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AIOps needs a new (customer-focused) approach

IT infrastructure has become incredibly complicated -- intensified by the investment in digital transformations encouraged by the pandemic. One of the unintended consequences? IT teams and incident responders are stressed, and stretched farther than ever. PagerDuty’s The State of Digital Operations lays out the increased burden on these teams, the results in terms of burnout, and the impact having a more mature digital operations can have on minimizing that stress.

AIOps is an essential component to any mature digital organization, and it’s clear a new approach is needed. The sheer volume of IT events, from changes, warnings and incidents, to tickets for more routine activity are increasing 70 percent year-on-year. At a moment when increases in budgets won’t keep pace with the explosion of incidents or the complexity of IT infrastructure (if the budgets aren’t being reduced outright), leveraging AIOps to serve teams and customers is critical.

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Organizations plagued by identity sprawl

A new study reveals that identity sprawl is a major problem for organizations, with 60 percent reporting as many as 21 separate identities per user.

The report from Radiant Logic and Gartner Peer Insights looks at the rapid growth of enterprise identity silos, and the explosion of user information, attributes, and credentials that accompanies it.

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Your IT systems touch multiple networks -- what's your cyber hygiene plan?

endpoint security

The world is becoming more connected via the use of cloud computing services and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Over the last decade, we have watched cybercrimes skyrocket before our very eyes. Corporations today cannot afford to rely on basic firewalls and antivirus software to ensure data is protected. It is essential to create a more powerful cybersecurity ecosystem.

How big is the threat against data? First, take a look at how much data we are talking about here. By the year 2025, we can expect there to be 175 zettabytes of data across the internet and networked computer systems. Think streaming video, dating apps, your private healthcare information, banking data, social media posts, and messages. The list can go on.

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Dealing with the risks of online collaboration tools [Q&A]


The shift to working remotely has led to businesses relying increasingly on collaboration tools like Slack and Teams. But while these undoubtedly increase productivity they also introduce some extra risks.

We spoke to Brian Mannion, chief legal and data privacy officer at Aware, to find out about these risks and how enterprises can address them.

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Google is finally bringing an RSS reader back to the desktop

Rainbow news letters on keyboard

Google Reader was killed off quite some time ago, but there are still plenty of people mourning the passing of this iconic RSS reader. There have been plenty of replacements developed, but few -- if any -- manage to match the simplicity of the original.

Now Google is having a second crack of the whip. Sadly, we can't report that Google Reader is coming back, but the desktop version of Chrome is getting an RSS reader to match its mobile counterpart.

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Why merchants don't need to buy fraud insurance to cover everything

insurance key

The discipline of fraud prevention has changed dramatically over the past five years and continues to evolve rapidly. Consequently, former truths about fraud prevention are increasingly becoming outdated myths. Legacy vendors propagate these myths to maintain relevance, but industry leaders understand the distinction and are moving forward. 

In this article, the common myth we’ll tackle is that a merchant should buy fraud insurance to cover everything -- this is typically touted in the market as a 'chargeback guarantee.' On the surface, the simplicity is appealing; the vendor is claiming to solve merchants’ fraud problems by taking liability for chargebacks, returns abuse, Item Not Received abuse, and potentially more. But the statement is very much a myth for, at the very least, five important reasons:

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Key considerations prior to adopting SaaS


As organizations have adapted to the evolving digital landscape, there has been a meteoric rise in popularity of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) as a business model. This is best illustrated by Gartner’s predicted increase in worldwide SaaS end-user spending value to reach $176.6 billion in 2022. The analyst firm further predicts worldwide public cloud spending to reach almost $500 billion by the end of 2022.

Affordability and flexibility are the principal drivers for businesses to move their data environment and applications from their own infrastructure to centrally located services on a remote cloud network. However, trusting arguably their most important asset -- their data -- with an outside entity often raises some concerns around data governance, compliance, costs, and beyond. Before making an investment, it’s sensible to carry out a self-assessment process on the basis of ten most commonly asked questions:

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Twitter's new Reply Filter will help users reduce their exposure to 'potentially unwelcome replies'

Twitter on mobile with silhouetted person

Twitter, possibly more than other social platforms, seems to bring out the very worst in many people. Apparently magnifying the emboldening effect the relative anonymity of posting online brings, users often find that responses to their tweets stray a long way from what most would consider reasonable. Now Twitter is working on a solution.

Spotted in the code of the Twitter app, an upcoming "Reply filter" feature will give users the ability to control the type of response they see. Importantly, the feature does not introduce any new restrictions on what others are able to post as a reply; it just gives users the opportunity to avoid exposing themselves to upsetting responses by filtering them. Think of it like a spam folder for tweet replies. It is something that will be welcome by many different types of user -- those with verified accounts, those with a degree of celebrity, those from certain societal groups, those unwilling to deal with online abuse, and others.

