to Azure cloud platform

Microsoft has revealed a major new addition to its Azure cloud platform, aimed at keeping user data safe.

The feature, called Confidential Compute, will make sure the data is being encrypted even when it’s being computed on in-memory. So far, it’s been encrypted while stored or while in transit on a network.

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Majority of enterprise cloud services still not ready for GDPR

With the EU's General Data Protection Regulation set to come into force in May next year, companies are rushing to ensure that their systems will comply with its rules.

Yet a new report from cloud security company Netskope finds that almost three-quarters of cloud services still lack key capabilities needed to ensure compliance with the GDPR regulations.

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Warning: Google may delete your Android backups without warning

You never fully appreciate the value of a backup until you need it. When you consider how much we all use our phones these days, our handsets contain a wealth of data -- and it make sense to back it up.

If you're using an Android smartphone, you can use an automated backup feature to safeguard the data from your phone by backing it up to Google Drive. With your data stashed in the cloud, you might think all is well -- but Google could delete your backups without giving you any warning.

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11 exercises to ensure your enterprise is 'cloud fit'

A cloud environment is like the human body. It can be viewed in different "states"and is a continuously evolving and adapting entity that requires constant vigilance in order to ensure it’s operating at its optimal state. That optimal state can be achieved through fitness, and when it comes to the cloud, getting fit is one of the best ways to eliminate vulnerabilities and threats that could cause damage. We're not necessarily talking about the equivalent of benching 500 pounds or running a marathon. Rather, there are some basic, but critical, steps that an enterprise can and should take in order to be fit and prepared to keep data safe from bad actors.

It's impossible to know where the next attack on your cloud will originate, but you should have a solid awareness of the different components of your cloud stack and how to manage them. In the context of the structure of your cloud, it helps to break them down according to the parts of the cloud that, by design, allow access, process data, and/or perform any type of collaboration, communication, and transaction.

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Public cloud security is a concern for most IT pros in UK

cloud encryption

An overwhelming majority of the UK’s IT professionals (90 percent) have their worries when it comes to securing the public cloud, according to a new study.

Research by Bitdefender found that 90 per cent of British professionals had concerns around the security of public cloud. A fifth (20 per cent) also said that their business doesn’t have security measures set up for sensitive data outside the company infrastructure.

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