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The Big Shift in IT Leadership -- free ebook from Wiley

Big Shift in IT Leadership

The IT world has undergone some major changes in recent years, but in many cases management hasn't kept up with what's happening, leaving enterprises struggling to keep up with the competition.

IT leaders need to understand how they can use resources effectively to drive business growth, find the right talent and ultimately increase profitability.

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Facebook launches new open source account recovery tool: Delegated Recovery

At the USENIX Enigma conference, Facebook unveiled a new way to overcome the problem of forgotten passwords. Known as Delegated Recovery, the mechanism essentially allows two online services a user has accounts with to be used as a form of two-factor authentication.

Delegated Recovery is something of a new take on 2FA, building on Facebook's previously announced support for U2F Security Keys. The problem with password recovery via email or SMS, is that it's easy for the recovery medium to be compromised, and security questions are easily guessed. Delegated Recovery takes a new approach, and it's being trialed on GitHub.

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Do workers need the right to disconnect?

Beach sunset

On January 1, 2017, workers in France were given the "right to disconnect". Article 55 of the El Khomri Act is a key measure of the country’s revised Labor code that obliges companies with over 50 workers to begin negotiations with employees and guarantee them the right to ignore their smartphones outside of working hours.

It’s no secret that the rise of the smartphone has created an always-on culture, but while that has led to leaps in productivity it has also seen workers around the world burn out more quickly, compromise their work-life balance and become more stressed. Cabinet Eleas found that 12 percent of France’s working population suffers from a "burn out syndrome," with 37 percent admitting they use their devices outside of working hours each day.

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Viber offers free calls to those hit by Trump's travel ban

The tech world's backlash against Donald Trump's travel ban continues. The latest name to throw its hat into the ring is Viber with its Viber Out service.

The messaging service has announced that it is offering free calls between the US and countries affected by the new president's executive order restricting travel. Viber users can place free calls between the US and the seven affected countries -- landlines and mobiles included.

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Razer buys Nextbit -- Robin Android smartphone owners shouldn't panic

The Nextbit Robin is a pretty cool Android smartphone. It is a good choice for those that want an unlocked device at an affordable price. Not to mention, it has a very cute and fun design.

Today, startup Nextbit announces that it has been acquired by PC accessory maker Razer. True, it seems like an odd acquisition, but not any stranger than Razer buying THX. With that said, getting into the smartphone game seems like a very risky business, as more established companies -- such as HTC -- are struggling lately. Has Razer made a mistake?

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Why telecom companies must take advantage of the gig economy

The most successful telecommunications enterprises are those that embrace new technologies, and think about ways that new business models or approaches can drive revenue gains while reducing costs. Such companies emphasize not only building network "plumbing", but also offering real connected solutions to their customers. In short, successful telecom companies understand that continuous innovation is imperative to their success.

However, while telecom companies may aspire to work and think dynamically, many are discovering that they do not have the right in-house talent to address evolving industry developments. The desire for network engineers who can climb poles and install equipment has been replaced with a need for software developers who can develop media and content distribution strategies, and many telecom companies are struggling to fill this talent void.

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Online business startups are hitting an all-time high

Recent market analysis and reports are suggesting that more people are starting businesses of their own right now than ever before. This rise in the number of small startups around the world in the last few years is a direct result of growth in the online sector.

Young and successful entrepreneurs like Sam Ovens have inspired and paved the way for thousands of potential business ideas to come into fruition by using the internet and all it has to offer. Taking a deeper look into the reports that the analysts have conjured up regarding online businesses, it is possible to trace out a few root causes behind both the rise of ecommerce, as well as its recent success.

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Samsung Galaxy smartphones can be crashed with a single SMS

Security researchers from Context IS have uncovered serious vulnerabilities in a number of premium Samsung Galaxy phones which allow attackers to crash devices using a single SMS message and initiate ransomware attacks.

The report is part of a series which aims to show "how, even in 2017, SMS-based attacks on Android phones are still viable". As longtime readers might recall, iOS too was vulnerable to such attacks -- but that was nearly two years ago. While the report focuses on Samsung's Android handsets, the researchers suggest that the vulnerabilities could be found in other vendors' smartphones as well.

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Starbucks embraces voice ordering through both its iOS app and Amazon Alexa


Starbucks coffee fuels the days of many people. While the company's beverages are a bit expensive compared to, say, McDonalds or 7-11, they are chock full of caffeine and very tasty. Quite frankly, I drink Starbucks coffee or tea pretty much every day, as I often work in its locations -- they have clean tables and free Wi-Fi.

The company has often embraced technology within its stores -- it offers a nice mobile app with Spotify integration, and many of its tables offer wireless smartphone charging. Today, the company rolls out voice ordering through its own mobile iOS app or Amazon Alexa. Unfortunately, the iOS feature will be limited to 1,000 beta testers at first.

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datAshur PRO -- The ultimate secure USB flash drive [Review]

USB flash drives are great for storing personal files on, so you can have easy access to them wherever you go. But what happens if you lose a drive or it gets stolen? All of your personal data could be at risk.

While there are ways to secure the contents of a flash drive using software, you need to remember to do so every time. The datAshur PRO, from iStorage, offers a hardware solution that’s simple to use and will protect your data with military grade XTS-AES 256-bit encryption.

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Apple's iPhone Activation Lock status checker has gone AWOL

Buy an iPhone -- or any other phone -- from somewhere other than an official reseller, and you run the risk of getting your hands on a stolen device. Apple has a tool that allows would be buyers to check whether the phone they are planning to buy is secured with Activation Lock. Until very recently, that is; the tool has now disappeared.

The Activation Lock status checker was available on, and by simply entering the IMEI or serial number of a phone it was possible to perform a quick check to see if it is already locked to another user. But no more!

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Kaspersky and ESET top the security charts

endpoint protection

The way people access the internet is changing, with a shift towards portable devices, and that in turn has led to a shift in the software they use.

Independent testing company AV-Comparatives has conducted its annual survey focusing on which security products (free and paid) are employed by users, along with their OS and browser usage.

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The effect of cybercrime on businesses and consumers

Here we are, at the end of the first month of a new year and where are we? Well, I guess that very much depends on who you are. If you're a hacker, then things are looking good for you. If you're a consumer, the evidence suggests you won't be fooled twice, but is that good enough? And if you're a business, you've got the same security problems as last year but with enhanced threats from hackers and careless employees as well as enhanced expectations from consumers.

So, exactly what is happening in today's security world and what does it mean for you?

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Vulnerabilities could leave thousands of NETGEAR routers exposed

The back of a Wi-Fi router with antenna mounted

New vulnerabilities discovered in 31 models of NETGEAR router are reckoned to leave at least 10,000 devices at risk and could affect many more.

Cyber security company Trustwave has released details of the vulnerabilities which allow an attacker to discover or completely bypass any password on a NETGEAR router, giving them complete control of the router, including the ability to change configuration, turn infected routers into botnets or even upload entirely new firmware.

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New platform offers holistic risk assessment for enterprises

Risk dial

The proliferation of cloud services and diverse platforms in modern enterprises makes guarding against risk and protecting data a major challenge.

Cyber risk assurance company TechDemocracy is addressing this problem with the launch of a new platform to analyze the effectiveness of existing cyber risk and compliance solutions and offers a consolidated view of enterprise risk posture.

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