Articles about Software

Bitdefender 2020 protects against cyberbullying and online predators

What do you perceive as the primary threat to your devices for the year ahead? Most people are now fairly self-aware to be wary of phishing attempts and illegitimate websites, while basic security software will prevent you from accidentally installing malicious software.

What you can’t do is stop your teens going online, short of throwing out their smartphone. If you can’t beat them, join them. But keep them secure whilst they access the internet.

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BoostSpeed 11 Free released; Disk Defrag 9 and File Recovery 9 gain new modern UI’s

There’s a do you/don’t you approach to system maintenance software. Some users swear by the tools, running in the background keeping their system in-check. Others complain of system errors and unnecessary Registry cleansing which can do more harm than good.

The secret is, control. Switch off all automated processing and simply choose the tools you want to run manually. We’d advise against system-wide Registry cleansing for example. Let Windows do this for you. The other secret is to find a maintenance tool you can trust, from a recommended developer.

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pdfFactory 7 and FinePrint 10 released with improved ultra-HD display support

FinePrint Software has released both pdfFactory 7.0 and FinePrint 10.0 for Windows PCs. pdfFactory 7.0 provides PDF creation tools, and offers a more fully featured Pro version with PDF-editing capabilities, while FinePrint is a universal print previewer designed to save users time, ink, paper and other resources.

The latest version of both tools focus on improving and future-proofing their user interfaces to work with high-definition monitors.

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Microsoft backtracks on plans to scrap free software licenses for partners

Microsoft building logo

When Microsoft announced that it was going to start charging its partners for software licenses that had previously been free, there was an understandable backlash.

Now the company has announced that it is putting these plans on hold, and free software licenses will still be available to Microsoft Partners. On the eve of its Inspire conference, Microsoft's Gavriella Schuster revealed that the decision to revoke internal use rights (IURs) has now been reversed.

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SoftMaker FreeOffice 2018 gains Anniversary Edition update with dozens of new features and improved Office 2019 compatibility

German software developer SoftMaker has unveiled SoftMaker FreeOffice 2018: Anniversary Update, extending major new features and compatibility improvements to its free office suite for Windows, Mac and Linux.

The update, officially dubbed Revision 966, comes with dozens of new features across the suite’s three main applications: TextMaker, PlanMaker and Presentations. It also updates its compatibility settings to work seamlessly with Microsoft Office 2019 documents.

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AOMEI Backupper Standard 5.0 unveils major design refresh and improved file sync performance

AOMEI has released AOMEI Backupper Standard 5.0, the first major update of its freeware Windows backup, imaging, sync and cloning tool since December 2016.

Version 5 unveils a long-overdue design refresh, attempting with some success to provide a flatter, more modern interface in keeping with Windows 10. There’s also the promise of faster file sync, but in the main the program’s functionality remains identical to earlier versions, providing file- and image-based backup, sync and cloning.

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Vulnerable software components widely used by enterprises

Software testing

The average UK enterprise has downloaded over 21,000 software components with a known vulnerability in the past year alone, according to new data from Sonatype the DevSecOps automation specialist.

Sonatype's fifth annual State of the Software Supply Chain Report has studied over 12,000 enterprise development companies globally and shows that of the average 248,000 open source components downloaded by British business in 2018, 8.8 percent have a known security flaw.

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CERN is moving away from expensive Microsoft software and embracing open source

CERN logo

CERN -- the European Organization for Nuclear Research best known for its particle smashing Large Hadron Collider -- has decided to eschew Microsoft in favor of open source software.

For many years, CERN benefited from hefty discounts on Microsoft products, but this is coming to an end. Rather than paying hugely increased licensing fees, the organization is instead implementing its own Microsoft Alternatives project, known as MAlt. CERN says it is "taking back control using open software".

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VLC 3.0.7 includes more security fixes than ever thanks to the European Commission


Version 3.0.7 of VLC has been released, and while it may seem like a minor x.x.x update, it includes more security fixes than any other previous release -- including two high security issues.

Jean-Baptiste Kemp, the president of VLC-maker VideoLAN, says the number of fixes included in this version is due to the EU-FOSSA bug bounty program, funded by the European Commission.

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Locate and recover lost data using EaseUS Data Recovery Free

Let's face it, most of us don’t lose data that often, but when you do, it takes time to scurry around and find a tool to attempt recovery. Time is important for finding deleted files. The more often your computer writes to the drive, the less likely you’ll be able to recover data.

Although it’s rare for a hard drive to fail or for an individual to 'accidentally' delete important data you need in the future, once it happens, you’ll want software to help you recover, swiftly.

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SyncBack v9 released with an improved UI, new SFTP engine and much more

Backing up your data is hugely important. You could just rely on the cloud, but this means you need to remember to keep the files synchronized and you might not want to store your most important personal information there. Would you want your accounts and tax records in the cloud?

The solution is a backup tool where you can configure the data you want to back up, when you want to perform the backup, and the location. You can then simply leave the tool to action your request.

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PDF Shaper 9 gains a new interface and a wealth of improvements

There are plenty of applications you can use to view and print PDF files, including Microsoft Edge. Some of them offer editing features, but they are usually a bit limited.

PDF Shaper is a collection of tools which will let you merge and split PDF files, rotate and crop pages, extract text and images, edit metadata, add a page number watermark, and convert PDFs to images (and vice versa) or to text.

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Add a second layer of security with the new Malware Fighter 7

Can you ever have enough security? We often wonder after being told what our users have installed. It’s not unknown for people to have a full security suite alongside a second on-demand scanner and additional browser plugins warning them of potentially malicious websites.

As individuals tend to stick with a security suite which has worked for them in the past and, as long as their system isn’t compromised, continue to pay for a yearly subscription. With this in mind, developers are adding functionality to enable their security tools to run alongside and not interfere with your daily use. These are on-demand scanners where you’d need to schedule a scan or manually run a scan when required.

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Microsoft's core platform isn't software, it's trust

For the first time in a half-decade, I watched a Microsoft Build keynote this morning. Time gives fresh perspective, looking at where the company was compared to where it is today. Listening to CEO Satya Nadella and other Softies, I repeatedly found myself reminded of Isaac Asimov's three laws or Robotics and how they might realistically be applied in the 21st Century. The rules, whether wise or not, set to ensure that humans could safely interact with complex, thinking machines. In Asimov's science fiction stories, the laws were core components of the automaton's brain—baked in, so to speak, and thus inviolable. They were there by design; foundationally.

Behind all product design, there are principles. During the Steve Jobs era, simplicity was among Apple's main design ethics. As today's developer conference keynote reminds, Microsoft embraces something broader—design ethics that harken back to the company's founding objectives and others that share similar purpose as the robotic laws. On the latter point, Nadella repeatedly spoke about "trust" and "collective responsibility". These are fundamental principles of design, particularly as Artificial Intelligence usage expands and more corporate developers depend on cloud computing platforms like Azure.

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TechSmith releases Camtasia 2019 with automatic audio leveling

We’ve given up on people reading through instructions supplied with their order. You can write important points in bold and people still ignore what’s supplied. Rather than replying to everyone individually, we’ve found it easier simply record a live demonstration of how to solve a particular issue and send them a video of the results.

You need a quality screen recording tool to produce a video which is professional enough to reflect your business. We recently wrote about Captura 8, which is an excellent freeware screen recording tool, but you’ll want to step up a level or two if you’re recording for paying customers.

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