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The benefits of robotics: Which industries are reaping the rewards?

industrial robots

Industrial robots are taking over. Well, they’re becoming much more common in the workplace. In fact, according to a report by the International Federation of Robotics, the number of robots in factories has almost doubled in recent years.

The 2021 World Robot Report shows that the global number of robots per 10,000 employees has risen from 66 to 126 between 2015–2020. So which sectors are reaping the rewards?  Here, we’ll explore just this, shining a light on industries benefiting the most from robotics.

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How the banking and financial industries are gearing up against phishing

credit card phishing

Phishing has become a matter of grave concern for banks and financial institutions, as attacks on the industry have increased in recent years. Finance is the most impersonated industry in phishing campaigns. Some 35 percent of fake websites and emails claim to be from financial institutions, according to the American Bankers Association.

This should come as no surprise, considering the industry's role in the global economy. Given that financial organizations facilitate the flow of money it makes sense that their networks, employees, and customers are prime targets for digital fraud and theft. In response, central banks and regulators have been directing financial institutions to improve their security.

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Marketers' solution to the demise of third-party data

Despite the hype during the past year, the demise of third-party cookies has not arrived. It is, however, on the horizon and unquestionably inevitable. Therefore, marketers are showing concern over what will replace those cookies or what can replace them.

It’s okay to feel uneasy about these massive changes. But it’s more productive to act on proven marketing instruments that reliably fill their void. By dissecting marketing attribution and knowing what’s working with existing customers, marketers can forgo broad approaches to reaching segments of prospective customers and, instead, refocus energies and resources to put powerful first-party data to use.

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Maintaining top API-level security in today's cyber landscape


Data breaches, cyberattacks and security concerns are growing exponentially in the digital climate, as new development practices, extra languages, and structural frameworks appear -- compounded by geopolitical tensions giving rise to state sponsored attacks. In 2022 to date, 39 percent of UK businesses have already experienced the disruption and costly consequences of cyberattacks. Some of the largest enterprises, such as Microsoft, T-Mobile, and Vodafone, have experienced attacks by highly organized groups, such as Lapsus$.

With the scale, type of attacks and target industries constantly evolving, the healthcare sector has joined financial services and the public sector in becoming a lucrative target. Healthcare data breaches reached an all-time high in 2021, impacting 45 million people -- personal health information (PHI) became worth more than credit card information on the dark web. Attack approaches are constantly evolving, with hackers searching for any weak links in growing infrastructure.

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Apple celebrates Shazam's 20th birthday -- listen to the most Shazamed songs from the past two decades here

I regularly use Shazam to identify songs playing when I’m out and about. It has helped me to discover a number of lesser known artists over the years who have gone on to become firm favorites of mine.

Today, Shazam turns 20 and Apple says the service, which it acquired back in 2018, has now surpassed 70 billion song recognitions. To mark this major milestone, Apple has produced a special playlist of the most Shazamed songs of each calendar year for the past 20 years, and you can listen to them right here.

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Supply chains cybersecurity risks: Closing the protection gap

Supply chain attacks have been on the threat radar of many organizations and their security teams for several years. However, since the infamous SolarWinds attack in 2020 -- which led to widespread and damaging compromises of data, networks and systems -- the supply chain attack vector has taken on a new level of focus. Indeed, supply chain attacks, which have become an effective way for hackers to gain access to IT networks at scale, and as such, are among the most worrying cybersecurity risks currently facing organizations today.

Supply chain risks come in many forms -- from complex to relatively simplistic. The UK government’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey, which explores organizations’ policies, processes, and approaches to cybersecurity and is used to inform government cybersecurity policy, looked at this in its latest report. The 2022 survey reveals that just 13 percent of businesses review the risks posed by their immediate suppliers, with that number dropping to 7 percent for their wider supply chain. Possibly even more concerning, many organizations commonly perceive 'big tech' companies to be "invulnerable to cyber attacks".

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Securing the new hybrid education network

Even before 2020, connectivity played an important role in university life. In recent years, however, connectivity shifted from a mere convenience to a lifeline for students and universities. As these institutions built and expanded online remote access for their students, many from scratch, their IT departments were forced to shift their focus from on-campus networking to supporting a distributed global network to meet the new normal of education.

Although in-person teaching has now seen a welcome return, the wealth of online learning resources available, both on internal and external networks, are an invaluable asset to both teachers and students. Meanwhile, online retail, banking, health services, gaming, media, and more are mainstays of student life.

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