Articles about ChatGPT

With the launch of Bard Extensions, Google brings AI to many more of its products and services

Google Bard

The relentless march of AI shows no signs of slowing, and Google is eager to steal a piece of the actions from OpenAI's ChatGPT with its own Bard. It is with this aim in mind that Google has launched a huge update to its generative artificial intelligence tool in the form of Extensions.

With Bard Extensions, Google is achieving two things. Firstly, it expands the capabilities of Bard by letting it tap into the power and data of its other services including YouTube and Maps. Secondly, it makes the likes of Gmail and Drive more useful by harnessing the power of AI.

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Get '10 Machine Learning Blueprints You Should Know for Cybersecurity' (worth $39.99) for FREE

Machine learning in security is harder than other domains because of the changing nature and abilities of adversaries, high stakes, and a lack of ground-truth data.

This book will prepare machine learning practitioners to effectively handle tasks in the challenging yet exciting cybersecurity space. It begins by helping you understand how advanced ML algorithms work and shows you practical examples of how they can be applied to security-specific problems with Python -- by using open source datasets or instructing you to create your own.

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How organizations can safely adopt generative AI [Q&A]

Artificial intelligence

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT have been in the news a lot recently. While it offers many benefits it also brings risks which have led to some organizations banning its use by their staff.

However, the pace of development means that this is unlikely to be a viable approach in the long term. We talked to Randy Lariar, practice director of big data, AI and analytics at Optiv, to discover why he believes organizations need to embrace the new technology and shift their focus from preventing its use in the workplace to adopting it safely and securely.

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Countering the rise of AI criminals


As generative AI tools continue to expand, new doors are being opened for fraudsters to exploit weaknesses. Have you experimented with generative AI tools like ChatGPT yet? From beating writer’s block to composing ad copy, creating travel itineraries, and kickstarting code snippets, there’s something for everyone. Unfortunately, "everyone" includes criminals.

Cybercriminals are early adopters. If there’s a shiny new technology to try, you can bet that crooks will explore how to use it to commit crimes. The earlier they can exploit this technology, the better -- this will give them a head start on defenses being put in place to block their nefarious activities. If tech helps boost the scale or sophistication of criminal attacks, it’s extra attractive. It’s no wonder cybercriminals have been loving tools like ChatGPT.

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Researchers feel overwhelmed by errm… research

stressed overwork pressure

A new study finds that 66 percent of researchers are overwhelmed by the quantity of published work they have to review.

The survey, by research platform, of 500 corporate R&D workers shows that 69 percent spend at least three hours a week reviewing research documents, with 19 percent of those spending over five hours. AI could help to address this problem but is not being widely used.

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OpenAI is bringing some exciting new features to ChatGPT this week

ChatGPT and OpenAI logos

Artificial intelligence is not a technology that stands still, and the same is true of its users. As people have become increasingly familiar with AI tool, and used to working with the likes of ChatGPT, they are becoming more demanding.

In response to this, OpenAI has announced a number of significant updates that will be rolling out to ChatGPT over the course of the next few days. Among the changes are suggestions for initial queries to put to the AI, as well as recommended replies so you can delve deeper into your research.

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Understanding large language models: What are they and how do they work?


In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI). These sophisticated models are used widely in AI solutions, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, and have been designed to understand and generate human-like text, enabling them to perform various language-based tasks. People are incredibly excited by the potential of this technology which is poised to revolutionize how we live and work. However, to understand the true potential of LLMs, it is crucial that people know how they function.

LLMs, at their core, are neural networks trained on vast amounts of text data. They learn to predict the next word in a sentence by analyzing patterns and relationships within the training data. Through this process, they develop an understanding of grammar, syntax, and even semantic nuances. By leveraging this knowledge, these models can generate coherent and contextually relevant responses when given a prompt or query.

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Cybercriminals get their very own generative AI

We've already seen how generative AI can be used in cyberattacks but now it seems there's an AI model aimed just a cybercriminals.

Every hero has a nemesis and it looks like ChatGPT's could be FraudGPT. Research from security and operations analytics company Netenrich shows recent activities on the Dark Web Forum reveal evidence of the emergence of FraudGPT, which has been circulating on Telegram Channels since July 22nd.

