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Microsoft announces a third ring for Windows 10 Insiders -- 'Release Preview'

If you’re a Windows 10 Insider you currently have the choice of being in either the Fast or Slow rings. The Fast ring is used for cutting edge -- and potentially more buggy -- builds, while Slow ring releases tend to be pushed out less frequently, but are proven to be more stable.

Which ring you choose depends on how desperately you want to try out new builds -- it’s safe to say Fast ring releases aren’t really suited for use on your main PC. However, from today there’s now a third choice available to Insiders, and that’s the Release Preview ring.

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Hackers leak contact information of 20,000 FBI employees

cyber criminal

Hackers have leaked the contact information of 20,000 FBI employees, which follows the previous day's release of 10,000 Homeland Security employees' data.

The hackers communicating through Twitter, claimed "Well folks, it looks like @TheJusticeDept has finally realized their computer has been breached after one week".

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Five reasons why Apple's iPad Pro is ready for the enterprise

In 2010, Apple heralded the iPad as the device to revolutionize the laptop era for consumers. Now, with the iPad Pro, the company is set to address the prosumer in the enterprise and move closer to achieving that goal. Combining power with new input devices and a platform designed for mobile, it is hoped the iPad Pro will enable businesses to be flexible in how and where they work.

But for businesses looking to become more mobile, is the iPad Pro the right option? And what has changed to make it enterprise ready?

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Apple now sells virtual reality headset for iPhones

We are now in the early days of the consumer virtual reality market. Few companies have developed headsets so far, and even fewer actually have products that folks like you and I can go out and buy. However, what you can get today is typically meant for Android devices, with iPhones getting little to no attention.

Apple wants consumers to know that its iPhones are not being left out, as it is now selling a VR headset through its online store. The most-appealing thing about it is no doubt the price.

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Your PornHub video habit will help save whales in February

This may initially generate some snickers and likely lots of tabs quickly closing, but I assure you the story is safe for work. The only nudity here is the whale in the image above. In fact this is a story about charity and of helping to save endangered species, albeit in a rather unconventional way.

It's no secret that porn drives the internet to a certain degree, and many claim it also drives innovation to some extent. True or not, it's big business that can generate massive revenues for the purveyors of the content. One of the big ones is PornHub and it is deciding to give back in the form of charitable donations to a worthwhile cause.

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LibreOffice 5.1 reorganizes user interface, reduces start-up times

The Document Foundation has released LibreOffice 5.1 64-bit and LibreOffice 5.1 32-bit. It comes just under six months after version 5.0 debuted back in August yet unveils some major changes to the user interface as well as performance improvements.

LibreOffice 5.1 promises new and simplified application menus, faster start-up times and a number of application-specific improvements, including better slide transitions in Impress and a host of new features in Calc.

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Apple open sources Swift's Benchmarking Suite

open source

Following the release of the Swift programming language as open source back in early December 2015, Apple has followed up by releasing the code for its Benchmarking Suite on GitHub.

By releasing the Benchmarking Suite as open source, Apple is trying to assist developers to create faster, more efficient code. It will allow programmers to find areas where their code is running slowly, so that they can find a faster way of coding their applications before they are committed. Specifically, the suite consists of tools, benchmark libraries and utilities.

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Poor app security can lose businesses money

The app market is booming, with revenues expected to top $140 billion this year, but lack of investment in security could be putting these revenues at risk.

A new study by Bluebox Security has examined three popular mobile apps -- Hulu, Tinder and the Kylie Jenner Official App -- all examples of apps that lack self-defense capabilities to protect against tampering, resigning and redistribution. It shows that attackers can easily defraud enterprises of app revenue by disabling advertising, accessing premium features for free, and bypassing subscription payments.

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How can IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) improve information security?

The ITIL change management process is one of the very important processes that helps increase security for IT applications and infrastructure. For example, in healthcare and hospital environments, maintaining an eHealthRecord (eHR) application is an enormous IT task. Cerner, Epic, Allscripts, MEDITECH, Siemens and McKesson are the major vendors and cost many millions to purchase. It often requires millions more in resources to implement and maintain.

The ongoing task of maintaining a hospital eHealthRecord is a giant burden on IT. There are also many possible security issues, given that HIPAA compliance is required for any hospital or healthcare environment. According to industry research, some hospitals have a backlog of over 1000 eHealthRecord Requests for Change (RFC), and many are related to security.

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The role of mobile services in the evolution of IoT

Internet of things

Along with Big Data, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been one of the most heavily hyped broad technology trends because it will touch just about every sector of society and commerce. As it happens, these two great trends will overlap and reinforce each other, while sharing some of the same constraints and concerns as they develop their full potential over the coming five to ten years.

Analyst group Gartner has identified a clear life cycle for such major technology trends, beginning with a discovery that triggers early innovation, which then generates hype followed by an inevitable period of disillusionment when the initial over-stoked expectations are not met. Some technologies die in this trough, but others emerge at the other side into Gartner’s "slope of enlightenment", where they gain adoption before reaching a plateau of maturity occupied now by the ICT sector as a whole.

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Canonical releases Snappy Ubuntu Core Linux image for x86-based Intel NUC DE3815TY

The Raspberry Pi is a game-changing computer. While it was primarily designed as a low-cost base on which students could learn to code, it has proven to be much more. Some consumers buy it for HTPC purposes, but more importantly, developers embrace the little computer for other projects, such as IoT.

Unfortunately for some developers, the ARM architecture and rather anemic performance make the Raspberry Pi a poor choice. While some consider ARM to be the future, I'm not so sure -- x86 has been surprisingly adaptable. Today, Canonical releases an Ubuntu Core image for the x86-based Intel NUC DE3815TY. Priced around $150, this NUC is more expensive than the Pi, but it is much more powerful too; a better choice for developers needing an x86 platform.

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Bromium launches next generation endpoint protection

endpoint protection

Endpoint systems often represent the weakest element in the security of any corporate network. In order to guard against attacks, protection specialist Bromium is launching the latest version of its security product.

Bromium Advanced Endpoint Security integrates threat isolation and analysis, plus has newly introduced continuous host monitoring to enable organizations to protect, detect and respond to targeted attacks, zero-day threats and breaches in real time.

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Instantly switch to favorite folders with Quick Access Popup

It happens all the time. You’re working in Explorer, maybe opening or saving a file, but the current folder is so far away that you have to click, and click, and click to get there.

Quick Access Popup -- a new and improved version of Folders Popup -- is a freeware tool which ensures your favorite folders and apps are only ever a click or two away.

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Kids and handheld tech -- to have and to 'PLEASE hold'

Technology to previous generations involved radio, TV, record players and perhaps even 8-track tape players, but today's youth have smartphones and tablets and are connected all of the time. Messaging apps have replaced phone calls and social interaction takes place via the internet.

On the heels of the gift-giving season, which likely featured a few iPads and the like, Logitech has looked into the prospect of young children with these devices. The survey includes both US and UK parents.

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Microsoft Edge's InPrivate mode no longer records your browsing history

When you use a browser's incognito mode you expect it to keep that browsing session private. That is its purpose, after all, to let you access websites without saving any data or information that might be used to trace your visits from the browser. Thing is, at least in Microsoft Edge's case, its InPrivate mode has not exactly worked as advertised -- in fact, it did not work at all.

Microsoft Edge's InPrivate mode is a "privacy nightmare", as my colleague Mark Wilson puts it. Instead of completely ignoring your session, Microsoft Edge actually records your browsing history, making it possible for others to find out exactly which websites you have accessed. However, the software giant now claims to have addressed this privacy issue in the form of a new Windows 10 update.

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