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New tool uses AI to help ensure AI-generated content is fit for humans

Artificual Intelligence Bias

Experts reckon that over 90 percent of internet content could be AI generated by the end of the decade. But we all know that AI isn't perfect; it can introduce biases and errors.

Checking material to ensure it's suitable for the target audience is therefore essential. User experience research platform WEVO is launching a new research tool, WEVO 3.0, to ensure that AI-generated products and experiences are well received by their target human audience.

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When putting AI to work, remember: It's just a talented intern

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) models have been generating a lot of buzz as valuable tools for everything from cutting costs and improving revenues to how they can play an essential role in unified observability.

But for as much value as AI brings to the table, it’s important to remember that AI is the intern on your team. A brilliant intern, for sure -- smart, hard-working and quick as lightning -- but also a little too confident in its opinions, even when it’s completely wrong.

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The official ChatGPT app for Android is just days away -- but you can pre-order now!

ChatGPT for Android

The popularity of OpenAI's ChatGPT led to a seemingly endless stream of fake mobile apps popping up in Google Play. Now, a couple of months after the official app was released for iOS, ChatGPT for Android is due to land in the coming days.

OpenAI has announced that the Android version of the ChatGPT app is launching in the last week of July, but the company has not revealed a precise date. If you want to be sure to get hold of the app as soon a possible, you can pre-register, and it will be installed the moment it is released.

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How cybercriminals use ChatGPT for cyberattacks


Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots like ChatGPT have become a tool for cybercriminals to enhance their phishing email attacks. These chatbots use large datasets of natural language and reinforcement learning to create typo-free and grammatically correct emails, giving the appearance of legitimacy to unsuspecting targets. This has raised concerns among cybersecurity leaders, with 72 percent admitting to being worried about AI being used to craft better phishing emails and campaigns.

Chatbots can help cybercriminals scale the production of advanced social engineering attacks, such as CEO fraud or business email compromise (BEC) attacks. Additionally, cybercriminals may use AI-powered chatbots to scrape personal or financial data from social media, create brand impersonation emails and websites, or even generate code for malware such as ransomware. In particular, without AI, creating malware is a specialized task that requires skilled cybercriminals. However, the use of chatbots could make it easier for non-specialists to do this, and we can also expect AI-generated outputs to improve over time.

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Economic uncertainty drives digital transformation efforts

Digital transformation

Enterprises plan to invest $33 million in digital transformation projects in the next 12 months, according to a survey of 600 senior IT decision makers.

But the research, from database platform Couchbase, also finds a shift in priorities. 78 percent of IT decision makers confirm their main priorities for transformation have changed in the last three years, and 54 percent say their digital transformation focus has become more reactive to market changes and customer preferences, in order to help the wider organization stay agile.

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ChatGPT's role in the fake news phenomenon

Following its explosion onto the scene in November 2022, it has been hard to ignore ChatGPT. With the ability to answer questions, solve problems, and create content -- to name just a few of its competencies -- the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot can be hugely beneficial to businesses and employees. Whether used to avoid trawling the internet for the answer to a question, write a blog post, or simply inspire an idea for a new product, it can certainly help cut costs and save time and resources.

Yet, the use of ChatGPT has caused a lot of debate and controversy. One of the main areas of concern is around employment -- if AI can do the same, if not a better, job than humans, for a fraction of the cost, are business leaders likely to replace humans with this technology? Goldman Sachs has predicted that as many as 300 million full-time jobs could be diminished or lost to AI and automation technology. However, it is not as straightforward as some of the most pessimistic outlooks make it seem.

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Preparing the workforce for AI [Q&A]

Artificial intelligence isn't all that new, but recently the availability of tools like ChatGPT has catapulted it into the public consciousness. When it comes to introducing AI in the workplace though it's inevitable that some people will perceive it as a threat.

We talked to Khadim Batti, Whatfix CEO and co-founder, to discover how enterprise leaders can prepare their workforces for AI and overcome the challenges that it presents.

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